Monday, August 29, 2016

Fwd: UK Sea ice meeting *updates*

Dear UKPN,

This year's UK Sea Ice Workshop will be held in the Department of Earth Sciences at UCL on Tuesday 20th September (13:00 - 18:00) and Wednesday 21st September (09:00 - 15:00). 

This workshop is supported as a special interest group of the challenger society ( The workshop is an informal meeting of those working in the broad subject of sea ice (both hemispheres), and takes the form of short presentations, posters and discussion - an opportunity to meet up with others in the field.

The workshop and evening event will both be held in room G22 of the Pearson building (see jpeg attached and follow the red arrow for directions).

If you wish to attend and/or present at the workshop please email Michel Tsamados ( If presenting please send a title and a preference for oral/poster (posters should be A0 - portrait style).

Attendees are responsible for booking their own accommodation.


Friday, August 5, 2016

NERC studentship in geophysical instrumentation development

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for a engineering/geophysics PhD studentship between the University of Bristol, University College London and the British Antarctic Survey involving development of methods for wireless geophysical monitoring of the subglacial environment. I (TJ) am loosely working with this project and I can say that this will be investigating the "sexy" side of cutting-edge glaciological research! 

Please contact Dr. Lai Bun Lok (UCL; for more information about the project and application. 



Antarctic internship

Dear All,

Please see attached for a great opportunity to go to Antarctica! Best
suited to someone at the pre-PhD stage.

The opportunity is with Artem Krasnobaev at Wageningen University in the
Netherlands, but applicants can be based anywhere. Any questions or to
apply, please contact Artem directly.

Best wishes,
Dr. Sian Henley

NERC Independent Research Fellow
University of Edinburgh, UK

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Monday, August 1, 2016

NERC Policy internships

Dear UKPN,

Every year, NERC provides opportunities for policy internships for NERC funded PhD students to work for three months in one of a selected group of highly influential policy organisations.

Our own Sammie Buzzard has completed one of these and highly recommends it! You can read about her own experiences on her blog:



Fwd: ERCA 25th session

Dear UKPN,

Catching up with my email today so apologies for the flurry of notifications—this may be interesting to those in climate and atmospheric sciences…



TJ Young

Co-President (2015 - 2016), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge

We're social! 


Dear colleagues,

this is the second announcement for the 25th session of ERCA (European Research Course on Atmospheres) that will take place in
Grenoble (& at the astronomical Observatory of Haute-Provence) from January 11th, 2017 to February 9th. The course is intended to students
enrolled in PhD programs, young scientists and engineers from universities and public/private research institutes wishing to
complete their formation with a very complete research course related to Atmosphere, Climate and Climate change studies.

The 25th session of ERCA will specially explore the theme "from 25 years ago to 25 years forward" and will be organized around the following topics:

• atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric composition changes
• Earth climate system and the science of Climate change
• Earth Science system - Impact and society
• experimental techniques and research methodologies for the atmospheric sciences
• hydrology and precipitation: water cycle in climate change

It includes practical courses (lidar and other techniques for atmospheric observations) held at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (Southern France) and in Grenoble, and relies on a strong collective project centered on this years theme.

A number of speakers have confirmed their participation: Gael Giraud (keynote talk), Yinon Rudich, Peter Brimblecombe, Andreas Richter, Eugene Clothiaux, Markus Quante, Carlo Barbante, Ralf Ebinghaus, Yoav Yair, Filippo Giorgi, Philippe Kekhut, Anne Monod and Francis Codron

Can you please forward this announcement to doctorate students at your institute.

A limited number of student assistantships will be available in particular for students emerging countries


Information & registration at

Fwd: Royal Society Arctic event - 18 October

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for an invitation to a one-day conference hosted by NERC at the Royal Society with the theme: "Understanding the Arctic".
