Friday, June 19, 2015

School visit request - Bristol

Dear UKPN, 

I've been contacted by a teacher in Bristol who would like someone to visit his primary school. He actually came to our Sea Ice, Shackleton, and Science workshop and thought his school class would love someone to come in and speak to them!

Please let me know if anyone would like to volunteer for this. As always, we can offer advice to anyone new to outreach, and travel expenses will be covered. 

Laura Hobbs.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Opportunity for polar scientists to join UK National Committee for Antarctic Research

Opportunity for polar scientists to join UK National Committee for Antarctic Research

The UK National Committee for Antarctic Research (UKNCAR) would like to invite expressions of interest from members of the UK polar community to join the committee. The UKNCAR promotes and co-ordinates the UK's interest in the activities of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and other areas of international Antarctic scientific activity. It is a committee under the auspices of the Royal Society, the national body representing the UK's interests to the International Council for Science (ICSU).  See for more information about UKNCAR activity.


The UKNCAR is a multidisciplinary committee with members representing UK scientific interests in Antarctica. Committee members are responsible for consulting with their disciplinary colleagues active in Antarctic research, to ensure that the Committee is informed by community science activities, concerns and potential future developments. Members include the UK Office Holders of SCAR, representatives appointed to the SCAR Standing Scientific Groups (SSGs), and the UK Delegate and Alternative Delegate to SCAR. The current Chair is Professor David Hopkins. Other members are co-opted from the UK Community to represent scientific interests not already adequately represented by the aforementioned members. The term of office is 3 years (April to April) with the possibility of one further consecutive term of office.


UKNCAR meets once a year at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge. Travel expenses cannot be covered by UKNCAR, so attendees are required to pay their own costs for attendance.  We are seeking to fill three places on the committee, starting in April 2016. Members will be selected by the UKNCAR. We aim for the committee to include expertise in as many areas of polar science as possible, from a good cross-section of UK science institutions. We expect to make a further call for members each year. Unsuccessful nominations from each year are encouraged to apply again. Experience of SCAR working groups would be helpful, and we welcome applications from those enthusiastic about fostering polar science within the UK community. The discipline member on the UKNCAR committee would be expected to represent the UK at biennial international SCAR business meetings (very limited travel expenses are available).


If you are interested, please send an email to explaining briefly why you are interested in joining the UKNCAR committee, including a short (<1 page) CV and what area(s) of expertise you could offer. Deadline of Monday 29th June 2015. If you are not sure whether this is for you, informal enquiries may be made to David Hopkins at

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Vacation Studentship @ BAS: Big Data GIS

Dear undergraduates and recent graduates of UKPN,

BAS has announced a summer studentship in GIS. The main focus of the role is to restructure and improve metadata for historical mapping and geographic information datasets. Closing date for application 28 June. More information in the link below:




TJ Young

President (2014 - 2015), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge

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