Wednesday, February 28, 2024

ASSW Speed Science Session

 Come and join us for our speed-science session! 

For all attendees of the Arctic Science Summit week (ASSW). Are you keen for a Sunday social?

Come and join a friendly bunch of early career researchers for an opportunity to meet, network and exchange ideas. You will be treated to talks from two polar guest speakers with a subsequent Q & A session. An interactive speed-science session will give you the freedom to share your science story during short, interactive bursts with other ECRs whilst simultaneously absorbing a variety of different research topics. Our vision is that this session will provide the chance to make contacts during a busy conference, with endless possibility for future support, overlapping research topics and new collaborations.

Join us for pints at a local pub to continue socialising πŸΊ

The event session is jointly organised by the UK Polar Network and APECS Iceland.

πŸ“Edinburgh, Scotland

πŸ“… Sunday 24th March


πŸ‘‹See you there! 

πŸ’»Virtual option to attend the talks via Zoom:
Provided closer to the time by the ASSW committee 

Please note, you must have registered for the ASSW conference with either a day ticket for Sunday 24th March or a full conference ticket in order to participate in this event

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ASSW Speed Science Session

 Come and join us for our speed-science session! 

For all attendees of the Arctic Science Summit week (ASSW). Are you keen for a Sunday social?

Come and join a friendly bunch of early career researchers for an opportunity to meet, network and exchange ideas. You will be treated to talks from two polar guest speakers with a subsequent Q & A session. An interactive speed-science session will give you the freedom to share your science story during short, interactive bursts with other ECRs whilst simultaneously absorbing a variety of different research topics. Our vision is that this session will provide the chance to make contacts during a busy conference, with endless possibility for future support, overlapping research topics and new collaborations.

Join us for pints at a local pub to continue socialising πŸΊ

The event session is jointly organised by the UK Polar Network and APECS Iceland.

πŸ“Edinburgh, Scotland

πŸ“… Sunday 24th March


πŸ‘‹See you there! 

πŸ’»Virtual option to attend the talks via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

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FW: 2 senior research associate positions for CHALKY at UEA - application deadline 11 March

Dear friends and colleagues,


Please see email below for two exciting senior research associate roles available at UEA with the BIO-Carbon program. I have included Carol Robinson and Dorothee Bakker in cc, so please contact them directly with any questions or further enquiries.


Best wishes,




Dr Sian Henley

Reader in Marine Science

Deputy Head of Global Change Research Institute

School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh


Co-Chair, Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)


From: Dorothee Bakker (ENV - Staff) <>
Sent: 28 February 2024 17:36
To: Sian Henley <>
Subject: 2 senior research associate positions for CHALKY at UEA - application deadline 11 March


This email was sent to you by someone outside the University.

You should only click on links or attachments if you are certain that the email is genuine and the content is safe.

Dear Sian,


See below.

Please, distribute to your networks and suitable candidates.



Carol Robinson and I  are advertising two senior research associates for CHALKY at UEA.

Both positions include participation in the CHALKY research cruise to the North Atlantic Ocean in May/June 2024 (Southampton 18 May – Aberdeen 30 June), subject to sea survival and an ENG-1 medical.



CHALKY: Coccolithophore controls on ocean alkalinity -

CHALKY is part of BIO-Carbon.



Senior Research Associate on Marine Biogeochemistry RA2173 (with Carol Robinson)

14 months, from 1 May 2024

Application deadline on 11 March 2024.


Role: We are looking for a Senior Research Associate (SRA) in marine biological research to work on a project investigating the role of coccolithophores in marine carbon cycling and how this might change in a warmer ocean. The post is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) as part of its BIO-carbon program, which aims to better understand carbon cycling and the biological carbon pump in the North Atlantic. The project is looking specifically at Challenge 1 of BIO-carbon, and how the respiration of coccolithophores and bacteria influence carbon cycling and air-sea fluxes of carbon dioxide. The SRA will be responsible for at-sea measurements of the respiration of different size classes of the plankton using standard and novel techniques. The post holder will be expected to participate in a field campaign planned for May-June 2024 onboard one of NERCs state-of-the-art research ships. During the field campaign and on return to the laboratory, the SRA will be responsible for working with the wider BIO-carbon team and close collaborators to process samples and analyse and write up the data.



Senior Research Associate on Marine Carbonate Chemistry RA2204 (with Dorothee Bakker)

12 months, from 1 May 2024

Application deadline on 11 March 2024.


Project, activities and skills: You will be associated with the BIO-Carbon CHALKY (Coccolithophore controls on ocean alkalinity) project. Activities will include shipboard field work, laboratory work and data interpretation to determine marine carbonate chemistry and CO2 air-sea fluxes. Advanced skills in carbonate chemistry analysis and air-sea CO2 quantification are desirable, as is competence in Python, Matlab, R or similar software.


By all means send candidates with questions in my direction.


Kind regards,




Dorothee C. E. Bakker

Associate Professor in Marine Biogeochemistry

Centre for Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

School of Environmental Sciences

University of East Anglia

Norwich NR4 7TK, UK

Tel 0044 1603 592648



Gold (Teaching Excellence Frameworks 2017-2021)

World Top 200 (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020)

UK Top 25 (The Times/Sunday Times 2020 and Complete University Guide 2020)

World Top 50 for research citations (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020)

Athena SWAN Silver Award holder in recognition of advancement of gender equality for all (Advance HE 2019)


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

UK Antarctic Heritage Trust vacancies



We’re looking for a Base Leader, Shop Manager and three General Assistants to make up a team that will spend up to five months living and working at Port Lockroy in Antarctica.


For further information and to apply, please visit Deadline for applications is 18 March.


Please share with anyone who may be interested.


Kind regards




Heather Barrable | Development and Content Officer


UK Antarctic Heritage Trust

High Cross | Madingley Road | Cambridge | CB3 0ET | UK

+44 1223 355049 ext 209   


From secret mission to penguin post office and on to the next chapter


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Join Us at Arctic Science Summit Week in Edinburgh next month - Register Now!

Dear UKPN, 

Below you will find a reminder to register for Arctic Science Summit Week - one of largest international Arctic conferences, this year - first time - coming to Scotland on 21-29 March 2024.
Please note that we will also gratefully accept more volunteers in the conference team - if anyone is interested to volunteer, please fill in this form: In exchange for a day of volunteering, you will get a free day-ticket to attend other events during the conference.  Students and staff welcome. Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any questions!

Thanks in advance for helping us to spread the word. 

Best wishes, 

Dear Colleagues,

Rather unbelievably, but we are now less than a month away from the start of the Arctic Science Week 2024 and we cannot wait to welcome you in Edinburgh or online!

A kind reminder, that in-person registrations close on 7 March and online registrations close on 18 March – please make sure to register by the deadline to avoid any disappointment. Please note that you will not be able to register via the registration website after the deadline*.

In addition to the full meetings schedule, you can access our cultural and social programme at the ASSW website: We are thrilled to have an exciting programme with 9 full days of events and networking, >85 conference sessions, 21 exhibitors showcasing their work during the week, 5 social events, and 12 artists taking part in the cultural programme & plenary. We also hope that you will have an opportunity to explore rich cultural heritage and beautiful landscapes of Scotland during your stay, have a look at some recommendations for things to do in Edinburgh – from park rune to castle tours, to whisky tasting, Edinburgh has something in store for everyone!  

All registered participants will receive more detailed information about programme & online platform to access online meetings closer to the event.

We look forward to welcoming you to ASSW204 – stay tuned and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at Please feel free to share this email to any relevant networks and mailing groups. 

Best wishes,

ASSW Local Organising Committee

*Limited number of last-moment tickets will be available to purchase at the venue at a higher 'onsite' rate, but we cannot guarantee catering for onsite registrations and strongly advise all delegates to purchase event tickets in advance.

Kind regards, 
Dr Anna Gebruk

Project Manager, iAtlantic research project | Scientific Project Manager
Changing Oceans Research Group, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh

mobile +44 (7471) 44-1813


post: Grant Institute | James Hutton Road, King's Buildings, Edinburgh, EH9 3FE, UK 

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th' ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Fw: Survey of carers in UK higher education - reminder

Dear Colleagues
I am sharing this final call as we will be closing our survey of carers in UK HE at the end of the month. Many thanks to those of you who have replied.

To be eligible, you need to be employed by a UK-based university and to be a carer (broadly understood, including as a parent, for a friend, a relative etc.). Here's the link: The outcomes will help us to better understand the experiences of carers in higher education and to provide recommendations to the sector.
We have received ethical approval for this project and are happy to address any question.
Warm wishes

Marie-Pierre Moreau
Professor of Education - Education Research Lead -
CERII Director - ARU, Cambridge, CB1 1PT.   


Selected recent publications:   

Hoskins, K, Moreau, M.P & McHugh, E. (2023) 'From PhD to ECR: Supervisory relationships, precarity and the temporal regimes of academia', Access: Critical explorations of equity in higher education, 11(1), 47–62.  


Moreau, M.P. & Wheeler, L. (2023) Through a glass, darkly: Gazing into the field of carers in academia, Review of Education, 11,   


Hook, G., Moreau, M.P. & Brooks, R. (eds) (2022) Student carers in higher education: Navigating, resisting and redefining academic cultures. London: Routledge.  


Moreau, M.P. (2022) Performing the 'feminine' subject of education: Lessons from Matilda, in Kerger, S. and Brasseur, L. (eds) Gender and Education in Luxembourg and Beyond: Local Challenges and New Perspectives. Luxemburg: MΓ©lusine Press.  


Moreau, M.P. & Galman S.C. (2021) Writing/drawing care-based equity into practice: A research- and art-based collaboration about caring responsibilities in academia [Special Issue], Access: Critical Explorations of Equity in Higher Education, 9(1), 59-73, 


Henderson, E. & Moreau, M.P. (2020) Carefree conferences? Academics with caring responsibilities performing mobile academic subjectivities, Gender and Education, 32(1), 70-85,

Moreau, M.P. & Robertson, M. (2019) 'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'? Support to academics who are carers in higher education, Social Sciences [Special Issue: Family and Work: Parental Leave and Careers],  

Moreau, M.P. (2018) Teachers, gender and the feminisation debate. London: Routledge.


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Arctic health artefacts

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Taxonomic skills and field techniques for freshwater ecology and quality

Dear all,

The Natural History Museum, London,  is offering a 5-day course Taxonomic skills and field techniques for freshwater ecology and quality funded by NERC, 20-24 May 2024. This training initiative targets PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, early-career environmental science researchers and those working in biology, environmental and ecological sectors. The course will benefit those who wish to acquire or enhance their taxonomic expertise, practical identification and field work skills.

Venue and duration: The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London. Course delivery will be based within the NHMs Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity. The course will run for one week, from 9:30-17.00 daily.

Eligibility: The course is available to all environmental sciences students, postgraduate researchers and early-career scientists. Priority will be given to those with NERC funding or whose PhD award was NERC funded. There is a maximum of 15 places available. The course is sponsored by NERC, and all course costs, travel and accommodation costs are covered. Lunch and light refreshments will be provided each day. Travel and accommodation arrangements will be made for participants by our administration team.

How to apply: please download the application form provided and return by the CLOSING DATE: 1 March 2024.

Best wishes


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Seabird Group training grants

Dear UKPN members, 

Please find an opportunity with The Seabird Group below.

The Seabird Group offer training grants of up to £250 for individuals to use towards travel, accommodation and subsistence in order to undertake unpaid seabird-focussed fieldwork or volunteering. Training grants are aimed at people with limited or no previous experience with seabirds. Therefore, no previous seabird experience is required. Seabird fieldwork is often unpaid and can be expensive, but field skills are highly sought after and can be key for future career opportunities. We hope that this grant will enable people to undertake such activities who may not otherwise be able to afford it, and these grants are particularly aimed at people from marginalised and/or minority backgrounds and identities.
Deadline: 28th February. For further details, please see the 'grants' section of our website: or our application form:
For a paper form or any other enquiries, please email Lila Buckingham on



EDI Officer 2023/24

UK Polar Network (


Monday, February 12, 2024

Fw: NCAS Radar Course

Dear all,

This could be of interest for PhDs and PostDocs: NCAS's new "Introduction to Atmospheric Radar" course held in June at the University of Winchester (see below for more information and link to the course description).

Best wishes,


Dr Floor van den Heuvel

Cloud Physicist

CloudSense Science Coordinator

Member-at-large UK Polar Network

Atmosphere, Ice and Climate team

British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingly Road,
Cambridge CB3 0ET

From: <>
Sent: 30 January 2024 16:58
To: Thomas Lachlan-Cope - BAS <>; Floortje Van Den Heuvel - BAS <>
Cc: ryan.neely <>; 'Sarah Barr' <>
Subject: NCAS Radar Course
You don't often get email from Learn why this is important

Dear Tom, Floor,


We would be very grateful if you could help advertise NCAS's new Introduction to Atmospheric Radar course to your colleagues and networks. It will hopefully be taking place for a week in June at the University of Winchester in Hampshire:


It is primarily aimed at PhD and early career researchers, to provide the basic knowledge and skills required for researchers to use radar-derived atmospheric products within their work. The course will cover radar fundamentals, dual-polarisation, cloud radars, and wind profilers. Half of the time will be devoted to hands-on data activities based on open-access software.  


We have only had a few applicants so far so any help to publicise would be appreciated.


Best wishes,








Dr Lindsay Bennett

Radar Instrument Scientist

National Centre for Atmospheric Science

University of Leeds

+44 (0)113 343 1453 (office)

+44 (0)7753 294849 (mobile)


*My working days are Monday to Thursday


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