Wednesday, December 16, 2015

School communications opportunity

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for details about engaging with schools through an online platform. Education Through Expeditions are looking for some "Polar experts" to answer questions from schoolchildren whilst they follow a live Antarctic expedition. A few of us in the UKPN did it last year, and it was really enjoyable (you don't need to be a total Antarctic expert, just be able to contribute to relevant questions on your topic - oceans/geology/fieldwork etc.)

Anyway, I'm happy to answer any questions on what it was like, but if you're interested in participating - just contact ETE directly (details below). Also looks like they've got some freelance outreach work available for anyone with some experience!

Laura Hobbs. 


Would you like to gain a science communication case study for your CV? Would you be able to help answer some questions from children and share presentations about the polar regions on-line? If so, we'd like to hear from you. 

Education Through Expeditions was set up in 2009 by Polar Explorer Antony Jinman and has delivered over 700 school visits both here in the UK and overseas. In addition to our school outreach work we have also built a digital web platform to increase our impact whilst also improving teachers knowledge of the polar regions. 

ETE Live Learning connects explorers and scientists with schools via a digital web platform, inspiring children and adults alike and educating them about the world around them. ETE does this by creating exciting and engaging activities and teaching resources linked to the National Curriculum at all levels for science and Geography, as well as cross curricular resources and activities.

ETE are currently working closely with a network of schools from Cornwall and Wales and we are looking for some willing polar mentors to volunteer to log on to our Live Learning Platform and help answer some of the children's questions (aged between 5 and 11). We would also additionally be looking for people that would like to share any blogs or interesting material that could inspire young children to take an interest in the Polar Regions and science. E.g. blog on what it's like being a Polar Scientist/why the Polar Regions are important/any video material that may be inspiring for younger children.

A profile will be created on our web platform for each Polar Mentor which will include a bio and a link to any personal websites. 

We also have freelance positions available within our school outreach team, so if you would like to earn some money and help us provide polar science workshops in schools, we'd love to hear from you. 

Should anyone wish to get involved please email Rachel Manning at or ring on 01752 588347. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Job vacancies at the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust

Hi everyone


We just wanted to let you know that we are now also advertising for an Antarctic Operations Officer with the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust. More information about this and other available jobs can be found on our website at


Many thanks,




Sarah Jackman
Office Assistant
UK Antarctic Heritage Trust
High Cross, Madingley Road
Cambridge, CB3 0ET
Tel: 01223 355049


Friday, December 11, 2015

FW: Job vacancies at the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust

Hi everyone


We just wanted to let you know that we are now advertising for a Membership & Engagement Assistant as well as a Product Developer & Buyer with the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust. More information about these jobs can be found on our website at


Many thanks,




Sarah Jackman
Office Assistant
UK Antarctic Heritage Trust
High Cross, Madingley Road
Cambridge, CB3 0ET
Tel: 01223 355049