Tuesday, May 25, 2021

SIOS Online Conference 2021 on Remote Sensing in Svalbard

Hello UK Polar Network!


The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) invites you to join us at the SIOS Online Conference, where applications of remote sensing in Svalbard will be presented. SIOS are consortium of 26 institutions from 9 different countries aiming to develop a regional observing system for Svalbard.

Conference Link: https://sios-svalbard.org/RS_OnlineConference2021

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsc-igpj8tHNBkcCL5jPMzt71cTByHTLm8

Dates: 8-10 June 2021


The conference will consist of ~50 talks with 7 keynote speakers, alongside a dedicated session for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to present their work. We will also host an open session of the Remote Sensing Working Group (RSWG) meeting, where you can get involved in discussions on the working group activities.


If that wasn’t enough, we will also be hosting dedicated social sessions, including a Svalbard quiz (jointly organized by the EGU Cryosphere, Oceans and Atmospheric Sciences Divisions) and a Gathertown event. To join the Gathertown, please express your interest in the registration process. You will receive additional information on how to join later.


We hope to see many of you there!


Best wishes,




William D. Harcourt

PhD Student in Physics

ECR Observer to the SIOS RSWG

Room 161, Telephone: +44 (0) 1334 463155

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, KY16 9SS


Twitter: @will_harcourt


Website: www.williamharcourt.co.uk


PhD Title: ‘The application of millimetre wave radar to the study of the cryosphere’

New Paper: Subglacial Controls on dynamic thinning at Trinity-Wykeham Glacier, Prince of Wales Ice Field, Canadian Arctic.

New Blog Post: Radar monitoring of snow in Scotland…during a pandemic!?



Friday, May 21, 2021

BAS Summer Research Experience Placements 2021

Hi everyone,


We have started advertising BAS projects for NERC funded summer Research Experience Placements (REPS) with our DTPs.  This year we particularly welcome applications from those from underrepresented demographic and diversity related groups in environmental sciences.


Projects are advertised as they become available here on the BAS website.


Best wishes



Ali Teague | Postgraduate Student Co-ordinator | British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

Email: alag@bas.ac.uk


Visit our website www.bas.ac.uk | Follow BAS on Twitter and Facebook



NERC is part of UK Research and Innovation www.ukri.org  
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Monday, May 17, 2021

Polar Resilience & Well-being Online Study

To whom it may concern,  

My name is Paul Burgum and I am a PhD student in Psychology at Durham University, working alongside Dr. Thuy-Vy Nguyen, Professor Dan Smith and Dr. Nathan Smith from Manchester University. 

I am writing to you as someone who might be currently operating, or in the last 3 years (March 2018 onwards) who has worked or completed activities in the Polar Regions (Arctic & Antarctic). This includes individuals who have been based in the regions to complete or support research/field work, and those completing physical expeditions.  

We are completing a study to investigate factors that are known to be associated with showing resilience and maintaining well-being whilst operating in these regions. In this research, we hope to better understand those factors that support successful adaptation to difficult circumstances such as operating in the Polar regions that are universal to all those operating in the regions and to distinguish differences that exist due to the type of work being undertaken.  

To complete this study, we are asking people to complete a short series of surveys that should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. All information on the study, such as how your data will be protected, your right to withdraw will be explained prior to completing the study. 

Furthermore, I would be most grateful if you would be prepared to share this letter of invitation with any other individuals or organizations who may also fit the criteria for the study.  

The link to complete the study is attached here:  



Yours Sincerely, 



Paul Burgum (He / Him) 

Durham Arctic PhD Researcher

Department of Psychology, Durham University 

Twitter: @pburgum

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/paul-burgum1979

Website: www.paulburgum.com



Friday, May 14, 2021

Volunteers needed - ATOM Festival - Respond by 24th May!

Hi all, 

It's your resident UKPN festival coordinators again! This time we are prepping some digital material for the ATOM festival taking place as a hybrid outdoor event June 11th to 13th. We are creating a quiz and some further polar resources which will be accessed via a QR code located somewhere in Abingdon during those three days.

We need your help with the following:
1. Have you created polar VR content which we could link to via a QR code which would be interesting for families to engage with? - if so get in touch please, as we'd love to collaborate with you.

2. Would you like to contribute a three minute video explaining your polar research in non-technical form (target audience is families)?

3. Would you like to help us create a quiz?

If you're interested in helping out with any of the above please email us by 9am Monday the 24th May!

Chloe & Eva

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 // www.mudskippermusings.co.uk

IOC-UNESCO Junior Consultant: c.nunn@unesco.org 
UKPN Co-Festival Coordinator: chloe.nunn@polarnetwork.com

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Thursday, May 13, 2021

FW: IAPETUS2 DTP REP Scheme 2021

For any undergraduate/masters students looking for a research experience placement, check out the email below and attached flyer:


Subject: FW: IAPETUS2 DTP REP Scheme 2021


IAPETUS2 DTP - Announcement of Opportunity for undergraduate Research Experience Placements


The IAPETUS2 DTP has been awarded 5 Research Experience Placements (REPs) by NERC this year. The aim of REPs is to provide short (6-8 week) placements for undergraduates who want to gain experience of working with a research group within the NERC remit. They are a great opportunity for finding out about research careers in the environmental sciences. 


We welcome applications from anyone considering a PhD, and in particular from students:

·       from underrepresented demographic and diversity-related groups in environmental sciences

·       looking to further technical or quantitative skills relevant for subsequent PhD applications.

Further information on the projects available, eligibility and how to apply can be found in the attached flyer and on the IAPETUS website:



Please pass this information on to anyone who might be interested.


The deadline for applications is Friday 28th May 2021      


If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact  contact.iapetus@durham.ac.uk, me  (sjro@bas.ac.uk), or Ali Teague (alag@bas.ac.uk).


Best wishes,




From: "CONTACT-IAPETUS D.O." <contact.iapetus@durham.ac.uk>
Date: Wednesday, 12 May 2021 at 17:23
Subject: REP Scheme 2021


Dear all,


Please find attached a flyer detailing this summer's REP scheme. The details are now live on IAPETUS website at https://www.iapetus2.ac.uk/research-experience-placement-scheme-2021/.


Please could you share the flyer as widely as possible, throughout all science, engineering, maths and social sciences departments in your institution and further afield to other contacts or institutions in your network. This will help us to increase our reach to include more students form under-represented groups, and hopefully increase applications from these groups.


If you have any questions or need any further information, please let me know.


Best wishes,



Rebecca Talbot

Doctoral Training Partnership Administrator

Faculty of Social Sciences and Health


Durham University | Arthur Holmes Building | Stockton Road | Durham | DH1 3LE

Tel: 0191 33 41023 | Email: contact.iapetus@durham.ac.uk



Follow us on Twitter: @IapetusDTP



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Dr. Stephen Roberts (he/him)  |  Quaternary Geologist  |  BAS-IAPETUS2 Academic Lead 

British Antarctic SurveyHigh Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET, UK

e-mail: sjro@bas.ac.uk  |  Wk: +44 (0)1223 221 339  |

BAS Website: https://www.bas.ac.uk/profile/sjro/ 

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3407-9127

Twitter: @roberts_sjr 


Replies to my emails are not expected outside of your own working hours.




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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

British Antarctic Survey / Permanent Senior Scientist positions

Good Afternoon,


The British Antarctic Survey part of the Natural Environment Research Council (based in Cambridge, UK) is recruiting for three permanent positions:

  • Pelagic Ecologist
  • Ice Sheet Modeller
  • Ocean/Climate Scientist


Apply here: https://www.bas.ac.uk/jobs/vacancies/


Closing date: 23 May 2021


The British Antarctic Survey aims to undertake a world-class programme of scientific research, and to sustain for the UK an active and influential regional presence and a leadership role in Antarctic affairs.


Join our world leading scientific community now!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Best wishes,




Cécilia Lemaire

HR Officer – Recruitment

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

Email: cecair@bas.ac.uk


Visit our website www.bas.ac.uk | Follow BAS on Twitter and Facebook



NERC is part of UK Research and Innovation www.ukri.org  
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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

WANTED - Female climate scientist for short interview

The below email came through via the PSCI-COM jiscmail and may be of interest to some of you!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Conrad Langridge <hello@conradlangridge.com>
Date: Tue, May 11, 2021 at 12:03 PM
Subject: [PSCI-COM] WANTED - Female climate scientist for short interview
To: <PSCI-COM@jiscmail.ac.uk>

Morning All,

My first email to the group, fingers crossed I have the right email address!

Curious.Earth are looking to interview female scientists from across the UK whose work has a positive impact on the environment. The interviews will be featured on our Instagram platform to help inspire the young female climate scientists of tomorrow.  

We will work with you to determine the interview format that you are most comfortable with, be that over the phone, via video call or a pre-record. 

The content will be shared on the @curious.earth.hq Instagram account and will be sponsored to ensure the post reaches a young female audience. 

We expect the interview to take less than 15 minutes. We are planning on running the interviews between the 17th and 28th of May 2021.

If you are interested in supporting please share your details with us here:

If you know anyone who may be interested, please forward them this message.

Thank you for reading,

Conrad Langridge Founder Curious.Earth

Example Interview Questions:

What is your name?

Where did you grow up?

How does your work help tackle climate change?

What is your favourite climate science fact?

What hurdles did you encounter on your journey?

What advice would you offer a younger you?


+44 7841 066 298

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Monday, May 10, 2021

Reminder: Abstract Submission to SIOS Online Conference 2021

Hello UK Polar Network community (and apologies for cross-posting)!


A reminder that the deadline for abstract submission to the 2nd Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) Online Conference closes on 15th May 2021. The conference will bring together researchers from across the globe to showcase their applications of Earth Observation, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation in Svalbard. This is a great opportunity for people at all stages of their career, but particularly Early Career Researchers (ECRs), to present their work to an international audience of researchers working in Svalbard and the Arctic.


The conference will be online via zoom and there will be plenty of opportunities to engage with exciting new science through talks, networking and social events. You will have to register with SIOS before submitting, but this will not take long to approve.


Submission deadline: 15 May 2021

Conference Dates: 8-10 June 2021

Link: https://sios-svalbard.org/RS_OnlineConference2021


We look forward to welcoming you in June!


Many thanks,

Will Harcourt, Shridhar Jawak and Maren Hansen



William D. Harcourt

PhD Student in Physics

ECR Observer to the SIOS RSWG

Room 161, Telephone: +44 (0) 1334 463155

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, KY16 9SS


Twitter: @will_harcourt


Website: www.williamharcourt.co.uk


PhD Title: ‘The application of millimetre wave radar to the study of the cryosphere’

New Paper: Subglacial Controls on dynamic thinning at Trinity-Wykeham Glacier, Prince of Wales Ice Field, Canadian Arctic.

New Blog Post: Radar monitoring of snow in Scotland…during a pandemic!?



Monday, May 3, 2021

SIOS Webinar: Terrestrial Research in Svalbard (Friday 7th May 2021)

Dear UK Polar Network!


The next webinar in the SIOS webinar series 'An anchor point to a drifting world' is going to be about terrestrial research in Svalbard. Join us to learn about current research on terrestrial biology in Svalbard as well as knowledge gaps.


Tentative Programme: (All times in CEST)

10:00 – 10:05 Shridhar Jawak (SIOS): Welcome and updates from SIOS-KC

10:05 – 10:20 Maren Hansen (UNIS/University of Bergen/SIOS): Spatial ecology of the Svalbard reindeer

10:20 – 10:35 Stephen Coulson (UNIS): The invertebrates of Svalbard

10:35 – 10:50 Karina Wieczorek (University of Silesia): Feed, breed & die - the amazing life cycle of Svalbard aphids

10:50 – 11:05 Maarten Loonen (University of Groningen): Why do barnacle geese migrate to the Arctic to breed?

11:05 – 11:20 Peter Convey (British Antarctic Survey): Integrated approaches to understanding Svalbard's terrestrial ecosystems

11:20 – 11:30: Open for questions


Date:  Friday 7th May 2021 (10-11:30 AM CEST)


For more details on the program and registration, visit our webpage: https://sios-svalbard.org/RSWebinarSeries.


Best wishes,




William D. Harcourt

PhD Student in Physics

ECR Observer to the SIOS RSWG

Room 161, Telephone: +44 (0) 1334 463155

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, KY16 9SS


Twitter: @will_harcourt


Website: www.williamharcourt.co.uk


PhD Title: ‘The application of millimetre wave radar to the study of the cryosphere’

New Paper: Subglacial Controls on dynamic thinning at Trinity-Wykeham Glacier, Prince of Wales Ice Field, Canadian Arctic.

New Blog Post: Radar monitoring of snow in Scotland…during a pandemic!?