Friday, August 30, 2019

FW: MASTS 2019 UK-Russia Arctic Marine workshop 4 October

Hi UKPN members,


Please see an Arctic marine science opportunity below.


A bilateral Arctic marine science workshop is taking place at MASTS 2019 Annual Science Meeting.


The workshop has now been confirmed for 4 October, 9am-1pm, as part of the conference programme, Arctic marine science: current research and opportunities for engagement in the Russian Arctic  





Chelsey Baker

PhD Student

Co-President of the UK Polar Network



Office: 344/31

Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems

University of Southampton

National Oceanography Centre


SO14 3ZH



Thursday, August 29, 2019

ARCTIS2020 Announcement and Save the Date - February 2020!

Dear UKPN Members,


The UK Polar Network and APECS Russia are very happy to announce that after the great success of the UK Russia field course ARCTIS2019 the field course will be returning in 2020! ARCTIS2020 will be held in the fantastic Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugra) region of Russia in February 2020 – save the date. We will be announcing a call for UK and Russia ECR participants very soon!







Chelsey Baker

PhD Student

Co-President of the UK Polar Network



Office: 344/31

Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems

University of Southampton

National Oceanography Centre


SO14 3ZH


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Re: Job - Research Analyst to develop a Diversity in Antarctic Science Initiative. FCO-funded post at British Antarctic Survey.

Dear UKPN mailing list,


Please find a job advert below.





Chelsey Baker

PhD Student

Co-President of the UK Polar Network



Office: 344/31

Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems

University of Southampton

National Oceanography Centre


SO14 3ZH


From: P.S. Gill <>
Sent: 13 August 2019 16:03
To:; Baker C.A. <>
Subject: Job - Research Analyst to develop a Diversity in Antarctic Science Initiative. FCO-funded post at British Antarctic Survey.


Dear all,

Job - Research Analyst to develop a Diversity in Antarctic Science Initiative

To mark the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica, we're looking to hiring a Research Analyst to develop a Diversity in Antarctic Science Initiative! Successful candidate will deliver a strategy increase opportunities for under-represented groups in Antarctic Science. This is a Foreign and Commonwealth Office funded post at the British Antarctic Survey.

Keen to find candidate that has high emotional awareness (able to discuss sensitive topics and maintain trust), as well as great data analysis skills. You'll be working alongside me and other researchers at BAS and the Foreign Office to develop strategies to attract and retain talent from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities (BAME) which are currently under-represented across polar science. Open to both science and social science backgrounds.

It would great to re-tweet or share with any suitable mailing lists / networks!

British Antarctic Survey | WWF | Scott Polar Research Institute

Department of Geography

University of Cambridge

United Kingdom

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Call for abstract submissions: Southern Ocean Food Webs Session, AGU OCEANS 2020

Hi everyone,


I’ve been asked to spread the word about this session on Southern Ocean Food Webs at AGU, submit your abstract by 11th sept if you’re interested, and check out the AGU website for other polar sessions.






From: ICED <>
Sent: 07 August 2019 18:50
To: ICED <>
Subject: Call for abstract submissions: Southern Ocean Food Webs Session, AGU OCEANS 2020



*** Apologies for any cross posting****

***Please circulate to any interested parties***



Re: Session on Southern Ocean food webs at AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, 16-21 Feb 2020, San Diego, CA, USA


Dear Colleagues,


Abstract submissions to the AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020 are now open. We welcome submissions to a session on Southern Ocean food webs (, see below for details). The deadline for submissions is 11th September 2019





OB007 - Complexity, Connectivity and Change in Southern Ocean Food Webs


Changes in ice, ocean and ecosystem dynamics in the Southern Ocean are affecting biodiversity at all trophic levels, from plankton to whales. These reflect multiple drivers of change and the complexity and heterogeneity of ecosystems and ecological responses. Food-web processes are fundamental in maintaining the structure, functioning and resilience of ecosystems and hence in ecological responses to change. Improved understanding of Southern Ocean food webs is crucial for developing models to project the impacts of future change and informing decision making for conservation and management. An international and interdisciplinary approach is required to link studies of food webs with analyses of biogeochemical cycles and physical and chemical processes at multiple scales. This session is intended to bring together studies on emerging areas of research including the spatial and temporal variability and connectivity of food webs, food web resilience properties and biodiversity, interactions between pelagic, sea-ice or benthic food webs, importance of food-web processes in biogeochemical cycles (including carbon budgets) and combined effects of past and current harvesting and climate-related changes on individual species and their food web interactions. Presentations that report field, data syntheses and modelling studies that elucidate the structure and dynamics of Southern Ocean food webs are encouraged.


Nadine Johnston (British Antarctic Survey)

Andrea Pinones (Instituto de Ciencias Marinas y Limnológicas)

Eugene Murphy (British Antarctic Survey)

Eileen Hofmann (Old Dominion University)






Submissions for abstractstown halls, workshops, and auxiliary events are now being accepted for the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020,16-21 February in San Diego, CA. Help put us on a path towards a resilient planet!


Membership in AGUASLO, or TOS is not required to submit.



AbstractsSessions span a broad array of ocean science topics, and we especially encourage you to submit an abstract to an eLightning session, which is a three-minute oral presentation paired with a digital interactive poster. View the full list of sessions.


Abstract submission deadline: 11 September


Town HallsTown Halls provide a valuable opportunity for government agencies, academic programs, special projects, and other focused interest groups to gather input from the broader ocean sciences community.


Town Hall submission deadline: 18 September


WorkshopsWorkshops can be used to provide training on essential skills for scientists, science educators or science communicators. Previous workshops have focused on grant proposal writing, educational skill development, and public communication skills.


Workshop submission deadline: 18 September


EventsGroups may request meeting space for committee meetings, social events, or other small group meetings and auxiliary functions.


Event space request deadline: 18 September



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Thursday, August 1, 2019

UK Polar Network 2019/2020 Committee Positions Available!

Dear UKPN members,


Anna and I are coming to the end of our year as co-presidents and the UKPN committee will change over in mid-September for the 2019/2020 term. We still have a few committee positions available which we have outlined below with short descriptions. If you would be interested in taking one of roles please email with a brief description of why you would be suitable and enthusiastic to take on the role. Being a part of the UKPN committee is a great way to expand your Polar network, hear about unique opportunities first and develop your soft skills, and of course it’s a lot of fun! We get a great bunch of people every year :) Each role with have a handover from the previous committee member, and the new president and committee will support each committee member in their role.


Please let us know if you are interested by the 12th of August. If you have any questions feel free to contact myself, Anna or email


Education & Outreach (School visits/pen pals coordinator – one position available)

We have committed to carrying out 15 school visit/pen pals during 2019/20. The role involves responding to incoming school visit or pen pal letter requests, and finding volunteers from UKPN member base/committee to fulfil these. Essentially you link the school teachers up with the volunteer. This role will be to update our school strategy, help identify schools, plan activities to be carried out and coordinate volunteers.

Education & outreach (festivals organiser – one position available)

Organise UKPN attendance at 2 UK festivals (e.g. Edinburgh festival, Bristol festival of nature) before end of July 2020, including applying for a spot at festival, finding volunteers, planning activities and running a stall at the festivals.

      Education & Outreach (Antarctic Flags – one of two positions available)

A highly successful outreach activity where schools design flags for the Antarctic continent which are then sent south with researchers. This role will be to co-ordinate and deliver this project (registration of schools via google form, finding Antarctican’s to take flags (electronically), and collating and sending back photos to schools).


     ARCTIS2020 Organisers (one of two positions available + would be part of a three person UK-Russia Arctic collaborations UKPN team)

     To plan and organise the ARCTIS2020 field course, including managing the application process and co-ordinating participant and speaker attendance, planning course content, and course feedback. The project runs from September 1st until end of March 2020.


Many thanks,


Chelsey and Anna


Chelsey Baker

PhD Student

Co-President of the UK Polar Network



Office: 344/31

Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems

University of Southampton

National Oceanography Centre


SO14 3ZH