Friday, September 26, 2014

Fully funded short course in taxonomic skills and field techniques for freshwater ecology and quality

Dear UKPN,

The NHM is offering a NERC funded short course on taxonomic skills and field techniques for freshwater ecology and quality from the 9-13 March 2015 :

The fully funded course is about freshwater ecology and water quality designed for postgraduate students, postdocs and early-career environmental science researchers by the Museum's freshwater biology and biodiversity specialists.

The course will cover :

* taxonomy and identification of major freshwater groups (algae, macroinvertebrates, aquatic lichen, diatoms, other protists)
* how to use handbooks and keys for taxonomic identification and microscopy
* microscopy techniques
* sampling techniques, recording protocols for species lists, community assessment and monitoring
* data analysis methods, quantitative methodologies and experiments field design
* approaches to integrating taxonomic data and physical and chemical properties of freshwater aquatic habitats
* preservation of different aquatic freshwater groups for voucher specimens and long-term storage

There are 15 places available, priority will be given to NERC funded postgraduate students and postdoc. Further information and can be found here:

Application deadline is 28 December 2014.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.

Best wishes,

Anne D. Jungblut
Research Scientist
Department of Life Sciences
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5285

Thursday, September 25, 2014

School visit request: West Oxfordshire

Dear UKPN,

We've had an email from a primary school teacher in West Oxfordshire, who is keen for someone to visit her class and give a short talk and practical activity about polar exploration.

If you would be interested in doing this, please get in touch by replying to this email. We can offer help and advice to anyone interested who may not have much experience with working in schools. The school will also cover your travel expenses.

Please do contact me if you have any questions,

UKPN Outreach

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fwd: [APECS] Opportunity to join the SCAR AAA Steering Committee

Excellent opportunity from APECS...please see below. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: APECS information <>
Date: Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 10:31 PM
Subject: [APECS] Opportunity to join the SCAR AAA Steering Committee
To: apecs <>

Hi APECS members,

We have another great volunteer opportunity for one of you!

Astronomy and Astrophysics from Antarctica (AAA) is one of the Scientific Research Programmes of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), one of APECS long-term partner organisations. The objectives of Astronomy & Astrophysics from Antarctica are to coordinate astronomical activities in Antarctica in a way that ensures the best possible outcomes from international investment in Antarctic astronomy, and maximizes the opportunities for productive interaction with other disciplines. Their scope also includes astronomy from the Arctic, so someone with research interests in this area would also be eligible. More info on SCAR AAA is available here

We are looking for an early career researcher to join the Steering Committee of the SCAR AAA. Ideally this early career researcher would serve on the SCAR AAA Steering Committee until the end of 2016.

If you are interested in this opportunity and your research background would fit this group, please send a statement of interest, description of your research background and CV to by no later than 1 October 2014.

If you have any questions please contact

Best wishes


Apecs mailing list

Monday, September 8, 2014

Fwd: Early career scientist training opportunity

Dear UKPN,

A happy end of summer to all! We've been made aware of an early career scientist training opportunity in London on the 22nd October 2014 run by the Tyndall Centre at UEA. The deadline for applications is 1st October 2014. The workshop is called:


'Communicating Climate Change: A workshop to gain confidence, experience and knowhow


For more info, please see the website at:




Wednesday, September 3, 2014

PhD opportunities with Swansea Glaciology Group

PhD opportunities within Swansea Glaciology...


There are opportunities for postgraduate funding at Swansea University to start in January 2015 or October 2015. 

You can find details about Swansea Glaciology Group here:
The studentships to start by January are here:

The deadline is rather short - you must have a project and supervisors sorted by Monday 15th October if you are interested in starting in January so we'd encourage you to get in touch with your potential supervisor/s as soon as possible (see below for some broad areas of interest).

Please look at web pages for further details, our broad areas of interest are:

Tavi Murray - glacier surging and fast flow, measurement and modelling of Greenland outlet glaciers and fjords, glacier calving, ice streams, glacier geophysics, process modelling

Adrian LuckmanRemote sensing of glaciers and ice sheets, glacier dynamic change, quantifying glacier calving rates, Antarctic ice shelf stability, Svalbard glacier retreat rates, ice shelf and ice sheet melt monitoring

Bernd KulessaGlacier geophysics, groundwater and heat flow beneath ice sheets, East Antarctic ice-sheet dynamics, Antarctic ice-shelf stability, snow hydrology

John Hiemstrapalaeoglaciology (subglacial processes, glacial dynamics), ice sheet reconstructions, micromorphology of glacigenic materials

Ian Rutt - modelling of ice sheets and glaciers, calving processes and glacier hydrology

Swansea University, College of Science Postgraduate Scholarships Call 2014/15/16

There are scholarships available for Ph.D. students to start both in 2014/15 and 2015/16

The following guidelines should therefore be read with care.

A  - Ph.D. scholarships to commence in 2014/15

Details on the web here:

There are 5 scholarships available for the College to allocate. The conditions are 
  1. the studentships should be awarded to new research students
  2. the successful student should be enrolled and have started by the end of January 2015

B - Ph.D. scholarships to commence in 2015/16

There are approximately 20 scholarships to be awarded across the University as a whole, to be decided by a competitive submission with each College permitted a maximum of six bids. The exercise resembles those of the previous 3 years, but both the timing of the call and the application pro-forma (attached below) differ this year. As ever, the University selection panel would like to receive innovative and creative proposals aligned with University strategic research priorities. Further information guidelines are attached below. 

Ella Darlington
UK Polar Network

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Application to the Software Sustainability Institute's 2015 Fellowship programme is now open

A few UKPN members have been successful with this Fellowship in the past - check it out!

Apply at

What's it about
The Fellowship Programme run by the Software Sustainability Institute
( funds researchers in exchange for their expertise
and advice. The main goals of the Programme are gathering intelligence
about research and software from all disciplines, and encouraging
Fellows to develop their interests in the area of software
sustainability (especially in their areas of work). The Programme can
also support capacity building and policy development initiatives.

Each Fellow is allocated £3,000 to spend over fifteen months. The
funding is flexible to support activities that are beneficial to both
the Fellows and the Institute: for instance, to fund travel to
conferences, to setup and run workshops, to organise software
sustainability sessions at domain conferences, or to host, organise or
teach at Software Carpentry or similar training events.

Fellows are drawn from a wide range of areas, experience, and career
stages: visit to read more about who
have been awarded Fellowships in previous years.

The Fellowship is open to UK based applicants.

Who its for
If you are:

* a researcher who uses software,
* a developer who writes tools for scientists,
* a research software engineer who supports the work of researchers
with software,
* an advocate for best practice in software use for your research domain,
 * in a leadership role in projects or organisations that make heavy
use of research software,
* passionate about software in research in any way,

  ... then the Fellowship Programme will be of interest to you.

How to apply
Visit for more information about the
programme and how to apply. There are also detail of the upcoming
Fellows 2015 launch webinar on 12 September at 3pm which will provide
more details about the Fellowship Programme, and where you can ask
questions directly to the Institute's Community team and some of this
years Fellows.

We are looking for applicants at any career stage who can demonstrate
a passion for their area, the ability to communicate ideas
effectively, and a real interest in the role of software in research.

The Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship Programme is your
chance to be empowered to talk about software in your research domain
to a wider audience, network with others who share a passion about
software in research, and learn about key skills of benefit to you and
those you collaborate with - apply today!

Shoaib Sufi
Community Manager
Software Sustainability Institute