Thursday, June 27, 2019

FW: Research Data Management Training workshop for Early-Career Researchers

Hi Everyone,

Please see below for further information for a research data management workshop you may be interested in.


Best wishes



Ali Teague | Student Co-ordinator | British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

Email: |Tel: +44 (0)1223 221253


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From: Fremand, Alice C. <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 3:35 PM
To: Teague, Ali <>
Subject: Research Data Management Training workshop for Early-Career Researchers


Dear Ali,


I would like to advertise a training school opportunity about research data management for Early Career Researchers and Scientists (ECR) at BAS.  I would like to target ECRs in the Science team. What is the best mailing list to use or way to advertise this?


Some information/context about the training workshop:

The management and curation of research data is a very timely topic. All researchers rely on data they have themselves collected or that are the outputs of previous studies. Moreover, researchers are increasingly required to organize the long-term storage and access of the data used to obtain their results. As such, data training is highly relevant to budding scientists as they embark on their careers.


Thanks to a generous sponsorship of the European Geosciences Union, WDS (World Data System) is offering 24 seats for a Research Data Management Training Workshop for Early Career Researchers and Scientists (ECRs). The workshop will take place on 6–8 November 2019 at Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris, with accommodation and meals covered. There is also limited travel funding available.


The deadline for applications is 12 August 2019. More details about the Workshop, as well as the online application form, can be found on the following page: Data Curation and Management: Current Achievements and Future Challenges


Many thanks,



Alice Fremand | Scientific Data Manager (Geophysics Focus) | UK Polar Data Centre

British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB3 0ET

Email: | Tel: +44 (0)1223 221459


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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

SCAR Job Vacancy - Communications and Information Officer

Dear all,

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) is looking for a Communications and Information Officer!

The Communications and Information Office promotes SCAR's activities within the Antarctic research community and beyond. The successful candidate will play a key role in growing our social media presence, assist with preparations for SCAR meetings and conferences, and support the smooth running of the Secretariat. 

Job title: Part-time Communications and Information Officer
Closing date: 16th July 2019
Location: Cambridge, UK
Salary: £24,000 to £28,000 depending in qualifications and experience
Working hours: Half time position (2.5 days) with the possibility of increasing to 3 days a week
Fixed term appointment of 24 months, with possibility of extension.

Kind regards,



Alice Oates
Communications and Information Officer
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
c/o Scott Polar Research Institute
University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road
Cambridge CB2 1ER
United Kingdom

Office hours
Monday 13:00 - 16:30
Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00 - 17:00

Friday, June 14, 2019

Antarctic fast-ice nutrient data compilation

Dear All,

I hope this finds you well. Apologies for cross-posting.

I am compiling an Antarctic fast-ice nutrient database along with
Francois Fripiat, Klaus Meiners, Stefano Cozzi and Martin Vancoppenolle,
within the framework of the BEPSII research community (CliC, SCAR and

The overarching objective is to produce a database of nutrient
concentration and relevant auxilliary data from land-fast sea ice in
Antarctica and write an overview paper with all data
contributors/holders as co-authors. This paper would be similar to and
follow on from Fripiat et al. 2017
(, which
focused on macronutrients in Antarctic pack ice. Once collected and
compiled, the data will be publicly available in one database, most
likely associated with the ASPeCt database held by the AAD. We
anticipate that these data will be used for model evaluation and we hope
that the database will continue to grow in future as more data become
available. If you would like to contribute data to this initiative,
please use the attached sheet, save your sheet according to the title
format given (date_project_station_type), and send it to me at

In terms of timeframe, I am going to sea for the month of July and will
be travelling in August, so I will ask for data submissions to be sent
by the beginning of September. Data analysis, interpretation and paper
writing is planned for the autumn/fall semester with a view to
submission around the end of the year. If you would like to contribute
data, but this timeframe is problematic, please get in touch and we can
find a solution.

I am sending this email to key networks and contacts within major
observational Antarctic land-fast sea ice studies. I hope that you will
be keen to contribute to this project, and please distribute the email
to others who may be interested. Note that if you have already supplied
your data to Francois, Martin or Klaus for this initiative, there is no
need to resend as I have the existing database. If you are not sure
whether your data are already included, please feel free to email me and

Best wishes from Edinburgh,

Dr Sian Henley
Lecturer in Marine Science
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with the registration number SC005336.


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