Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Tomorrow: Navigating the Arctic webinar

❗❄Dear UKPN members ❄❗


Our fifth UK-Russia webinar will be held tomorrow, February 24th at 10:00 GMT / 13:00 MSK and will be devoted to discussing navigating Arctic fieldwork. We will hear from experienced researchers who have undertaken various Arctic fieldwork expeditions, and we will have a discussion afterwards.

Join us!


Zoom link


The webinar will be held in two languages ​​(English with translation into Russian)! We will also record the session and make this available on our UK-Russia website here:


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Webinar: Linn=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9Sys_?=Systematics Research Fund

Dear all,

The Systematics Association and Linnean Society will hold a webinar on the LinnéSys: Systematics Research Fund on Thursday 24th February at 3 pm GMT .

The joint fund of the Linnean Society and the Systematics Association, the LinnéSys: Systematics Research Fund provides grants annually for small-scale research and education projects in the field of taxonomy and systematics on any organism group from microscopic to macroscopic past and present.

The webinar will outline the remit, eligibility critieria and remit and answer all questions you may have.

Anne D. Jungblut
Grants and Awards Officer
Systematics Association

Monday, February 21, 2022

UArctic survey invitation - help us shape the Scotland's north2north framework for engagement

Dear UKPN, 

Looking for your help to target University staff and students with research interests in Arctic countries based in Scotland - I apologise for spam if you are not based in Scotland, otherwise really appreciate your help in distributing this invitation and filling in the survey. 

Please find below a survey invitation - this is a part of research aimed at development of Scotland's framework for engagement with the UArctic's north2north mobility program. We are looking for any students (including postgraduate students) who have been on student exchange programmes in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Russia, the US, or Canada or would like to go to one of these countries, and for university staff with academic interests in these countries. 

Survey links:
Please note that the deadline for survey responses is Thursday the 3rd of March. We would greatly appreciate your help in distributing this invitation to any colleagues / groups / mailing lists that you think might be relevant (the only requirement is to be affiliated with a higher education institution in Scotland).

Thank you very much in advance for your help!
Anna Gebruk, on behalf of Edinburgh UArctic team.

Dear Colleagues, 

We are writing to invite you to take part in a piece of research for the Scottish Government which has the potential to influence future engagement of Scottish higher education (HE) with research and universities in Arctic countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark (including Greenland and Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Russia, the US, and Canada).  
The Scottish Government wishes to understand how a framework for engagement with the UArctic's north2north mobility program might benefit staff and students of Scottish HE, their existing and future research interests, and exchange with other Arctic members of the UArctic network. 
This research is funded by the Scottish Government's Arctic Connections Fund and is being conducted by a small team of researchers based at Edinburgh Global, University of Edinburgh. As part of our information gathering, we are inviting academic staff with Arctic interests and students who have been on exchange to an institution in an Arctic country (or would like to go) from across Scotland to complete one of two surveys. 

What are the benefits of taking part in the survey? 
  • Scotland now has the second largest number of University of the Arctic (UArctic) members of any non-Arctic country. Despite this, there is not yet a framework which supports these institutions to engage in the north2north mobility scheme at UArctic.  
  • This project is scoping out what is needed to create a Scottish framework for all current and prospective UArctic members – potentially benefitting a wide range of staff and students from Scottish universities to engage with other UArctic members, but also allowing individuals from other UArctic member partners across the world to engage with Scottish universities. 
Please note, that the deadline for survey responses is Thursday the 3rd of March.  

If you are a member of university staff, please use the following link
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes and will include questions about your role, which institutions and department you are based in and engage with. The survey will cover your current and possible future research interests in the Arctic and engagement with institutions in that region, as well as mobility and barriers to students in your department engaging with institutions in Arctic countries. 

If you are a student, please use the following link:
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes and will include questions about which institutions you are based in and where in the Arctic you have exchanged to or would like to go for an exchange. The survey will cover your experience of exchange with an Arctic institution, how this benefitted your learning and development, if you would recommend the experience to another student, any barriers you may have encountered and whether you would consider a future exchange to an Arctic institution. 

  • How did you get my contact details? 
We aim to engage a range of stakeholders for this research and are using existing networks and email lists that have Arctic connections to disseminate our invitation to participate. 
  • Where can I find out more information? 
If you wish to know more about this research, please contact us at 
For more information regarding the north2north mobility scheme, please view the UArctic's website: 
Kind regards, 
Ashley, Rachel and Anna


Kind regards,

Dr Anna Gebruk

PhD in Environmental Science, Changing Oceans Research Group, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh

м. +44 (7471) 44-1813


University of the Arctic Researcher, Edinburgh Global

Vice President, UK Polar Network 2021/2022



Head of international collaboration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center 



The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th' ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.

Arctic Horizon Scan 2022

The Oxford University Polar Forum is pleased to announce the Arctic Horizon Scan 2022. 

What is it? A global call to identify Arctic research priorities for the next decade.

Rationale: The urgency of Arctic change demands that researchers look ahead, share perspectives across disciplinary divides, and understand how they can meet the needs of the future. 

Online Survey (launch: 21st Feb): We are inviting researchers of all disciplines, people from local and Indigenous Arctic communities, policymakers, funders of research, and all other stakeholders, to contribute towards the Horizon Scan by participating in this secure online survey, which asks participants to describe one or more topics that they consider to be priorities for Arctic research in the next decade. We welcome submissions about any topic, large-scale and local, natural and social. Please see our webpage for more details:

Oxford workshop (7-9th Sep): Save the date for a hybrid workshop in Oxford, 7-9th Sep 2022, in which we will distil the online submissions into sets of research priorities for the next decade. Based in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, the workshop will invite participation from researchers, Arctic stakeholders and indigenous rights holders alike. Please keep an eye on our website for updates.

Outcomes: The Horizon Scan will build towards a peer-reviewed report summarising the findings of the workshop and online survey. Through participation in the Horizon Scan, we hope that new cross-disciplinary connections will be made, and that different forms of knowledge (e.g. scientific and traditional) will be brought together.

Direct link to survey (Russian):
Contact: Sam Cornish; Marc Macias-Fauria

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Call for abstracts for session "Northern Lights -- Measuring and Using Light in the Arctic" at the UK Arctic Science Conference

Dear UKPNers,

We would like to draw your attention to the session "Northern Lights -- Measuring and Using Light in the Arctic" as part of the UK Arctic Science Conference taking place at Durham (UK) from 11 to 13 April 2022. Description of the session is as follows:

Extreme seasonality in the light climate is one of the defining features of the Arctic ecosystem. Light fields influence heat transport, ice melt, plant growth, animal behaviour and a host of other features of the Arctic ecosystem. Measuring and modelling the Arctic light climate remains an outstanding challenge in polar science. Increasing human habitation and exploitation is also changing the light climate through rising levels of artificial light at night. There are growing numbers of opportunities to develop and use light sensors to better understand different aspects of the Arctic ecosystem, including integration onto autonomous platforms and other long term observation systems. This session takes a broad view of the importance of light in defining and observing the Arctic and welcomes submissions where light plays a pivotal role in the nature of the study.

We would be delighted if you would like to submit an abstract to our session. Please feel free to share with colleagues who might be interested. The abstract form is attached. Abstract submission deadline is 28th February

More details on the conference here:  


Gaelle Veyssiere, Laura Hobbs and David McKee

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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Polar Impact Field Safety Survey: Action Requested

From: Robertson, Emma <>




The Polar Impact Network is seeking to develop an inclusive 'survival' guide as a resource for conducting polar field work. This resource will be housed on the Polar Impact website and can be shared among lab groups, research institutions, and field stations involved in polar research across the world. 


We have designed a survey ( to aid in the development of this resource that focuses on creating accessible, equitable, and inclusive field experiences, with a particular emphasis on the experiences and perceptions of polar field work from people who identify as racial or ethnic minorities. Survey results will inform the structure and the content included in the final product. 


We ask that you forward this survey to students/colleagues/technicians/community leaders who may have a unique perspective to provide, and thank you for any input that will help us better serve individuals affiliated with the wider polar community.


Thank you,

Emma Robertson and Caleb Walcott

Polar Impact volunteers

Victoria Dutch
PhD Candidate, Northumbria University
UK Polar Network Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer

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Monday, February 14, 2022

Volunteering Opportunity in June at Cheltenham Science Festival

Dear all, 

UK Polar Network festival coordinator Connor and I have had a UKPN workshop accepted for the Cheltenham Science Festival as part of their school's week in June. We are seeking an additional volunteer. 

If you are interested, please provide 1-2 paragraphs explaining your motivation: why you are interested in volunteering and how volunteering will help you accomplish your goals. You should also include details on where you are based. Unfortunately we can only accommodate 1 volunteer for this event and therefore the decision will be made based on motivational statements and geographic location. 

The festival will cover accommodation the night before (Thursday eve) and travel expenses within reason. 

The workshop will be run five times on June 10th in person in Cheltenham. Our plan can be summarised as follows:
The session will be an hour with a brief introduction to polar science in general followed by three core components. The first will be done as a whole group, the second two will be done as two groups who will then switch, and everyone will convene again at the end for some concluding thoughts. The three core components are:
1. Albedo effect experiment
2. Antarctic food web construction
3. Arctic v. UK climate and social impacts

If you'd like to do this, email me ( with your motivational statement by 5pm on the 18th Feb!

Kind regards, 
Chloe and Connor

Chloe Nunn

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UN Ocean Decade Science and Operations Officer: 
UKPN Festival Coordinator:

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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Opportunity - Polar Early Career Conference Committee Roles - Deadline 27th Feb

A message from last year's UK Polar Early Career Conference Chairs:

Dear Polar ECRs, 


Following the success of the Polar Early Career conference (PolarECC 2021) we are planning another conference this year, with potential for the event to be held in person. This conference will again aim to highlight the important work of postgraduate students both in and outside of the UK whilst highlighting career paths in the Polar environment.


As with last year, the committee is entirely ECR led and as such we are looking for volunteers to organise this year in order to continue the conference. I can say from personal experience this is an excellent opportunity to develop your organisational and interpersonal skills as well as expand your CV. These roles are open to all postgraduates; Master's students, PhDs and PostDocs. The aim of the PolarECC is to share our passion and knowledge of the polar environment and improve career prospects for ECRs, as such no prior experience in organising conferences is required.


Please see the details of the roles below. If you'd like to get involved or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Flo Atherden ( and Chloe Nunn ( Please indicate which role and which research theme you would like to help with. 


Committee positions: 

We are looking for two candidates to share the role of committee chair. This role will involve organising and chairing committee meetings, assigning roles and responsibilities during these meetings and overseeing the progression of the conference. We encourage volunteers from all backgrounds to apply for this role, including those who are just beginning their careers and those without experience. An induction, as well as advice throughout, will be provided from previous committee chairs. It is an excellent opportunity to develop your CV. Time commitment (0.5-3 hours per week as conference progresses). We currently have two volunteers (Chloe Nunn and Connor Shiggins) to support the logistics management of the conference and will work closely with the chairs throughout. 


We are looking for ECRs with expertise and interest in the following research themes to join our committee team

  1. Oceanography 
  2. Geology and Glaciology 
  3. Atmospheric sciences 
  4. Social science
  5. Ecosystems (biological and ecological sciences) 

These roles involve: attending committee meetings approximately twice per month, reviewing submitted abstracts within your chosen research theme, organising and guiding session chairs within your research theme. 


We are also looking for ECRs with a passion for equality, diversity and inclusivity to join our team.

This role will involve ensuring our communication and our conference is as inclusive as possible and attending committee meetings approximately twice a month.


Session chairs:

Finally, we are looking for ECRs to fill the positions of Session chairs. This role consists of chairing oral presentations during each of the talk sessions & helping out committee members with abstract submission reviews on the following research themes: 

  1. Oceanography 
  2. Geology and Glaciology 
  3. Atmospheric sciences 
  4. Social science
  5. Ecosystems (biological and ecological sciences) 


There are multiple volunteer positions available within each research theme. Session chairs would be responsible for: introducing speakers, keeping speakers to time, managing audience questions, supporting speakers with IT/screen share. Guidance on zoom hosting and meeting format will be given beforehand. The time commitment for this role is mostly effective in the immediate run up to the conference and during the conference itself.


Please circulate this call within your networks,

Thank you,


PolarECC 2022

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

New open access book: Antarcticness (UCL Press)

*** We apologise for any cross-posting***

UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a new open access book that may be of interest to list subscribers: Antarcticness, edited by Ilan Kelman.

Download it free:

This new title is a companion volume to 'Arcticness', edited by Ilan Kelman.
Download it free:



Edited by Ilan Kelman.

Free download:


'Antarcticness' joins disciplines, communication approaches and ideas to explore meanings and depictions of Antarctica. Personal and professional words in poetry and prose, plus images, present and represent Antarctica, as presumed and as imagined, alongside what is experienced around the continent and by those watching from afar. These understandings explain how the Antarctic is viewed and managed while identifying aspects which should be more prominent in policy and practice.

The authors and artists place Antarctica, and the perceptions and knowledge through Antarcticness, within inspirations and imaginations, without losing sight of the multiple interests pushing the continent's governance as it goes through rapid political and environmental changes. Given the diversity and disparity of the influences and changes, the book's contributions connect to provide a more coherent and encompassing perspective of how society views Antarctica, scientifically and artistically, and what the continent provides and could provide politically, culturally and environmentally.

Offering original research, art and interpretations of different experiences and explorations of Antarctica, explanations meld with narratives while academic analyses overlap with first-hand experiences of what Antarctica does and does not – could and could not – bring to the world.

Free download:

---------------------- | @uclpress


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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Antarctic Science Bursary: tips for potential applicants - 2022 and Q+A session

Dear UKPN members

In coordination with APECS, Antarctic Science are running a webinar to help potential applicants of the 2022 Antarctic Science International Bursary. This bursary runs every year and is for up to £6000 to support PhD or early career researchers to extend the scope of an existing research project. More details here: A great opportunity to get top-up funding for that exciting idea of yours!

The webinar will explain more about the bursary and advice on how to submit a successful application. Previous recipients of this bursary will share their experiences on the usefulness of this bursary in their research careers in Antarctic science. This will be followed by a Q+A session, where you can ask any bursary related question to our panel of past award recipients and members of the Antarctic Science bursary board.

The webinar will be at 3:00 pm (UTC) and again at 8:00 pm (UTC) on Friday, February 11th, please register here:

·        3:00 pm slot:

·        8:00 pm slot:

This webinar is open for everyone, but registration is mandatory!

Hope to see you on Friday!




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Norilsk - International Arctic Conference, April 21 - 22, 2022

The Fedorovsky Polar State University at Noril'sk, north-central Siberia, Russia, will hold the International Arctic Conference "8+" (IAC 8+) on April 21 - 22, 2022, dedicated to Russia's leadership of the Arctic Council. 

Working languages of the conference are Russian and English. Participation is free.
It is possible to participate online or face-to-face.

The sessions will be as follows:
- Environment, natural resources and biodiversity of the Arctic 
- Human health in the Arctic 
- Language, culture, art and history of the Arctic peoples 
- Socio-economic development of the Arctic 
- Experience and prospects of construction, operation of buildings and structures on
permafrost soils 
- Information technology and digital transformation in the Arctic 
- Modern mining in the Arctic 
- Electric power industry and automation in the Arctic
- Scientific capacity of the Arctic youth 

For anyone researching the Arctic this is an opportunity to make scientific contacts at Noril'sk, the second largest city north of the Arctic Circle.

Details are in the attached Information Letter.


Monday, February 7, 2022

Linn=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9Sys=3A_?=Systematics Research Fund

The joint fund of the Linnean Society of London ( and the Systematics Association (, the LinnéSys: Systematics Research Fund provides grants annually in the value of up to £1,500 for small-scale research and education projects in the field of taxonomy and systematics on any organism group from microscopic to macroscopic past and present.

It is eligible to request funding towards fieldwork expenditure, laboratory consumables, purchase of scientific equipment, time on analytical equipment and services for preparation of specimens, and cover of sequencing costs. It is possible to request funding towards publication of books, monographs and field guides.

Projects involving education, training courses or citizen science activities are eligible if they focus on taxonomy and systematics. Applications for education activities or training courses must include the target audience/s, approximate number of participants and anticipated learning outputs. Citizen science applications must describe how the project team will be working together and/or co-design with the public, as well as listing the desired outcomes.

An applicant must be a current member of the Systematics Association or Linnean Society of London. More information on guidelines provided here:

Deadline: 14 March 2022

Questions concerning the LinnéSys can be sent to

Anne D. Jungblut

Grants and Awards Officer

Systematics Association

"Ice-Ocean Boundary" Special Issue - submission deadline extended

Dear Colleagues,

We invite your submissions to a special issue in the Journal of Marine
Science and Engineering (JMSE), "The Ice-Ocean Boundary", for which the
submission deadline has now been extended to October 2022. Contributions
are welcome from a broad range of theoretical, modeling, field and
laboratory research into processes that affect the polar regions, including
but not limited to:

- Theoretical or numerical representations of boundary layers associated
with currents and/or waves at the ice-ocean interface
- Theory/modeling of shear and form drag on ice
- Field or lab measurements of ice-ocean boundary processes
- Lagrangian drift of sea ice forced by waves
- Temperature and salinity exchanges between ice and ocean
- The effects of algae, plankton, and other cold region biota on sea ice
material properties and the boundary layer
- Wave interactions with shore-fast ice
- The role of sea ice as a mediating buffer between the atmosphere and ocean
- Alternative representations of surface ice and its boundary processes
(e.g., viscous or viscoelastic layer, discrete element modeling, thin
elastic plates)

Each paper will be published online and made available shortly after it is
accepted, with the full citation available at that time. More information
and submission instructions are available at:


Dr. Mark D. Orzech
Dr. Jie Yu
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Guest Editors

P.S. Please feel free to contact me directly (<>)
if you are interested in submitting a manuscript. Some discounted
publication vouchers are still available.

Mark Orzech, PhD
Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7322
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529


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Next SIOS webinar: Updates from the SIOS-InfraNor project: 8th Feb, 10-12 CET

Dear UKPN members


We will conduct our next webinar tomorrow (8th February) during 10:00-12:00 CET. We will have six talks based on outcomes of the InfraNor ( project;


10:00 - 10:05: Introduction by SIOS-KC
10:05 - 10:20: Hans Tømmervik -  Results from three years monitoring of vegetation phenology and Sun-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) in Adventdalen, Svalbard
10:20 - 10:35: Åshild Ø. Pedersen - COAT and the ecological condition of Arctic tundra
10:35 - 10:50: Ketil Isaksen- Climatic gradients in Svalbard: weather stations in the COAT network
10:50 - 11:00: BREAK
11:00 - 11:15: Hanne H. Christiansen and Ketil Isaksen - Extending the Svalbard permafrost monitoring network
11:15 - 11:30: Ketil Isaksen - Upgraded weather stations at remote locations
11:30 - 11:45: Eirik Malnes - Snow measurements in Svalbard
11:45 - 12:00: Q&A


This webinar is open to everyone but registration is mandatory. More information on registration for this webinar is here:


Hope to see you tomorrow!


Best regards,


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