Friday, December 30, 2016

Job opportunity: School Outreach Officer, Education Through Expeditions

Dear UKPN,

First off—hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season and the polar climate that set across the UK this week! 

Secondly—Education through Expeditions are (again!) advertising for a School Outreach Officer. The ideal candidate for this position should have a passion for the Polar Regions and come from either an adventure or science background and wish to share their Polar experience with young people. Is flexible in terms of working hours and efficient in communication with the outreach co-ordinator. This role might also include the further development of educational resources for schools.

Please contact to apply or for additional enquiries. 

Additional information is attached in the document below.

A merry New Year's Eve to you all,



TJ Young

Vice-President (2016 - 2017), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge

We're social! 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Systematics Research Fund

The Councils of the Linnean Society ( and the Systematics Association ( jointly administer the Systematics Research Fund (SRF) that provides grants annually for small-scale research projects in the field of systematics.

Typical activities supported include contributions to fieldwork expenditure, the purchase of scientific equipment or expertise (e.g. buying time on analytical equipment), specimen preparation (including the cost of temporary technical assistance), and contributions to publication costs. However, please note that it is unable to fund the cost of article publication charges. Projects of a more general or educational nature will also be considered, provided that they include a strong systematics component. Typical activities not supported include attendance at scientific meetings and contributions to student maintenance or tuition fees. The fund does not provide payments for Bench Fees. Projects already substantially funded by other bodies may be disadvantaged.

Applications of all nationalities are welcome but applicants must be a member of the Systematics Association or Linnean Society of London.

Successful projects are selected by a panel of systematists who represent a wide range of conceptual interests and taxonomic groups. Generally, applications in the range of £500-£1,000 are preferred, the value of any single award will not exceed £1500.

Deadline: 15 February 2017

More information on SRF on the Systematics Association webpage:

Questions about the application procedure can also be sent to the SRF Administrator (<>)

Best wishes,


Dr. Anne D. Jungblut
Research Scientist
Life Sciences Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5285

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Re: Funded PhD studentship on Snow-albedo climate feedbacks in boreal forests

Dear UKPN,
A competitive, fully-funded PhD studentship is currently being advertised on Snow-albedo climate feedbacks in boreal forests, at Northumbria University, UK.
Application deadline is 20 January 2017 (PhD start date is 2 October 2017). Full details and online application form can be found via:
This is an exciting opportunity for students interested in climate modelling and geospatial analysis. We are looking for applicants to have a strong scientific background in either geophysics, atmospheric sciences, physical geography or oceanography. It is desirable that applicants have strong numerical skills, including computer programming and data manipulation, although full training will be provided throughout the studentship to develop relevant skills. Depending on the interests of the candidate, opportunities to participate in fieldwork will be made possible to enhance the process-based understanding of energy and snow fluxes in forests.
Any enquiries, please email me at
Dr Nick Rutter
Department of Geography
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 191 227 4735

PhD in Arctic storm risk at the University of Reading

Dear Colleagues,
we are advertising a PhD project on Arctic storm risk with Insurance industry partner XL Catlin, in the Meteorology department in Reading:

A 4 year stipend is available for UK nationals and fees paid for EU nationals. 


Dr. Jonathan Day
AXA Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Department of Meteorology
University of Reading

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Fwd: Job/PhD postings

Dear All,

Please see below for opportunities in Edinburgh that may be of interest.

Best wishes,

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland <>
Date: 8 December 2016 09:59:36 GMT
To: Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland <>
Subject: Job/PhD postings

Dear All

1) Please see PhD studentship opportunity attached - The project would be based at mat HW in the lab of Dr Guttierez to investigate the formation of Marine Oil Snow (MOS) in NE Atlantic waters and to study the microbial communities associated with MOS particles.

2) University of Edinburgh are currently advertising a 3-year postdoctoral position and two fully-funded 3-year PhD studentships to work on the European ATLAS project ( Please do pass these links to candidates you may know and distribute to your wider networks. Details below.

Many thanks, Emma

Postdoctoral research associate in deep-sea biodiversity

We are looking for a PDRA to create new explanatory models of environmental drivers of biodiversity trends in the deep North Atlantic Ocean, and assess Good Environmental Status (GES) as part of the European ATLAS project ( The project will progress research on the biodiversity of Scotland?s seamounts, banks, continental slope and shelf but also at a site in the High Seas. The project will analyse both video/stills and faunal samples to create explanatory and spatially explicit statistical models that explain trends in deep ocean biodiversity across gradients in oceanography, bathymetry, geology and carbon flux. ATLAS is a multidisciplinary trans-Atlantic collaboration between Europe, Canada and the USA, and aims to develop an adaptive ecosystem-based approach to marine spatial management in the deep North Atlantic. This post is full time, fixed term for 36 months and is available from 1 February 2017; or as soon as possible thereafter.

Further details can be found here:

PhD project: Biogeographical patterns in the deep ocean: environmental, biological, and historical drivers in the North Atlantic?

The goal of the PhD project is to create a dynamic new deep ocean biogeographic classification tool depicting biogeographic patterns over space and time under present-day and under future climate change scenarios. This will be conducted through validation and refinement of the existing marine biogeography classification system for the deep ocean, GOODS (Global Open Oceans and Deep Seabed) tool developed by IOC-UNESCO (UNESCO, 2009), working closely with colleagues at the University of the Azores.

A special emphasis of the PhD project will be placed on the biogeography of fauna from complex seabed habitats such as cold-water coral habitats, cold seeps, hydrothermal vents, sponge grounds and Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) indicator species to validate GOODS with respect to benthos. The candidate will also be given the flexibility to choose an additional group of marine fauna to validate and refine the GOODs model. This could include migratory or sessile species, pelagic or benthic, from sharks to sponges, allowing the PhD candidate to validate GOODS in either the pelagic open ocean or deep seabed and to model the environmental, biological, and historical factors that shape this biogeography.

Further details can be found here:

PhD project: Physiology and carbon cycling of North Atlantic coral ecosystems in a changing ocean?

The goal of the PhD project is to assess the physiology and carbon cycling of key North Atlantic coral and sponge species under variable environmental conditions. This will be conducted through experimentation on live organisms in aquaria in Edinburgh, the Azores and Norway. Results will help inform how carbon cycling of these key habitat forming organisms changes under variable present day conditions and projected future conditions, to understand how carbon cycling in the North Atlantic may change.

The project will have a large fieldwork abroad component (up to a year), with research being conducted in research stations in the Azores and Norway, with further research opportunities on cruises within the ATLAS program. The scholar will be expected to be self-sufficient working in field stations abroad, and have previous relevant technical experience ideally including experience of marine aquaria and of experimenting on marine organisms.

Further details can be found here:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

IAI Antarctic trip; Nov 17

Hi all, 

We have been made aware of the possible opportunity below which may be of use to some of you.

Best wishes,

-------- Forwarded Message -------- 
FW: IAI Antarctic trip; Nov 17
Wed, 07 Dec 2016 21:17:38 +0000
Dear IAI Colleagues,
As you will have seen in my meeting notes from the IAI annual meeting held at SCAR 2016 in KL, I have been working on a plan to use Gondwana Station in Terra Nova Bay as a base for an IAI expedition to Antarctica (details attached).
If you are in any way interested in having one or more of your post graduate students participate in the expedition to Gondwana Station in November 2017, please forward an expression of interest to me as soon as possible.  Please note the cost involved. 
Best regards
Bryan C. Storey
Professor of Antarctic Studies
Director Gateway Antarctica
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
New Zealand
Tel; +64-3-364 2368
Fax; +64-3-364 2197
This email may be confidential and subject to legal privilege, it may
not reflect the views of the University of Canterbury, and it is not
guaranteed to be virus free. If you are not an intended recipient,
please notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of the message
and any attachments.
Please refer to for more

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Two PhDs in Physical Geography at Newcastle University

Dear Colleagues,
We have a number of studentships available in Physical Geography at Newcastle University through our cross-institutional NERC IAPETUS Doctoral Training Partnership, which has funds to award up to 12-15 studentships per year across 7 partner institutions. The deadline for applications is the 20th JANUARY 2017 for PhD students starting in September 2017. The available projects under this scheme are:
Iron Age palaeoenvironments of NW Scotland (Ref: IAP-16-10) CASE Award with AOC Archaeology
Any queries should be addressed to the supervisors of the project as advertised. Details of how to apply can be found at:
In addition, we will also have a number of opportunities available through the Research Excellence Academy, which has guaranteed funding for 2 PhD students in Physical Geography.
Many thanks,
Dr Rachel Carr
Lecturer in Physical Geography
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Newcastle University
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 191 208 6436
Sammie Buzzard
PhD Student- Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling
UKPN Vice President

Monday, December 5, 2016

School visit - St South East London



We have a request for a school visit to St. Winifred’s school in South East London for January time for two Year 1 classes learning about the polar regions.


If anyone would like to volunteer to do this, please let me know as soon as possible and I will put you in touch with the school. We have a lot of resources and outreach activities that can be provided for the visit such as talks and worksheets, if you should need them.


Many thanks








Michelle McCrystall

PhD Student

British Antarctic Survey and University of Cambridge


This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.

Friday, December 2, 2016

L'Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science Awards 2017

Dear UKPN ladies,
The 2017 L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science UK & Ireland Fellowships Awards Programme is now open for applications.
The Programme is open to any female early-career researchers working in the fields of life and physical sciences, engineering, mathematics and computer sciences. This unique award is designed to provide practical help to aid female post-doctoral in continuing their cutting-edge research. The fellowship can be spent as the fellow wishes; it could buy a piece of scientific equipment, help to cover child care costs or be used to fund conference travel.
For an application please visit by the deadline of 25th January 2017. If you have any questions or feedback relating to the For Women in Science Fellowship Programme please contact Karina O'Gorman, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, L'Oreal UK & Ireland on .

Best of luck, and happy holidays,



TJ Young

Vice-President (2016 - 2017), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge

We're social! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Two PhDs in Physical Geography at Newcastle University

Dear Colleagues,
We have a number of PhD studentships available in Physical Geography at Newcastle University through the Newcastle Research Excellence Academy (REA), where we have been successful in securing full funding for 2 PhD students starting in September 2017. The deadline for applications is the 13th JANUARY 2017. The available projects under this scheme are:
Any queries should be addressed to the supervisors of the project as advertised. Details of how to apply can be found at:
In addition, we will also have several opportunities available through theNERC IAPETUS Doctoral Training Partnership, which will be advertised soon.
Many thanks,
Rachel Carr

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Funding opportunity UK-Canada Arctic partnership

Dear UKPN,

Please find attached an opportunity for to apply for funding (up £20,000) to to engage in Canadian-funded projects in the Canadian Arctic. This is aimed at post-doctoral level applicants and above. The deadline for applications is 13 January 2017.

If you want further details or information, please contact Henry Burgess ( at the NERC Arctic Office.

Kind regards,
Kyle Mayers

Fwd: [Planktonnet] Graduate studentship: University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK (UK and EU students only)

Dear UKPN, 

Please see below for a PhD position available at UEA, with some focus on Southern Ocean research. 

Laura Hobbs. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 'Nayar, Sasi (PIRSA-SARDI)' [planktonnet] <>
Date: 10 November 2016 at 04:51
Subject: [Planktonnet] Graduate studentship: University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK (UK and EU students only)


PhD - Marine Ecosystem Assessment in a Patchy World: Are AUVs the Solution to Quantify Zooplankton? (HEYWOOD_U17NERCI)
University of East Anglia - School of Environmental Science

Qualification type: PhD
Location: Norwich
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students
Funding amount: £14,296
Hours: Full Time

Placed on: 9th November 2016
Closes: 16th January 2017

No. of positions available: 1

Supervisor: Prof Karen Heywood

Project description:

Imagine that the food in your kitchen moved instantaneously from cupboard to cupboard. How would you plan your meals? This is the problem faced by governments trying to manage our fisheries. Monitoring marine ecosystems is costly, time-consuming and logistically challenging. This PhD project will assess the use of ocean glider-borne echo sounders for ecosystem assessment, and advance understanding of the drivers of zooplankton patchiness.

Traditionally, assessments of zooplankton are made by ship, by net or multi-frequency acoustic echo sounders. Instead, you will use echo sounders on autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and gliders. You will design glider missions using existing ship-based zooplankton data sets, and high-resolution ocean model output. You will test these sampling strategies on upcoming North Sea and Southern Ocean glider campaigns. You will use the acoustic data to estimate zooplankton density and investigate causes of patchiness, interpreting the spatial patterns in the context of the physical, biogeochemical, or bathymetric controls on zooplankton abundance and distribution.

This fully funded NERC Industrial CASE PhD studentship is a joint project between UEA, Cefas and British Antarctic Survey. You will spend time working with all three partners. You don't need to have experience of oceanography, marine biology, numerical modelling or acoustics, but you should be keen to learn. Some programming experience (e.g. with Matlab) would be beneficial. We will train you in the use of ocean gliders, seagoing multidisciplinary oceanography and data analysis. You will join UEA's NERC-funded DTP EnvEast, which will equip you with many skills for your future career.

Person specification: Minimum 2:1 - Oceanography, Natural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Physics, Engineering, or a similar numerate degree.

Funding notes:

This NERC Industrial Case studentship is funded for 4 years. An annual stipend of £14,296 will be available to the successful candidate who meets the UK Research Council eligibility criteria. These requirements are detailed in the RCUK eligibility guide which can be found at In most cases UK and EU nationals who have been ordinarily resident in the UK for 3 years prior to the start of the course are eligible for a full-award. Other EU nationals may qualify for a fees only award.


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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

E3 (Edinburgh) DTP PhD projects advertised

Dear UKPN,

PhD projects available through the E3 DTP based at Edinburgh are now
advertised online.

I would draw your attention to two polar projects in particular, which
are supervised by myself and others:

Arctic Ice Retreat and the impact on ocean fluxes
Dr Finlo Cottier (Scottish Association for Marine Science & University
of Tromsø) and Dr Sian Henley (School of Geosciences, University of

The role of climate-forced ice shelf melt in biological production of
the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica
Dr Dan Goldberg, Dr Sian Henley, Prof Raja Ganeshram (School of
GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh), Dr Dan Jones (British Antarctic

However, there are lots of great projects, so I would encourage you to
consider the full exciting range on offer!

Best wishes,
Dr. Sian Henley

NERC Independent Research Fellow
University of Edinburgh, UK

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Friday, November 4, 2016

ASSW 2017 Second Circular

Dear UKPN,

The Second Circular of the Arctic Science Summit Week 2017 (31 March - 07 April 2017, Prague, Czech Republic) has now been released, and registration for the conference is now open.

Please also note that APECS will be hosting a free 1-day workshop on the 2nd April (Sunday) as part of the Conference. Details will be released shortly, but keep this date in mind if you are planning to attend the conference!



Saturday, October 29, 2016

APECS 10th Anniversary Logo Contest

apecs logo webWe are celebrating ***APECS 10th anniversary*** in 2017!

In order to spread the good news and to emphasize the achievements of our organization, we would like to use a special APECS anniversary logo during the coming months. We would like to invite all members to design and create an APECS logo which features the 10th anniversary in 2017!

Send us a logo in .jpg, .tif or .bmp-format until 14 November 2016 to! The APECS Executive Committee will vote for the best logo, which will be used on APECS materials and the website over the next year. The winner will also receive a 200 Euro travel award to a conference of their choice within the next year.

The APECS logo in various formats is available on the APECS website. The orange colour is (RGB 241, 106, 34) and the Blue is (RGB 0, 77, 140), and the font used for the text is Optima Bold.

For questions, please contact

Friday, October 28, 2016

Exciting course on marine sustainability in Norway!

Dear UKPN,

This sounds like an awesome opportunity for any PhD student with a little funding:
Lectures and fieldwork on marine sustainability up in northern Norway. Always worth asking if they have bursaries too

Anna :)

Anna Belcher
PhD Student
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

Thursday, October 27, 2016

E&O Opportunity: Arctic Circle Making in Transit 2016

Dear UKPN,

This year, UKPN will be taking part in the Making in Transit Seminar Series at The Cube in Shoreditch, London (hipster!). This is a really cool project that investigates issues relating to the Arctic, the Anthropocene and creativity, within the context of 'making' or creating something in response to the environment. Check out the project here:

We are specifically looking for a couple early career researchers who want to present their research on the 8th December for the series! Please let me know if you are interested in participating. 

Specifically, the theme of the night will be centred around physical changes in the Arctic (i.e. ice shelves, sheets, caps, polar temperature patterns, oceanography, etc). If you are interested in presenting your latest research, this would be a great place to do it! If you're not a polar scientist but would still like to participate in the project, please do let me know as well--we have another event with Making In Transit in March that you can be involved in! 

All costs (transit, subsistence, etc) are covered under the project. 

If you haven't done much Education and Outreach before, UKPN has a wide range of resources to help you get started, and one of our committee can work with you to prepare your public presentation. 

Hope to hear back from a few of you!



TJ Young
PhD Student, University of Cambridge
Vice-President, UK Polar Network

Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731

We're social! 

PhD opportunity: Antarctic ice shelf collapse

Hi UKPN folks - 

I'm excited to let you know about a PhD opportunity here at the University of Bristol to study Antarctic ice shelf stability and collapse from modelling and observation. The PhD project benefits from a supervisor collaboration between me here at the University of Bristol, Hilmar Gudmundsson at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), and Steven Palmer at the University of Exeter. Along with the large, active research community here at the Bristol Glaciology Centre, the studentship is also part of the NERC GW4+ doctoral training program, which provides excellent interdisciplinary training and workshops and a postgraduate network. The student will be primarily based at the University of Bristol, with flexible internship time at BAS. As a final bonus, Bristol is a great city to live in!

The links below have more details. Please get in touch with any questions.

If you are looking for a PhD opportunity, I look forward to getting your application!
If you already have a PhD, please pass on this opportunity to the great undergraduate and Masters students you know!

Thanks so much,
Twila Moon

General information for applying:

Eligibility: Open to all UK and EU students! (Students from EEA countries may also be eligible).

Deadline for application: 6 January 2017.

Dr. Twila Moon
Lecturer (~Asst. Prof.) in Cryospheric Sciences
Bristol Glaciology Centre
School of Geographical Sciences
University of Bristol

School visit Dunbar

Dear UKPN,


We have had a request for a school visit for an upper primary school in Dunbar, East Lothian. The teacher Nicola Murray is teaching her p5 class about the Ice Age in Britain where the children will learn about glaciers, ice sheets and she would like someone to be able to talk to her students about what life is like in the polar regions.


If anyone would like to volunteer for this please let me know and I will put you in touch with the school. As always, we offer help and support for any outreach activities and can provide resources such as slides and worksheets to give to the school kids.


Many thanks




Michelle McCrystall

PhD Student

British Antarctic Survey and University of Cambridge



This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.

PhD studentships at Stockholm University

Hi everyone,

The Meteorological Institute at Stockholm University is inviting applications for PhD studentships.
Projects are on offer in the fields of oceanography, atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry.
More information and contact details for further information here:

The closing date is 21st November 2016.

Kind regards,
Kyle Mayers

Monday, October 24, 2016

Young Systematists' Forum 25 November 2016 NHM London


Friday, 25 November 2016, 9:30 am
Venue: Flett Lecture Theatre,
Natural History Museum, London, UK

The annual Young Systematists' Forum represents an exciting setting for Masters, PhD and young postdoctoral researchers to present their data, often for the first time, to a scientific audience interested in taxonomy, systematics and phylogenetics. This well-established event provides an important opportunity for budding systematists to discuss their research in front of their peers within a supportive environment. Supervisors and other established systematists are also encouraged to attend.

Prizes will be awarded for the most promising oral and poster presentation as judged by a small panel on the day.

Registration is FREE.
Send applications by e-mail to (<>), supplying your name, academic or contact address, stage of your career (MSc student, PhD student, postdoc) and stating whether or not you wish to give an oral or poster presentation. Space will be allocated subject to availability and for a balanced programme of animal, plant, algal, microbial, molecular and other research. Non-presenting attendees are also very welcome - please register as above.

Again the YSF will be held the day after the Molluscan Forum ( also at the Natural History Museum. This has been arranged so both meetings can be attended, although you need to register for each meeting separately.

Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail in English no later than Friday 28 October 2016. The body text should not exceed 150 words in length. If the presentation is co-authored, the actual speaker (oral) or presenter (poster) must be clearly indicated in BOLD text.

All registered attendants will receive further information about the meeting, including abstracts, by e-mail one week in advance. This information will also be displayed on the Systematics Association website (<>).

Dr. Anne D. Jungblut
Research Scientist
Life Sciences Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5285

GW4+ DTP Communicate with Confidence course - 15-17 November, Cardiff

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for a communications course run by the NERC DTP Hub.



Do you need to develop your approach to communication within the context of academia and industry?  Discover practical techniques for achieving personal impact in speaking compellingly about what you do?  Deepen how you interact constructively with others?
We are offering a three-day Communicate with Confidence course in Cardiff on 15-17 November split into enhancing confidence whilst delivering material at conferences, how to achieve success when preparing and producing video presentations and to develop skills in talking and listening to diverse audiences.
The cost of the course is £400 which covers all training, lunch and refreshments throughout the day but not travel and accommodation.  Further details of the course can be found at:
Further details of the course can be found at:
If you are interested in participating in this course, please contact and we will provide you with registration and booking details by Friday 28th October.  Please note that if you are not a DTP student then you will be unable to register using the links in the website.

Best Regards

The DTP Hub Team

Dr Andrew Rodrigues
NERC GW4+ DTP Manager
School of Earth Sciences
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ
Tel: 0117 954 5644

Ms Sara Tonge
NERC GW4+ DTP Administrator
School of Earth Sciences
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ
Tel: 0117 331 5297