Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Are you interested in volunteering for the EDIG project?

The team behind the Equality (soon to be Equity), Diversity, and Inclusion in Geoscience (EDIG) project are currently looking for volunteers who are interested in joining the team and helping to build on last year's activities.

If you're interested in joining, please fill in the form below, which will stay open until August the 2nd. We will be in touch with volunteers after this. We welcome people from all backgrounds and experiences, within and outside of geosciences, who want to contribute to making our community more inclusive and accessible. Please share this form with anyone you think would be interested in joining the EDIG team.

More information on the structure of the EDIG committee is outlined in the form.
Link to form:

Thank you,

The EDIG team

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Geoscience | EDIG
A time to listen, learn, and act.

For more information see our web page ( connect on social media: 
Twitter: @EDIinGeoInstagram: @ediingeoLinkedIn: @EDIinGeoFacebook: @EDIinGeo

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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Webinar: Community Response and Resilience to Disaster

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Fw: NERC Arctic Office Intern

See opportunity below

Dr Anna Belcher
Ecological Biogeochemist

British Antarctic Survey


From: Mailing list for NERC Changing Arctic Ocean Programme <CAO-ALL@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Nicola Munro - UKRI BAS <nalm@BAS.AC.UK>
Sent: 13 July 2021 17:09
Subject: NERC Arctic Office Intern
The NERC Arctic Office is looking for a confident writer/researcher to lead on the production of an end of programme report for the NERC Changing Arctic Ocean Programme. All applicants need to be available for 8 weeks over the summer/early autumn, but there is flexibility on working patterns. Applicants need to be based in the UK and the expectation is that this would be a 'remote' post rather than based in Cambridge. This is a great opportunity to gain experience of science/policy communication, engage with a wide range of partners and show your ability to deliver a high quality and influential product.

Closing date: 25 July.

Any questions…please contact Nicola Munro or Henry Burgess
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Special Issue: "The Ice-Ocean Boundary"

Dear colleagues,


We would like to make you aware of a special issue, “The Ice-Ocean Boundary”, which will be published by the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE). For this issue, we invite contributions from a broad range of theoretical, modeling, field and laboratory research into processes that affect the polar ocean regions, including but not limited to:


- Theoretical or numerical representations of boundary layers associated with currents and/or waves at the ice-ocean interface

- Theory/modeling of shear and form drag on ice

- Field or lab measurements of ice-ocean boundary processes

- Lagrangian drift of sea ice forced by waves

- Temperature and salinity exchanges between ice and ocean

- The effects of algae, plankton, and other cold region biota on sea ice material properties and the boundary layer

- Wave interactions with shore-fast ice

- The role of sea ice as a mediating buffer between the atmosphere and ocean

- Alternative representations of surface ice and its boundary processes (e.g., viscous or viscoelastic layer, discrete element modeling, thin elastic plates)


Manuscripts may be submitted until 31 December 2021.  (Note that each paper will be published online and made available shortly after it is accepted, with the full citation available at that time.) 


Additional information and submission instructions are available at:


Thanks for your consideration.


Dr. Mark D. Orzech

Dr. Jie Yu

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Guest Editors


P.S. Please feel free to contact me directly (<>) if you are interested in submitting a manuscript.  Some zero-cost and/or discounted publication vouchers are still available.


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Svalbard Science Conference 1 November - save the date

Dear All,

Please see below the announcement of a workshop under the Svalbard Science Conference on the 1st of November 2021 from our colleagues in APECS Norway and save the date if you're interested. 
We are pleased to announce that our application to the Norwegian Research Council for the "Research in Svalbard: An APECS workshop" which is a side event to the Svalbard Science Conference (SSC) was successful.

It will be held the day before the SSC on Monday the 1st November in central Oslo. There is a reasonable amount of funding available - keep your eyes open for further details including the event webpage.

Dr. Grace Shephard​

Researcher and Outreach Coordinator
Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED)
+47 22854085
University of Oslo, 
Follow us on social media: @CEEDOslo @ShepGracie
APECS Norway: @APECS_Norway  


Kind regards,
Anna Gebruk

PhD candidate, Changing Oceans Research Group, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh

James Hutton Rd, King's Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3FE

м. +44 (7471) 44-1813


Co-President, UK Polar Network 2020/2021



Head of international collaboration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center 



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Monday, July 5, 2021

Opportunity for Polar Marine Scientists/professionals - Call for Nominations to the Decade Advisory Board

I thought this may be of interest to some of you!


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From: Ocean Decade (2021-2030) <>
Date: Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 10:58 AM
Subject: Ocean Decade - Call for Nominations to the Decade Advisory Board
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The Decade Advisory Board will be a multi-stakeholder advisory body that will assist the Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO in performing its function as coordinator of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, 2021-2030 (the 'Ocean Decade').

The Board will report both to the IOC Governing Bodies and the IOC Executive Secretary. The Board's advice to the IOC Governing Bodies will concern strategic elements of the Decade implementation, such as reviews of the Decade progress in moving towards the Decade societal outcomes and on the research work in the domains of Decade challenges, identifying gaps and opportunities, advising on data stewardship strategies, the development of resource mobilisation strategies, and supporting the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework of the Decade. The Board will also provide advice and operational support to the IOC Executive Secretary to facilitate the endorsement process of Decade Actions, specifically at the programme level.

The Decade Advisory Board will comprise up to 15 expert members drawn from government, private sector, philanthropy, civil society, and the scientific community. They will serve in their individual capacity.  Five representatives of United Nations entities will also sit on the Board. 

The 15 expert members of the Board will be nominated through an open Call for Nominations.

The full Terms of Reference for the Board, the eligibility criteria for expert members, and information on how to apply can be found in the Circular Letter below and should be consulted before submitting a nomination.


Important Links:

IOC Circular Letter No.2848
(containing details of the Call for Nominations)

Nominations Form

For more information, please contact the IOC Secretariat via:*

*please include "Nomination for Decade Advisory Board" in the subject line.
Copyright © 2021, UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, All rights reserved
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FW: Opportunities for krill fisheries observers (MragRef:CN2362)

Dear members,


Please see the below paid opportunity to be a fisheries observer around South Georgia. If interested, please contact Steven Young ( as soon as possible.





Holly Jenkins

PhD candidate, SPITFIRE DTP & Changing Arctic Ocean (NERC)

UK Polar Network Vice President

Pronouns: she/her


Working hours: 9 – 6 pm Monday & Tuesday, 9 am – 1 pm Wednesday

Office: Room 344/35, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Phone: 02380598724 (ext. 28724)



A Norwegian krill vessel requires a fisheries observer to monitor fishing operations around the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. The fisheries observer will need to join the vessel in Montevideo for 4th August. It is expected that the deployment will be to the end of the season, around September or perhaps into October. 

Due to the necessity of making logistical arrangements beforehand, the role needs to be filled as soon as possible, and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis for suitable applicants. Early application is therefore encouraged.

Please note that, for contractual reasons, only UK passport holders can be considered.

Training is for two full days and will be done remotely. Exact training dates can be flexible upon agreement to the deployment, but will be arranged for as soon as possible

Eligibility requirements are as follows: 

  • UK passport valid until at least November 2021
  • Seamans discharge book (necessary for entry to Montevideo)
  • Sea survival certificate recognise by STCW (e.g. RYA sea survival) valid until at least October 2021
  • ENG-1 seafarer’s medical valid until at least November 2021
  • Degree in biology, oceanography or similar
  • At-sea experience. There is no specifically mandated number of days required but we normally look for about 30+. There can be some flexibility in this. 

For travel to Montevideo, a seaman’s book is necessary. To ensure it is obtained in time, MRAG will assist in obtaining one – that process will need to start asap. 

It is possible to obtain the sea survival certificate and at-sea medical after between being offered the deployment and departure.

Further details on the role are as follows: 

The course is for two days to cover generic aspects of being a CCAMLR fisheries observer (H&S, intro to the regulations governing CCAMLR fisheries amongst other things) plus specific training on krill deployments – the protocols, data-handling, species ID etc. We will also provide online access to material covering a broad introduction to CCAMLR and observer schemes.  

The role itself involves living and working on the vessel throughout the deployment. You would take measurements of the target species, i.e. krill, record bycatch such as icefish and invertebrates, and perform observations of marine mammals and seabirds to monitor their interactions with fishing gear. South Georgia is a sub-Antarctic island with spectacular scenery and wildlife, which does encourage many observers to come back to us year after year. 

We provide the necessary operational and safety equipment, with the exception of  steel toe-capped work boots. For hygiene and to ensure proper fitting, these are best provided by each observer. 

The at-sea rate is £105/day, rising to £120 after the initial deployment. Mandatory quarantine is £100/day (10 days in Montevideo, commencing on arrival) and transit is £65/day. 

Please let me know if you are interested, or if you have further questions. 


Dr Steven Young

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