Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Polar PhD at British Antarctic Survey

Dear all,
Please see below two PhD projects related to ice-atmosphere interactions based at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge / UK.
Application deadlines are in early January for a start date in October 2019. Please forward to anyone who may be interested.
Thank you,
Markus Frey
Supervisors: M.M. Frey (BAS),  A. Kirchgässner (BAS), W. Schwarzacher (U Bristol)
Summary: The project objectives are (a) to establish the relationship of ice nucleating particle (INP) concentrations in polar air and snow and (b) to evaluate the century-scale atmospheric INP variability at a polar location, based on measurements of available ice core samples. In a first step the student will adapt and validate an existing droplet assay method to measure INP concentrations in polar snow and ice core samples. Then the student will quantify the modern air-snow relationship of INP, measuring INP spectra from air filter and snow samples. Samples will be available from the year-round sea ice drift expedition (MOSAiC) in the Arctic during 2019-20 as well as from Halley station in coastal Antarctica. And finally, the student will estimate the historic variability and trends of INP abundance over the past few centuries, from the pre-industrial to present day, by measuring INP concentrations in polar ice core samples held in the BAS archive. The atmospheric relevance and climate impacts of the inferred regional atmospheric INP record will be assessed based on a sensitivity study in close collaboration with chemistry and climate modellers at BAS.
Application deadline: 7 January 2019
Summary: The project main objective is to quantify variability and magnitude of sea salt aerosol (SSA) production in polar regions from a new  source associated with blowing snow above sea ice. A first step is to parameterise SSA production from blowing snow based on physical and chemical properties of snow and sea ice surfaces. To do this existing observations from sea ice cruises and satellite data will be used as well as novel lab experiments in the UEA sea ice chamber. In a second step, the blowing snow detection by satellite-based lidar will be validated and used together with sea ice maps and the new parameterisation to upscale SSA production to the Arctic and Antarctic regions. And finally, the sensitivity of SSA production from blowing snow and associated impacts on polar climate and air quality will be estimated under modern climate change scenarios.
Application deadline: 3 January 2019
Eligibility for both: NERC studentships are bound by the Research Councils UK Grant Terms and Conditions including residency and minimum qualifications. Doctoral Training in Environmental Research in the UK provides a useful summary of these.
For further inquiries please email maey@bas.ac.uk

Markus M. Frey, PhD | Atmospheric & Ice Chemist | British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET
Email: maey@bas.ac.uk |Tel: +44 (0)1223 221268 | Web: https://www.bas.ac.uk/profile/maey/
Visit our website www.bas.ac.uk | Follow BAS on Twitter and Facebook
NERC is part of UK Research and Innovation www.ukri.org   
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