Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New 'Lyell Centre' Appointments for Research Leaders - Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

Dear UKPN,

Apologies for the flurry of emails today! Read on if you have either recently completed or are about to complete your PhD...


Heriot-Watt University, the British Geological Society (BGS), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), and other collaborators are jointly launching the Sir Charles Lyell Centre for Earth and Marine Sciences in 2016 in Edinburgh, Scotland

The Lyell Centre's research themes are clustered in two main areas: Applied Geoscience and Ecosystems Science. Within both of these areas, there are more specific themes for appointments that we intend to make. 

Appointments will enhance existing expertise in these fields and be made across the academic scales from Professor through Associate Professor to Lyell Research Fellow level.

For more details, visit the announcement in Naturehttp://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/jobs/480987-research-leaders

Best regards



TJ Young
PhD Student, University of Cambridge
President, UK Polar Network

Email: tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731

Fwd: Geography Outdoors Spring 2015

 Spring Training Opportunities


 Geography Outdoors; the centre supporting 
 field research, exploration and outdoor learning
 Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 March 2015




Over the weekend 7 & 8 March 2015 Geography Outdoors will be running workshops for those involved in expedtions and field resarch. This will include an afternoon / evening event co-curated with the King's College Intrepid Explorers celebrating women in field research to coincide with International Women's Day. In the evening Emily Penn will be hosting a short talk and Q&A session before premiering her new 'EXXpedition' documentary. Courses over the weekend include:


This workshop is designed for students, researchers and professionals hoping for guidance on practical research approaches and particpatory techniques for working with local people on overseas field projects. This course is suitable those embarking on participatory research regardless of whether your research is people oriented or concerned with conservation, ecology or other activities.
Date: Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 March 2015                                      


Camera trapping allows researchers to gain an insight into wildlife behavious in some of the most challenging environments in the world. This one day workshop will look at the range of studies which may benefit from this survey technique and will cover how to set up a systematic survey in the field. 
Date: Saturday 7 March 2015


The one-day course looks delievered by Equal Adventure provides an introduction to disability and inclusion through exploring the practicalities behind running inclusive expeditions. This course is designed for providers and leaders who would like to develop a more inclusive approach to expeditions and fieldwork practice. 
Date: Sunday 8 March 2015
Saturday 7 - Sunday 8 March 2015
This year our popular GIS for Expeditions & Fieldwork workshop will run over two days. Delegates are welcome to attend for either one or both days:.
  • DAY 1 - Introduction to GIS for expeditions and field research - Join us on Saturday 7 March for a one-day introduction to field GIS. Learn the theory behind outdoor GIS applications and watch practical demos in GIS equipment, GPS and GIS software.
  • DAY 2 - Doing field GIS - Sunday 8 March. This second day is a more 'hands-on' experience ideal for those planning or recently returned from a field research project. Practical execises will be used to develop effective project plans and practical fieldwork skills.  
Course fees vary, for more details please visit www.rgs.org/GOSeminars                                  


Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 March 2015 
This two- day course is for those going on expeditions to remote parts of the world where medical help is not readily available. The weekend will consist of discission, lectures, workshops and practical sessions.


Price: Student £156, Standard Early Bird £200 (before 6 February 2015)


For more information, please visit: www.rgs.org/goseminars


Plan and manage successful and safe fieldwork programmes by attending our popular Off-site Safety Management course, or the BS 8849 compliance workshop on Friday 27 February.


Any teachers leading  expeditions and fieldwork overseas should consider attending the CPD session on Wednesdy 25 February 2015.





For further details on our range of courses, information on fees and to book:


Contact Geography Outdoors -
W: www.rgs.org/GOSeminars  E: go@rgs.org  T:020 7591 3030









This message was sent from Geography Outdoors: the centre supporting field research, exploration and outdoor learning to tjy22@cam.ac.uk. It was sent from: go@rgs.org, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), 1 Kensington Gore, London, UK SW7 2AR, United Kingdom. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.Royal Geogrphic Society


Re: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi All.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the last UKPN social sciences meeting, which I hosted with Allen Pope and TJ Young, current President of the UKPN.

Here are the minutes, which produced a LOT of interesting input. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18DG6cT1ZdrXsYsUHohiC-P-ha50Tow0h8PEhBuS4pYQ/edit?usp=sharing 

The next call is scheduled for second week of March: http://doodle.com/ufdb326m7mmnatbe Please fill in this Doodle Poll link.

I'm going to take part in the next call with the UKPN's Exec to discuss the establishment of a sub-committee for social sciences so if there ARE any people out there looking to help set this up over the next year, between now and September, please get in touch with me!

Best regards.


From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 23 January 2015 16:03
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; gerlis.fugmann@apecs.is; apope00@gmail.com; tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Subject: RE: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi everyone,

The below e-mail applies to all who are part of the UKPN's network and involved in SOCIAL SCIENCE research, preferably at an early career level:

I am organising another general meeting for all of us interested in streamlining and potentially reforming the UKPN's social science component, which would essentially allow the Social Science community in Britain (possibly elsewhere) to meet in the UK on occasion, engage more in casual but critical discussion about Polar social science, suggest common readings, and establish a definitive online presence both for presenting research findings and to socialise more within existing social media. 

If you're not sure about UKPN, the social science component of UKPN or APECS, or fancy suggesting ways of improving UKPN's social science presence, please e-mail me or attend this meeting.

My Skype name is: mikes_finnish_connection.
The meeting takes place at 18:00 GMT on Monday 26th January.

Have a good weekend and speak to those of you who are interested on Monday evening.


From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 22 January 2015 15:31
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; gerlis.fugmann@apecs.is; apope00@gmail.com; tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Subject: RE: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi All.

Hope you're all settling into work again, nicely.

Please do try to fill out the Doodle Poll for a January Call among UKPN Social Scientists, otherwise I shall just set the time and date and hope for the best :)



From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 15 January 2015 18:23
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; gerlis.fugmann@apecs.is
Subject: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to this fun little thread that I have been writing. Excuse the long e-mail below unless, of course, you are interested in UKPN's January meeting for Social Scientists!

Read on...

2015 is a brand new year and a new opportunity for us to organise ourselves, socialise, study and make some kind of impression on the development of Arctic and Antarctic Social Sciences together as a group within the UK.

UKPN is the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists' (APECS) UK national committee as well as the UK's national Polar Network, which is well-connected to a range of institutions and Polar organisations that you may or may not be aware of.

In our next Skype meeting I think it would be great if 1) I could either bring in some of the current or former Execs of the UKPN to speak on behalf of the network, just to bring everyone up to par with what UK Polar Social Science has achieved in recent years. If this is not possible, I would be more than willing to do a little personal research.

We shall also be discussing 2) a range of possibilities for organisation and, indeed, socialisation within our capable group of UK-based early career scholars. Many ideas include a graduate student-led workshop, seminar series, reading group and ideas for excursions to various Institutions. We can also discuss funding and I will be looking into the extent of the UKPN's budget for developing the Social Sciences in the UK.

How does this sound? Please get in touch with me, personally, via this e-mail address or via Skype: "mikes_finnish_connection" if you have any further comments you would like to raise with me.

The actual meeting date and time is still yet undecided. A new Doodle Poll has been set up targeting the end of January. If interested in attending this Skype meeting, please contribute to the Doodle Poll and hopefully we can organise a perfect time suitable for everyone this time. The link to the Doodle Poll can be found at: http://doodle.com/p7668vbprde9f7e2 

Moreover, the previous Skype meeting minutes can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UsBndByhsMFK3mE6rHxOdr5GTEfRHiAZluy_cB43gg/edit?usp=sharing - which ALSO includes a section for everyone to Edit; namely contact details and short bios. Please do us all a big favour and fill this in, preferably before Friday 23rd January! I will be sending out reminders.

And finally, an idea to 3) have our first web reading discussion on 31st January was put forward in the last meeting. If this is still possible, we can make this online meeting using either Skype or "Google+ Hangouts" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkpjZ7oA_Qg).

Thanks for your time and good luck with your research projects in the meantime. 

All the best,


Monday, January 26, 2015

APECS International Online Conference: Call for Abstracts

APECS International Online Conference: New perspectives in the Polar Sciences
Conference Date: 16 March 2015
Event Format: Online conference (webinar)
Abstract Submission Deadline: 9 February 2015

APECS webinar organizers announce a call for abstracts for our
International Online Conference, "New Perspectives in the Polar Sciences", 
which is scheduled for 16 March 2015. This conference will engage
scientific dialogues between early career scientist from multiple
disciplines and backgrounds on new research perspectives in their field of
research. With increased attention on the changing polar environment and
the future challenges this will bring, this conference aims to convey the
broad range of new research currently being conducted internationally.
Therefore, we would like to draw attention to polar researchers of this
opportunity to share their current research findings. We would particularly
like abstracts submitted by early career scientists, in order that they
gain invaluable experience presenting their research projects to the
public. There will be a $300 prize given for best presentation at this
conference which has been donated by APECS.

Session Themes: 
  1. Biological/Marine/Freshwater/Terrestrial environments
  2. Geological/Environmental/Terrestrial cryospheric environments
  3. Atmospherics/Climatology
  4. Oceanography/Sea-ice
  5. Cultural/Historical/Policy/Education

Abstract submission guidelines:
- All abstracts will be written in English.
State which session you want your abstract to be submitted to (refer to sessions available above)
Include a short title which summarises your presentation
- Abstract must be limited to 300 words
Include your name and any other authors involved in this presentation
Include your institution and your additional author institutions
State which country and time zone you will be presenting from, so that we can find a sensible time slot for your presentation

Abstract must be emailed to Rachel Downey (rachel.v.downey@gmail.com) by 9 February 2015. 
Selected speakers will be notified by email at the latest on 15 February 2015.

The APECS International Online Conference will be using GoToWebinar platform (so you can enjoy the  conference behind your desk or from your couch!).

Event E-mail contacts: 
Scott Zolkos: zolkos@ualberta.ca
Louise Chavarie: chavarie@ualberta.ca

Re: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi All.

We are going to meet on Skype in less than two hours time - add me on mikes_finnish_connection to join us! - in order to discuss the role of the social science community in UKPN. We start officially at 6pm GMT but should you wish to join me earlier or a bit later, this shouldn't be a problem as long as it's not too late or early... I will be online from now: please add me :)

We have Allen Pope and TJ Young at the Scott Polar Institute joining us; both of whom will be able to offer a clearer understanding of what has (not) been happening within the social science division of the UKPN and also what seems possible in years to come. 

Moreover, the previous Skype meeting minutes can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UsBndByhsMFK3mE6rHxOdr5GTEfRHiAZluy_cB43gg/edit?usp=sharing - which ALSO includes a section for everyone to Edit; namely contact details and short bios. 

Have a great day and stay in touch.


From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 23 January 2015 16:03
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; gerlis.fugmann@apecs.is; apope00@gmail.com; tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Subject: RE: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi everyone,

The below e-mail applies to all who are part of the UKPN's network and involved in SOCIAL SCIENCE research, preferably at an early career level:

I am organising another general meeting for all of us interested in streamlining and potentially reforming the UKPN's social science component, which would essentially allow the Social Science community in Britain (possibly elsewhere) to meet in the UK on occasion, engage more in casual but critical discussion about Polar social science, suggest common readings, and establish a definitive online presence both for presenting research findings and to socialise more within existing social media. 

If you're not sure about UKPN, the social science component of UKPN or APECS, or fancy suggesting ways of improving UKPN's social science presence, please e-mail me or attend this meeting.

My Skype name is: mikes_finnish_connection.
The meeting takes place at 18:00 GMT on Monday 26th January.

Have a good weekend and speak to those of you who are interested on Monday evening.


From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 22 January 2015 15:31
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; gerlis.fugmann@apecs.is; apope00@gmail.com; tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Subject: RE: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi All.

Hope you're all settling into work again, nicely.

Please do try to fill out the Doodle Poll for a January Call among UKPN Social Scientists, otherwise I shall just set the time and date and hope for the best :)



From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 15 January 2015 18:23
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; gerlis.fugmann@apecs.is
Subject: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to this fun little thread that I have been writing. Excuse the long e-mail below unless, of course, you are interested in UKPN's January meeting for Social Scientists!

Read on...

2015 is a brand new year and a new opportunity for us to organise ourselves, socialise, study and make some kind of impression on the development of Arctic and Antarctic Social Sciences together as a group within the UK.

UKPN is the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists' (APECS) UK national committee as well as the UK's national Polar Network, which is well-connected to a range of institutions and Polar organisations that you may or may not be aware of.

In our next Skype meeting I think it would be great if 1) I could either bring in some of the current or former Execs of the UKPN to speak on behalf of the network, just to bring everyone up to par with what UK Polar Social Science has achieved in recent years. If this is not possible, I would be more than willing to do a little personal research.

We shall also be discussing 2) a range of possibilities for organisation and, indeed, socialisation within our capable group of UK-based early career scholars. Many ideas include a graduate student-led workshop, seminar series, reading group and ideas for excursions to various Institutions. We can also discuss funding and I will be looking into the extent of the UKPN's budget for developing the Social Sciences in the UK.

How does this sound? Please get in touch with me, personally, via this e-mail address or via Skype: "mikes_finnish_connection" if you have any further comments you would like to raise with me.

The actual meeting date and time is still yet undecided. A new Doodle Poll has been set up targeting the end of January. If interested in attending this Skype meeting, please contribute to the Doodle Poll and hopefully we can organise a perfect time suitable for everyone this time. The link to the Doodle Poll can be found at: http://doodle.com/p7668vbprde9f7e2 

Moreover, the previous Skype meeting minutes can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UsBndByhsMFK3mE6rHxOdr5GTEfRHiAZluy_cB43gg/edit?usp=sharing - which ALSO includes a section for everyone to Edit; namely contact details and short bios. Please do us all a big favour and fill this in, preferably before Friday 23rd January! I will be sending out reminders.

And finally, an idea to 3) have our first web reading discussion on 31st January was put forward in the last meeting. If this is still possible, we can make this online meeting using either Skype or "Google+ Hangouts" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkpjZ7oA_Qg).

Thanks for your time and good luck with your research projects in the meantime. 

All the best,


Friday, January 23, 2015

Re: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi everyone,

The below e-mail applies to all who are part of the UKPN's network and involved in SOCIAL SCIENCE research, preferably at an early career level:

I am organising another general meeting for all of us interested in streamlining and potentially reforming the UKPN's social science component, which would essentially allow the Social Science community in Britain (possibly elsewhere) to meet in the UK on occasion, engage more in casual but critical discussion about Polar social science, suggest common readings, and establish a definitive online presence both for presenting research findings and to socialise more within existing social media. 

If you're not sure about UKPN, the social science component of UKPN or APECS, or fancy suggesting ways of improving UKPN's social science presence, please e-mail me or attend this meeting.

My Skype name is: mikes_finnish_connection.
The meeting takes place at 18:00 GMT on Monday 26th January.

Have a good weekend and speak to those of you who are interested on Monday evening.


From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 22 January 2015 15:31
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; gerlis.fugmann@apecs.is; apope00@gmail.com; tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Subject: RE: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi All.

Hope you're all settling into work again, nicely.

Please do try to fill out the Doodle Poll for a January Call among UKPN Social Scientists, otherwise I shall just set the time and date and hope for the best :)



From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 15 January 2015 18:23
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; gerlis.fugmann@apecs.is
Subject: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to this fun little thread that I have been writing. Excuse the long e-mail below unless, of course, you are interested in UKPN's January meeting for Social Scientists!

Read on...

2015 is a brand new year and a new opportunity for us to organise ourselves, socialise, study and make some kind of impression on the development of Arctic and Antarctic Social Sciences together as a group within the UK.

UKPN is the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists' (APECS) UK national committee as well as the UK's national Polar Network, which is well-connected to a range of institutions and Polar organisations that you may or may not be aware of.

In our next Skype meeting I think it would be great if 1) I could either bring in some of the current or former Execs of the UKPN to speak on behalf of the network, just to bring everyone up to par with what UK Polar Social Science has achieved in recent years. If this is not possible, I would be more than willing to do a little personal research.

We shall also be discussing 2) a range of possibilities for organisation and, indeed, socialisation within our capable group of UK-based early career scholars. Many ideas include a graduate student-led workshop, seminar series, reading group and ideas for excursions to various Institutions. We can also discuss funding and I will be looking into the extent of the UKPN's budget for developing the Social Sciences in the UK.

How does this sound? Please get in touch with me, personally, via this e-mail address or via Skype: "mikes_finnish_connection" if you have any further comments you would like to raise with me.

The actual meeting date and time is still yet undecided. A new Doodle Poll has been set up targeting the end of January. If interested in attending this Skype meeting, please contribute to the Doodle Poll and hopefully we can organise a perfect time suitable for everyone this time. The link to the Doodle Poll can be found at: http://doodle.com/p7668vbprde9f7e2 

Moreover, the previous Skype meeting minutes can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UsBndByhsMFK3mE6rHxOdr5GTEfRHiAZluy_cB43gg/edit?usp=sharing - which ALSO includes a section for everyone to Edit; namely contact details and short bios. Please do us all a big favour and fill this in, preferably before Friday 23rd January! I will be sending out reminders.

And finally, an idea to 3) have our first web reading discussion on 31st January was put forward in the last meeting. If this is still possible, we can make this online meeting using either Skype or "Google+ Hangouts" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkpjZ7oA_Qg).

Thanks for your time and good luck with your research projects in the meantime. 

All the best,


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Re: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi All.

Hope you're all settling into work again, nicely.

Please do try to fill out the Doodle Poll for a January Call among UKPN Social Scientists, otherwise I shall just set the time and date and hope for the best :)



From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 15 January 2015 18:23
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; gerlis.fugmann@apecs.is
Subject: UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to this fun little thread that I have been writing. Excuse the long e-mail below unless, of course, you are interested in UKPN's January meeting for Social Scientists!

Read on...

2015 is a brand new year and a new opportunity for us to organise ourselves, socialise, study and make some kind of impression on the development of Arctic and Antarctic Social Sciences together as a group within the UK.

UKPN is the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists' (APECS) UK national committee as well as the UK's national Polar Network, which is well-connected to a range of institutions and Polar organisations that you may or may not be aware of.

In our next Skype meeting I think it would be great if 1) I could either bring in some of the current or former Execs of the UKPN to speak on behalf of the network, just to bring everyone up to par with what UK Polar Social Science has achieved in recent years. If this is not possible, I would be more than willing to do a little personal research.

We shall also be discussing 2) a range of possibilities for organisation and, indeed, socialisation within our capable group of UK-based early career scholars. Many ideas include a graduate student-led workshop, seminar series, reading group and ideas for excursions to various Institutions. We can also discuss funding and I will be looking into the extent of the UKPN's budget for developing the Social Sciences in the UK.

How does this sound? Please get in touch with me, personally, via this e-mail address or via Skype: "mikes_finnish_connection" if you have any further comments you would like to raise with me.

The actual meeting date and time is still yet undecided. A new Doodle Poll has been set up targeting the end of January. If interested in attending this Skype meeting, please contribute to the Doodle Poll and hopefully we can organise a perfect time suitable for everyone this time. The link to the Doodle Poll can be found at: http://doodle.com/p7668vbprde9f7e2 

Moreover, the previous Skype meeting minutes can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UsBndByhsMFK3mE6rHxOdr5GTEfRHiAZluy_cB43gg/edit?usp=sharing - which ALSO includes a section for everyone to Edit; namely contact details and short bios. Please do us all a big favour and fill this in, preferably before Friday 23rd January! I will be sending out reminders.

And finally, an idea to 3) have our first web reading discussion on 31st January was put forward in the last meeting. If this is still possible, we can make this online meeting using either Skype or "Google+ Hangouts" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkpjZ7oA_Qg).

Thanks for your time and good luck with your research projects in the meantime. 

All the best,


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

UKPN Newsletter Winter 2014 - 15

Dear members,

2013 - 2014 has been a busy and thoroughly successful time for the UKPN. 

A round up of all of the news and events, along with up coming meetings for 2015 can be found within the attached Newsletter.

Thank you from all of the committee for your ongoing support. 

Wishing you all a highly successful year.


UKPN Secretary 

PhD position with British Antarctic Survey and Birmingham University

A fully funded PhD position is available to carry out experimental studies on the release of atmospheric nitrogen bearing trace gases from polar snow. The focus will be on nitrous acid gas (HONO), a particularly reactive nitrogen species, which has been observed previously at surprisingly high levels in air above snow, suggesting a large snowpack source may be present. The aim of this project is to quantify the HONO snow source in the lab using natural snow samples as well as at the BAS Halley research station in coastal Antarctica (75ºS). Antarctic field work is intended but subject to the inherent logistical or weather related uncertainties.
This project is offered as a CASE award, as a collaboration between the University of Birmingham (Dr Bill Bloss) and the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge (Dr Markus Frey). The student will be registered at Birmingham, but will spend substantial time at BAS in Cambridge for instrument and fieldwork training, and data interpretation. 

Further project details: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/generic/centa/documents/UB4.pdf
How to apply: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/generic/centa/phds/index.aspx

- master degree or equivalent in chemistry, physics, or a field of the environmental/earth sciences
- strong experimental skills 
- good team working skills and fluency in English
- funded studentships are available to UK and EU candidates that meet NERC's requirements for both academic qualifications and residential eligibility.

Duration: 3.5 years starting in October 2015

Closing date: January 31 2015. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed on the week commencing 16 February

For informal discussion of the project please get in contact with Dr Markus Frey (maey@bas.ac.uk) or Dr Bill Bloss (w.j.bloss@bham.ac.uk).
Markus M. Frey, PhD
British Antarctic Survey
High Cross - Madingley Road
CB3 0ET Cambridge, UK

Skype: citlaltepetl2006 
phone: +44 1223 221268

Friday, January 16, 2015

School visit Scotland!


I have been contacted by a primary school teacher in Scotland, near Hamilton, she is looking for someone to visit her class between now and March. A UKPN member visited her school a few years ago and it was such a success she is really keen for another! Please let me know if you are available to visit her school, all travel expenses will be covered and if you are new to outreach work or haven't worked with younger children before we can help you plan your visit.

Best wishes

Thursday, January 15, 2015

UKPN-social science-meeting, end of January

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to this fun little thread that I have been writing. Excuse the long e-mail below unless, of course, you are interested in UKPN's January meeting for Social Scientists!

Read on...

2015 is a brand new year and a new opportunity for us to organise ourselves, socialise, study and make some kind of impression on the development of Arctic and Antarctic Social Sciences together as a group within the UK.

UKPN is the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists' (APECS) UK national committee as well as the UK's national Polar Network, which is well-connected to a range of institutions and Polar organisations that you may or may not be aware of.

In our next Skype meeting I think it would be great if 1) I could either bring in some of the current or former Execs of the UKPN to speak on behalf of the network, just to bring everyone up to par with what UK Polar Social Science has achieved in recent years. If this is not possible, I would be more than willing to do a little personal research.

We shall also be discussing 2) a range of possibilities for organisation and, indeed, socialisation within our capable group of UK-based early career scholars. Many ideas include a graduate student-led workshop, seminar series, reading group and ideas for excursions to various Institutions. We can also discuss funding and I will be looking into the extent of the UKPN's budget for developing the Social Sciences in the UK.

How does this sound? Please get in touch with me, personally, via this e-mail address or via Skype: "mikes_finnish_connection" if you have any further comments you would like to raise with me.

The actual meeting date and time is still yet undecided. A new Doodle Poll has been set up targeting the end of January. If interested in attending this Skype meeting, please contribute to the Doodle Poll and hopefully we can organise a perfect time suitable for everyone this time. The link to the Doodle Poll can be found at: http://doodle.com/p7668vbprde9f7e2 

Moreover, the previous Skype meeting minutes can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UsBndByhsMFK3mE6rHxOdr5GTEfRHiAZluy_cB43gg/edit?usp=sharing - which ALSO includes a section for everyone to Edit; namely contact details and short bios. Please do us all a big favour and fill this in, preferably before Friday 23rd January! I will be sending out reminders.

And finally, an idea to 3) have our first web reading discussion on 31st January was put forward in the last meeting. If this is still possible, we can make this online meeting using either Skype or "Google+ Hangouts" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkpjZ7oA_Qg).

Thanks for your time and good luck with your research projects in the meantime. 

All the best,


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Special session on Remote Sensing in the Antarctic environment at XII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES 2015) at Goa, India

Dear Members of the Scientific Community,


Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


The National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, the R & D wing of the  Earth System Science Organization of the Ministry of Earth Sciences is holding a special session at the SCAR International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (XII ISAES 2015), (http://isaes2015goa.in/ index.php) to bring together researchers working on remote sensing aspects in the Antarctic environment. The symposium will take place in beautiful and historic place Goa (India), from July 13-17, 2015.

We hope you will consider joining us to make an oral or poster presentation on your research in this session. Abstract submission is now open on the website, with a submission deadline of 27th February 2015.

Early career scientists and students are encouraged to submit abstracts. Limited financial support will be available to them. Check the symposium web page for details www.isaes2015goa.in.


Hoping to see you all at ISAES-2015 in Goa.


Kind regards,

Session conveners,

Shridhar D. Jawak (shridhar.jawak@gmail.com)
Alvarinho J. Luis (alvluis@ncaor.gov.in)
Eugene MIkhalsky 

Kindly circulate this email in your Institution/ mailing list



Theme: Frontiers in Antarctic Earth Sciences

Session: New Frontiers in Remote Sensing in Antarctic Earth Sciences: Cross-disciplinary advances.

Details: Technological developments in geospatial science over the last decade have motivated major advances in our understanding of the Antarctic continent and surrounding oceans. These developments include the use of new satellite remote sensing platforms (e.g. WorldView and Landsat series of satellites) and methods to obtain geospatial information on various geoscientific aspects, such as, automatic/semi-automatic extraction of information from remote sensing images, new mapping techniques for ice sheet properties such as roughness, thickness and velocity, usage of remotely sensed data for Antarctic glaciological and mass balance studies (e.g. ICESat, ERS1/2, ENVISAT, RISAT, ALOS PALSAR, TerraSAR-X, Cosmo-SkyMed, Radarsat-2, hyperspectral data etc.), ice sheet flow and geodynamics over short temporal scales, remote sensing of the marine cryosphere and its interactions with ocean and atmosphere, generation of digital elevation models (DEMs) of Antarctic regions, geo-hazards and environmental monitoring, regional and global scale geophysical datasets, 3-D geological mapping, 4-D geology, and applications of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to investigate small scale changes. The session will also cover data and data systems collected and built in support of Antarctic earth science, especially those enhancing our understanding of the geological structure and evolution of the Antarctic, geological and geophysical mapping and modelling at any scale, etc. This session will focus on such cross-disciplinary research across a range of Antarctic geoscientific disciplines and includes new and emerging research frontiers in Antarctic earth science.


             Shridhar Jawak
    Earth System Science Organization (ESSO)
   National Centre For Antarctic & Ocean Research,
  Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India,
 Headland Sada, Vasco-Da-Gama, Goa-403804,India.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Outreach opportunity - School Visits 2015


Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy new year to you all!

For anybody keen to get involved with outreach this year (no experience required!) I have been contacted by two school recently both keen for a polar scientist to visit them. One is a year 6 class in Sheffield and another a year 2 class in Cheltenham. Both school are just looking for someone to come and share their knowledge and experiences of polar environments, scientific research and fieldwork. If you are interested in visiting either of these schools please reply to this email, if you have no experience in conducting school visits we can offer advice and the teachers will also help you and as always expenses will be covered. These are great opportunites to take part in outreach work and of course excellent practice in communicating your science to different audiences!

Best wishes