Friday, October 29, 2021

SEARCH Co-Production Teams: Opportunity to be nominated by UKPN

Dear all, 

Currently,  SEARCH seeks nominations of scientific, Indigenous, and decision-making experts to serve on co-production teams. Each team will include a balanced mix of scientific, Indigenous, and decision-making experts.

Information here: 

Nominations may either be self made or via an organisation. 

We would like to give you both options. If you are interested in this opportunity please do one of the following:

  1. Self-nominate using the form linked on the webpage above (deadline 15th November)

  2. If you have worked with UKPN previously and would like to be considered for a UKPN nomination to the call please do the following:

    1. By 11:59pm GMT on 5th November, Provide responses to this form: 

    2. UKPN will review these submissions efficiently and notify our shortlisted candidates by 11th November that we will be nominating them using their responses provided

    3. UKPN will notify unsuccessful shortlisted candidates by 11th November and encourage them to self nominate if they still wish to

  3. If you have already self nominated, but would like to be considered by UKPN, please send us a copy of your responses to the SEARCH nomination form + no more than 200 words describing your previous involvement with UKPN and why you support UKPN. This should be done by 11:59pm GMT on 5th November. 

Our shortlist will be predominantly based on how you articulate your association with UKPN and why you support UKPN. Other answers will be used to submit the nomination to SEARCH and will be used by their team to assess candidates. 

Please note the deadlines above and we look forward to reviewing your applications!

Many thanks,

Chloe, on behalf of the UKPN Committee

Chloe Nunn

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

IOC-UNESCO Junior Consultant: 
UKPN Co-Festival Coordinator:

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Re: Polar Impact Takeover

Hello Everyone!

A message from Polar Impact:

Polar Impact is organizing a social media takeover beginning Friday, October 29th and running through November 15th in celebration of COP26. Invited polar experts and explorers will host our social media platforms for the day to discuss their work, answer questions, and engage with the public. There is a range of confirmed participants from across the globe taking part, from the first African woman to sail to the Arctic to the first Iñupiaq conservation biologist, as well as those outside of science such as an award-winning Indigenous filmmaker.

Please join us on Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #COP26xPolarimpact to stay up to date. The first takeover starts today, Friday 29th Oct with Dr Victoria Buschman on Instagram. More information on the line-up is available on our social media channels, and on the graphics attached to this email.

What is Polar Impact?

Polar Impact is an inclusive network of racial and ethnic minorities and allies in the polar research community. Our mission is to support, connect, and highlight the stories of Black, Asian, Indigenous, people of colour, and minority ethnic professionals in the polar research community. Since 2019, we have helped change the face of polar research. We illustrate the diversity of polar scientists and celebrate inspiring work in icy regions, facilitate activities to improve diversity in polar research through delivering invited talks and workshops, community building activities, skills seminars, science-art projects, and other resources, and provide support and encouragement to our community. For more information on Polar Impact or how to take action visit:

On behalf of the Polar Impact co-organizer team.

From: Maxine King
Sent: 29 October 2021 12:49
Subject: Polar Impact Takeover
Hello Everyone!

A message from Polar Impact:

Polar Impact is organizing a social media takeover beginning Friday, October 29th and running through November 15th in celebration of COP26. Invited polar experts and explorers will host our social media platforms for the day to discuss their work, answer questions, and engage with the public. There is a range of confirmed participants from across the globe taking part, from the first African woman to sail to the Arctic to the first Iñupiaq conservation biologist, as well as those outside of science such as an award-winning Indigenous filmmaker.

Please join us on Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #COP26xPolarimpact to stay up to date. The first takeover starts today, Friday 29th Oct with Dr Victoria Buschman on Instagram.

What is Polar Impact?

Polar Impact is an inclusive network of racial and ethnic minorities and allies in the polar research community. Our mission is to support, connect, and highlight the stories of Black, Asian, Indigenous, people of colour, and minority ethnic professionals in the polar research community. Since 2019, we have helped change the face of polar research. We illustrate the diversity of polar scientists and celebrate inspiring work in icy regions, facilitate activities to improve diversity in polar research through delivering invited talks and workshops, community building activities, skills seminars, science-art projects, and other resources, and provide support and encouragement to our community. For more information on Polar Impact or how to take action visit:

On behalf of the Polar Impact co-organizer team.

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Polar Impact Takeover

Hello Everyone!

A message from Polar Impact:

Polar Impact is organizing a social media takeover beginning Friday, October 29th and running through November 15th in celebration of COP26. Invited polar experts and explorers will host our social media platforms for the day to discuss their work, answer questions, and engage with the public. There is a range of confirmed participants from across the globe taking part, from the first African woman to sail to the Arctic to the first Iñupiaq conservation biologist, as well as those outside of science such as an award-winning Indigenous filmmaker.

Please join us on Instagram and Twitter and follow the hashtag #COP26xPolarimpact to stay up to date. The first takeover starts today, Friday 29th Oct with Dr Victoria Buschman on Instagram.

What is Polar Impact?

Polar Impact is an inclusive network of racial and ethnic minorities and allies in the polar research community. Our mission is to support, connect, and highlight the stories of Black, Asian, Indigenous, people of colour, and minority ethnic professionals in the polar research community. Since 2019, we have helped change the face of polar research. We illustrate the diversity of polar scientists and celebrate inspiring work in icy regions, facilitate activities to improve diversity in polar research through delivering invited talks and workshops, community building activities, skills seminars, science-art projects, and other resources, and provide support and encouragement to our community. For more information on Polar Impact or how to take action visit:

On behalf of the Polar Impact co-organizer team.

This email and any files with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the recipient to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient then copying, distribution or other use of the information contained is strictly prohibited and you should not rely on it. If you have received this email in error please let the sender know immediately and delete it from your system(s). Internet emails are not necessarily secure. While we take every care, University of Plymouth accepts no responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan emails and their attachments. University of Plymouth does not accept responsibility for any changes made after it was sent. Nothing in this email or its attachments constitutes an order for goods or services unless accompanied by an official order form.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

UK Polar Network - APECS Russia Collaborations in Arctic Science webinar

Morning all,

This morning's webinar will start at 11:00 BST! See below for more details

Does the word 'Arctic' fascinate you? 

Are you a UK/Russian scientist wanting to carry out scientific research in collaboration with Russian/UK scientists but don't know where to start? 

Perhaps you would like to strengthen the existing scientific connections?


Join us for a webinar series on how to establish and sustain UK-Russia scientific collaborations.


The first talk of series, "Collaborations matter!", is on 28 October 13:00 MSK - 11:00 am BST.

Zoom link:

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Marine Research and Education conference this Friday (online)

Hi All, 

On behalf of the conference organising committee, I wanted to take this last-minute opportunity to invite you to join the international sessions of the Marine Research and Education Conference this Friday (online) - I am hoping that either of the two sessions could be of interest to you:
  • Special session on biodiversity conservation in the High seas and Southern Ocean (9 am - 12:30 pm UK time)
  • Special session on biological fouling – long-term observations of fouling communities (2 pm - 5 pm UK time)
My apologies for the very short notice. There will be session recordings available on the website after the conference. 
Please also feel free to forward this to any colleagues who might be interested. 

I also attach some infographics with more details about the sessions. 

Best wishes,


Kind regards,
Anna Gebruk

PhD candidate, Changing Oceans Research Group, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh

James Hutton Rd, King's Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3FE

м. +44 (7471) 44-1813


Vice President, UK Polar Network 2021/2022



Head of international collaboration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center 



The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th' ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

PhD opportunity: BIOCAL

See below and attached a phd opportunity through Global biodiversity of marine planktonic calcifiers (BIOCAL). 

Dr Anna Belcher
Ecological Biogeochemist

British Antarctic Survey


From: Clara Manno - BAS <>
Sent: 26 October 2021 20:15
To: Anna Belcher - BAS <>; Emily Rowlands - BAS <>; Elisa Bergami - BAS <>; Laura Wilkie Johnston <>; Atherden F. <>
Subject: Fw: BIOCAL funded!

Can you please disseminate this PhD fellowship (in Barcelona) within your network?
This is a great opportunity for the students that want to get experience abroad.

From: Patrizia Ziveri <>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2021 6:29 PM
To: Clara Manno - BAS <>
Cc: Michael Grelaud <>; Graham Mortyn <>; <>
Subject: BIOCAL funded!
Ciao Clara,

We are happy to inform you that the project on Global biodiversity of marine planktonic calcifiers (BIOCAL) has been funded by our national funding agency. This project includes a North Atlantic latitudinal oceanographic cruise and we are looking forward to organising this with you likely in 2023 (in 2022 there is still a backup of cruises from the COVID lockdown period) but we will keep you informed about this. We would like to organise a kick-off meeting probably in Spring next year.

Also, we need your help to find a good student that can apply for a PhD fellowship associated to this project. Unfortunately we don't have very much time to find the candidate since the call will be open shortly.  Our university is under a serious cyberattack and most of the emails and all online platforms are not working so we had some delays due to this problem. If you know any student that can potentially apply, please ask her/him to contact us urgently.

I attach here the call with the details of the scholarship. The student should have done a master or have sufficient credits to enter in the doctoral program.

Best wishes,


In brief:

BIOCAL focuses on the three main planktonic calcifier groups (coccolithophores, foraminifera and pteropods), with modern assessments of climate change impacts to water column
counts and biodiversity patterns across major globally relevant working areas as the N. Pacific, Southern Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea, as well as a new oceanographic expedition in the N. Atlantic, each characterized by strong gradients in biogeochemical properties across oceanic frontal systems. We will also calculate the carbonate contribution based on these assessments, to better constrain the marine carbon cycle. Further, we will calculate biodiversity change rates from the sedimentary records of the same groups over key past timeframes, involving the pre- versus post-Industrial era, and the last deglaciation, to better frame the biodiversity change rates of modern times against important context.

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Re: UK Polar Network - APECS Russia Collaborations in Arctic Science webinar


This is very interesting, do you have any mail list for this?
I cannot be present on Thursday, but I am interested in collaboration with colleagues working in social sciences, culture and politics.

Ekaterina Sharova

On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, Rhiannon Jones <> wrote:

Dear UK Polar Network,

A quick reminder of this week's workshop webinar on establishing collaborations in UK-Russia Arctic Science on 28th October 13:00 MSK - 11:00 am BST! This webinar will be great for exploring collaborative potential between the UK and Russia in Arctic Science and will be an open discussion between early career researchers who have carried out UK/Russian collaborative projects. This is the first in a series of workshops helping facilitate UK/Russian collaborations for early career researchers! Come along and find out more! Zoom link:

Best wishes,

Rhiannon Jones

Does the word 'Arctic' fascinate you? 

Are you a UK/Russian scientist wanting to carry out scientific research in collaboration with Russian/UK scientists but don't know where to start? 

Perhaps you would like to strengthen the existing scientific connections?


Join us for a webinar series on how to establish and sustain UK-Russia scientific collaborations.


The first talk of series, "Collaborations matter!", is on 28 October 13:00 MSK - 11:00 am BST.

Zoom link:

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To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Fw: UK Polar Network - APECS Russia Collaborations in Arctic Science webinar

Dear UK Polar Network,

A quick reminder of this week's workshop webinar on establishing collaborations in UK-Russia Arctic Science on 28th October 13:00 MSK - 11:00 am BST! This webinar will be great for exploring collaborative potential between the UK and Russia in Arctic Science and will be an open discussion between early career researchers who have carried out UK/Russian collaborative projects. This is the first in a series of workshops helping facilitate UK/Russian collaborations for early career researchers! Come along and find out more! Zoom link:

Best wishes,

Rhiannon Jones

Does the word 'Arctic' fascinate you? 

Are you a UK/Russian scientist wanting to carry out scientific research in collaboration with Russian/UK scientists but don't know where to start? 

Perhaps you would like to strengthen the existing scientific connections?


Join us for a webinar series on how to establish and sustain UK-Russia scientific collaborations.


The first talk of series, "Collaborations matter!", is on 28 October 13:00 MSK - 11:00 am BST.

Zoom link:

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Monday, October 25, 2021

SIOS Webinar, 10:00-11:15 CEST on Friday 29th October

Hello UK Polar Network!


The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) invites you to join us on Friday 29th October for the next instalment of its webinar series:


“Radar Systems and their Applications in Svalbard”


SIOS are consortium of 26 institutions from 9 different countries aiming to develop a regional observing system for Svalbard.


Date: 29th October 2021

Time: 10:00-11:15 CEST

Webinar Link:

Webinar Registration:


We hope to see many of you there!


Best wishes,




William D. Harcourt

PhD Student in Physics

ECR Observer to the SIOS RSWG

Room 161, Telephone: +44 (0) 1334 463155

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, KY16 9SS


Twitter: @will_harcourt




PhD Title: ‘The application of millimetre wave radar to the study of the cryosphere’

Award Winning Video on Fieldwork in Svalbard (2021):


Looking for participants - Polar Impact COP26 Takeover

See below. If interested, email Prem Gill:

Victoria Dutch
PhD Candidate, Northumbria University
UK Polar Network Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer


Dear all,

Polar Impact is organising a Polar Impact COP26 Takeover, where invited members will guest host on our social media for a day during COP26 to post about their work and answer queries from the public. We have a range of participants from across the globe taking part including the first African woman to sail to the Arctic, an Iñupiaq Inuit conservation biologist, a Teochew Chinese American who studies krill poo and a Salvadorian polar oceanographer. Essentially, it's a chance for the public to meet polar explorers from across the world during COP26. If you're aware of anyone from a BAME/BIPOC background who is connected to the polar regions and may be interested in taking part, please do let us know. Participants do not have to be scientists or academics; we're keen for those who are in engaged in the polar regions in ways outside of academia to also be included.  

What is Polar Impact?

Polar Impact is an inclusive network of racial and ethnic minorities and allies in the polar research community. Our mission is to support, connect, and highlight the stories of Black, Asian, Indigenous, people of colour, and minority ethnic professionals in the polar research community. Since 2019, we have helped change the face of polar research. We illustrate the diversity of polar scientists and celebrate inspiring work in icy regions, facilitate activities to improve diversity in polar research through delivering invited talks and workshops, community building activities, skills seminars, science-art projects and other resources, and provide support and encouragement to our community. For more information on Polar Impact or how to take action visit:

Many thanks


British Antarctic Survey | WWF | Alan Turing Institute | Scott Polar Research Institute
Department of Geography
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom

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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

FW: Plymouth Marine Laboratory PhD Hybrid Open Day 2021

Hi everyone,


Please see below in case you know anyone who might be interested.


Best wishes



Ali Teague | Postgraduate Student Co-ordinator | British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET



Visit our website | Follow BAS on Twitter and Facebook



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From: Kim Quince - BAS <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 3:23 PM
To: Ali Teague - BAS <>
Subject: FW: Plymouth Marine Laboratory PhD Hybrid Open Day 2021
Importance: High


Hi Ali,


Is this something you could help promote or have any ideas where to circulate?


Many thanks




From: Suzanne Hawkins <>
Sent: 18 October 2021 13:17
To: Kim Quince - BAS <>
Subject: Plymouth Marine Laboratory PhD Hybrid Open Day 2021
Importance: High


Good afternoon


Our PhD Open Day will be taking place on 17 November 2021.   This event is open to all those seeking to apply for a PhD with Plymouth Marine Laboratory. We would be most grateful if you could please pass on the attached event details to your networks.


Many thanks




Suzanne Hawkins

Science Support Administrator

Corporate Affairs

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Prospect Place

West Hoe





Tel - direct dial:        +44 (0) 1752 633140 Tel - Switchboard:  +44 (0) 1752 633100

Fax:                              +44 (0) 1752 633101






Visit our website and follow us on Twitter @PlymouthMarine

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Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales, company number 4178503. Registered Charity No. 1091222. Registered Office: Prospect Place, The Hoe, Plymouth PL1 3DH, UK. PML Applications Ltd, , is the wholly owned subsidiary of PML, registered as a company in England & Wales, company number 4232750.

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FW: Associate/Senior Editors, Nature Water



Dr Anna Belcher | Ecological Biogeochemist| British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

Email: |Tel: +44 (0)1223 221598


British Antarctic Survey is a component of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

NERC is part of UK Research and Innovation  
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From: Elisa Bergami - BAS <>
Sent: 20 October 2021 10:07
To: BAS Ecosystems <>
Subject: Associate/Senior Editors, Nature Water


Dear all,


If you know someone that might be interested in the position, they are searching for associate / senior editors to join the Nature Water journal:


Best wishes,


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