Sunday, August 30, 2020

UK-Russia Arctic Links webinar

Dear members,


I’d like you make you aware of a coming webinar on UK-Russia Arctic Links on 14th September. The webinar is a unique opportunity to hear directly from Yugra State University’s leading researchers on the ongoing and future scientific projects linked to the Arctic and climate change and opportunities for fieldwork in West Siberia. Topics include environmental monitoring, paleo-climate reconstruction, peatlands & wetlands and carbon cycling. Anyone in the UK scientific community is welcome, and it would be great to get some student and early-career researcher attendance.


For more information, including the link to register, is here:





Holly Jenkins

PhD candidate, SPITFIRE DTP & Changing Arctic Ocean (NERC)

UK Polar Network President


National Oceanography Centre Southampton

University of Southampton Waterfront Campus

Room: 344/35

Phone: 02380598724 (ext. 28724)



Two days left! Apply Now! UKPN Public Engagement Training Opportunity


This is a reminder that the UKPN committee is pleased to be able to offer you free public engagement training and there are only two more days left to apply!

The training will take place from 10:30 - 16:30 BST (with a lunch break) on September 16th, 2020 and will be led by Dr Sophie Morris. It will cover the following:

Public engagement and impact
• Exploring public engagement in the research sector
• Defining impact in the public engagement sector
• Introduction to the project management framework
• Case study group work

Managing public engagement projects
• Project management tools and techniques
• Evaluating public engagement projects
• Case study group work
• Personal project plan introduction

Personal project plan sharing and reflections
• Finish personal project plan
• Opportunity to share and reflect on personal project plans with other colleagues
• Training wrap-up

If you would like to apply please fill out this form by the 4th of September, 2020:

We will notify you of your application status by the 7th of September and will expect participants to confirm their attendance prior to the 16th. 

Please get in touch ( if you have any questions about the workshop!

Kind regards,
Chloe Nunn
Seeking employment in the marine and sustainability sciences.

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UKPN Co-Festival Coordinator:

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Monday, August 24, 2020

Opportunity for underrepresented scientists to present at online festival


I wanted to pass on this link to Bio-Diverse Festival. It is designed to showcase the biology and conservation research by scientists who are from traditionally underrepresented groups in their field. 

They have a few options to get involved: present a pre-recorded talk, tag your work on Twitter, or submit a 'Day in the Life' vlog. The deadline is September 18th with the conference taking place mid October. 

You can also just attend as a guest - they will have a range of sessions and workshops! 

Chloe Nunn
Seeking employment in the marine and sustainability sciences.

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UKPN Co-Festival Coordinator:

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Apply Now! Public Engagement Training Opportunity with UKPN


The UKPN committee is pleased to be able to offer you free public engagement training. 

The training will take place from 10:30 - 16:30 BST (with a lunch break) on September 16th, 2020 and will be led by Dr Sophie Morris. It will cover the following:

Public engagement and impact
• Exploring public engagement in the research sector
• Defining impact in the public engagement sector
• Introduction to the project management framework
• Case study group work

Managing public engagement projects
• Project management tools and techniques
• Evaluating public engagement projects
• Case study group work
• Personal project plan introduction

Personal project plan sharing and reflections
• Finish personal project plan
• Opportunity to share and reflect on personal project plans with other colleagues
• Training wrap-up

If you would like to apply please fill out this form by the 4th of September, 2020:

We will notify you of your application status by the 7th of September and will expect participants to confirm their attendance prior to the 16th. 

Please get in touch ( if you have any questions about the workshop!

Kind regards,

Chloe Nunn
Seeking employment in the marine and sustainability sciences.

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UKPN Co-Festival Coordinator:

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Friday, August 14, 2020

UK-Russia Arctic Links webinar with Yugra State University - 14 September

The NERC Arctic Office, together with the UK Science and Innovation Network in Russia and Yugra State University are organising a UK-Russia Arctic Science Links Webinar on the 14th September 2020, from 1100 to 1200pm UK time.

Time: 14 September 2020, 11:00-1200pm UK time

Venue: Online (dial-in details to be circulated nearer the time)

Organisers: NERC Arctic Office, UK Science and Innovation Network in Russia and Yugra State University

Eventbrite registration link:


Join us for the webinar to hear directly from Yugra State University's leading researchers on the University's ongoing and future scientific projects linked to the Arctic and climate change. Topics  include: environmental monitoring, paleo-climate reconstruction, peatlands & wetlands and, carbon cycling. Discover the fantastic Mukhrino Research Station and hear about opportunities for fieldwork in West Siberia, and learn more about the region and what makes it a unique research environment.

Located in the north of West Siberia, Yugra State University is an exciting place for Arctic research. A member of the University of the Arctic, the University is home to the UNESCO chair on "Environmental dynamic and global climate changes" and manages its very own Mukhrino Research Station which is part of the EU Horizon 2020 INTERACT programme (details below).

The University has links with the UK science community and is keen to develop more. In February this year, ARCTIS2020 – a bespoke UK-Russia field course for early career researchers in the Russian Arctic – was organised in Khanty-Mansyisk, at the University and the Mukhrino Research Station, by the UK Polar Network and APECS Russia.

Dr Evgeny Zarov
Dr Nina Filippova
Dr Egor Dyukarev

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Webinar alert: 'Climate justice, Inequality & COVID-19' with Mary Robinson & Kumi Naidoo

Dear UKPN members,

The Glasgow Caledonian University Centre for Climate justice is hosting a webinar you may be interested in: Climate Justice and Inequality in the Wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic - a conversation between Mary Robinson (Chair of the Elders and former president of Ireland) and Kumi Naidoo (former Secretary General of Amnesty International).

The event will take place on Thursday, 10 September 2020 between 11AM and 12:30PM British Summer Time (BST).

For more information and to register, please visit the event page.




Holly Jenkins

PhD candidate, SPITFIRE DTP & Changing Arctic Ocean (NERC)

UK Polar Network President


National Oceanography Centre Southampton

University of Southampton Waterfront Campus

Room: 344/35

Phone: 02380598724 (ext. 28724)


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

UK Polar Network 2020/2021 Committee Positions Available!

Dear UKPN members,


I am coming to the end of my year as president of the UKPN, and our committee will change over in mid-September for the 2020/21 term. We have some positions available which we have outlined below with short descriptions. We welcome a diverse range of people, and all you need is some enthusiasm. Traditionally the majority of the committee are PhD students, but Post-docs, Masters Students, and non-academics are always very welcome too. If you would be interested in taking one of roles please email with a brief description of why you would like to take it on.


Being a part of the UKPN committee is a great way to expand your Polar network, hear about unique opportunities first and develop your soft skills, and of course it’s a lot of fun! We get a great bunch of people every year, and they represent the UKPN at national and international events alongside local officials, governments, and leading scientists. Each role with have a handover from the previous committee member and the new president and committee will support each committee member in their role. Roles are flexible with the amount of time they need as they are seasonal, but as a ball-park I would recommend planning for two hours per week in addition to the bimonthly meeting. The time can fit into your own schedule, and the more time you have to spare, the more you can volunteer for additional tasks.


Please let us know if you are interested by the 21st of August. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or email


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) officer

·         To monitor and  increase EDI both within our organisation and within STEM as a field. Will work closely with education and outreach to run a mentorship scheme, fund prospective students to attend university open days, and host undergraduates within our member’s institution.

Education & Outreach: festivals

·         Organise UKPN attendance at two UK festivals (e.g. Edinburgh festival, Bristol festival of nature), including applying for spot at festival, finding volunteers, planning activities and running stall at festival

·         This is a joint role with one of our reps staying on from last year, giving a head start in terms of planning

Education & Outreach: Antarctic Flags

·         A highly successful outreach activity where schools design flags for the Antarctic continent which are then sent south to researchers. This role will be to co-ordinate and deliver this project (registration of schools via google form, finding Antarcticans to take flags (electronically), and collating and sending back photos to schools)

Education and Outreach: Pint of Science

·         To organise a Pint of Science event - an informal series of interesting talks by researchers in a pub setting -  spanning three cities

·         These events have been highly successful over the last few years, and tickets have not been difficult to sell

Social media 

·         Manage our social media communications as well as the UKPN blog. We communicate through a large variety of channels including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Social media: website

·         UK Polar network WordPress posting, and updating website with events, news, etc.





Holly Jenkins

PhD candidate, SPITFIRE DTP & Changing Arctic Ocean (NERC)

UK Polar Network President


National Oceanography Centre Southampton

University of Southampton Waterfront Campus

Room: 344/35

Phone: 02380598724 (ext. 28724)