Thursday, February 24, 2011

Summer School: Remote Sensing for Polar Scientists

Summer School: Remote Sensing for Polar Scientists, University of Reading, 20th – 22nd July 2011 

The UKPN, in partnership with the National Center for Earth Observation Earth Observation technology cluster, the and ESA, are proud to present a 3 day summer school aimed at early doctoral students working in Polar or cryospheric remote sensing.

Modern remote sensing techniques have improved our understanding of the cryosphere, allowing for observation of large areas (e.g. the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, or the Antarctic Ice Sheet) and facilitating studies of glaciers in remote and/or rugged zones (e.g. Patagonia & the Himalaya). A staggering variety of Earth observation methods have been used to study the cryosphere, and research frontiers continue to press forward.

We aim to introduce a variety of new techniques to those at the beginning of their academic career. Sessions will include a mixture of lectures and practicals. Practical sessions will either be self led, with the day's speakers on hand to provide guidance, or led by demonstration. Planned sessions include: Satellite Remote Sensing of the Poles, including the Cryosat mission; Lidar Remote Sensing, Integrated modeling and Earth Observation & open source Remote Sensing & GIS tools.

To register your interest in attending this summer school, and to help us plan relevant sessions by voting for the topics that most interest you, please use the following link

Best wishes,

Jennifer Hall
on behalf of the UKPN Remote Sensing Summer School Team.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fwd: Call for Helmholtz Young Investigator Group at the Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany)

Forwarded from CLIMLIST...

Call for Helmholtz Young Investigator Group 2011

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research invites
highly qualified persons to apply for a Helmholtz Young Investigator
Group in the following topics, fitting in the research programme PACES
(Polar Regions and Coasts in a Changing Earth System):

Modern modeling approaches in the research of the earth system to
complement TOPIC 4 (Synthesis: The Earth System from a Polar
Perspective) of the current research programme PACES. Applications are
welcome from scientists with strong expertise in climate modeling. The
research topics should focus on global earth system modeling by
integrating and expanding the earth system modules coupled with improved
representation of polar processes, which opens new opportunities for
analysis of the complex processes at high latitudes and their
interaction with the global system.

Observation and formation of scenarios in polar oceanography.
Applications are welcome from scientists with strong expertise in
observational oceanography to study the status and variability of
circulation and water masses in the ocean in an interdisciplinary
context. Close cooperation with modelers is of high interest.

New approaches for combining observation and modeling in glaciology
Applications are welcome from scientists with strong expertise in the
main scientific scientific objectives of the glaciology department at
AWI. These are both the reconstruction of ice sheet volume and the mass
balance of glaciers by means of modelling, geophysical reconnaissance
methods as well as field studies and the unraveling of climatic
information stored in the ice matrix and in air bubble enclosures of
polar ice cores.

New approaches for combining physical, biogeochemical and biological sea
ice research Sea ice is one of the major drivers of changes in the polar
ecosystems. Applications are welcome from scientists with strong
expertise in the interactions of physical, biochemical and biological
processes of sea ice and its future development and consequences.

New approaches in coastal research in temperate and polar regions.
Applications are welcome from scientists with strong expertise in
processes of coastal systems. The knowledge about climate change in
coastal regions is fragmented over different disciplines. Therefore we
seek to find a candidate liking data from theses different disciplines
in order to assess the knowledge about past, ongoing and future climate
change coastal regions.

Qualifications needed are a completed university education in physics,
geophysics, meteorology, oceanography, geology, biology or an equivalent
field, an outstanding relevant PhD as well as other scientific
achievements and some experience in raising of external funds and in

How to apply – first step (as indicated on the Helmholtz web site)

Ø Interested candidates contact the AWI of their own (Dr. Angelika
Dummermuth, contact details below)
Ø Applicants are recommended, if possible, to also contact in parallel
the heads of research departments of the AWI.
Ø Applications have to reach the AWI by 31th March 2011 at the latest.
It would be preferable for applications to reach the AWI until 10th of
March 2011 as the scientific advisory council evaluating the
applications meets mid of March and to ensure that there is sufficient
time to compile the complete application documents and to contact the
Ø The AWI must be provided with a CV, a list of publications and a brief
outline of the planned work programme (Letter of Intent, max. 2 pages).
Ø No further steps are required by the applicant until the AWI requests
further action.
The AWI specifically encourages female candidates to apply with a view
towards increasing the proportion of female scientists.

Severly disabled applicants with essentially identical technical and
personal suitability will be preferentially selected. The AWI is an
equal opportunities employer.

The AWI supports balanced work-life career development via a variety of
alternatives. In Bremerhaven, the AWI operates its own nursery.

Applications should be submitted to: Dr. Angelika Dummermuth,
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Postfach 12 01
61, 27515 Bremerhaven / Germany (<>).
Applications will
be accepted until 31st March.



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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

FW: Geography Outdoors - February 2011 Student News

Not restricted to polar regions and issues, but probably of interest anyway!

Amélie *







Expeditions and Fieldwork

Student Newsletter, February 2011


With January exams finished, it's time to start thinking about your

summer travel and research plans.

Geography Outdoors at the RGS-IBG can help.

Come to us for expedition opportunities, fieldwork training, support and advice.


Expedition Opportunities

 Volunteers Required



Working in Tandem -

Summer 2011


Working in Tandem is a student led organisation, supporting educational initiatives in Tanzania. They are currently recruiting student volunteers to work in partner organisations in Tanzania. Researchers, teachers of English, French or ICT, Kindergarten and Library assistants are required. For more information click here.  



Balkans Peace Park Project

 Summer Programme -  2011

 Teaching volunteers are required to work at a summer school run by The Balkans Peace Park Project (B3P), in Thethi village, set in the Albanian Alps. Volunteers must be aged over 21. Experience of teaching preferable, although not essential. For more details click here.


Medical Training

'Far From Help'

12-13 March 2011


Travelling somewhere remote this summer? This course begins where conventional first aid stops!


Designed for individuals or small groups heading out into remote areas, where medical help is not easily available. Heavily subsidised student rates. For more information see




Need help funding your expedition?


Don't forget the RGS-IBG has a series of grants available to carry out fieldwork overseas. For more information see


If you are looking for expedition funding a list of other funding organisations can be found on our grants web pages see



GIS for Expeditions

& Fieldwork

11-13 March 2011



Does your field research have a geo-spatial element? Want to brush up your digital mapping skills?


A practical GIS workshop for individuals using techniques such as GPS, remote sensing, digital mapping and data analysis as part of a field research project or expedition. The course is run by the RGS-IBG Expedition Mapping Unit. Subsidised student fees. For more information click here.



Looking for travel inspiration?


Consult our online database of over 8,500 planned and returned expeditions. Add details of your own project to the database and when you return from your fieldwork, send us a copy of your research


Looking to join an expedition this summer?

Consult our online database of over 100 organisations offering expedition

and travel opportunities at


 Find us on Facebook...

 Join our University Exploration Societies group on facebook and share ideas with other similar societies.

Swap stories, photos and useful links.



Services offered by Geography Outdoors

     - Workshops                                                          - Publications                           - Advice                      

                         -  World Register of Field Centres             - Expedition Reports   


Geography Outdoors               RGS-IBG                                                                                                      


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Monday, February 14, 2011

Fwd: [CRYOLIST] Ph.D. in Microseismicity of Ice Streams at the British Antarctic Survey and the University of Cambridge

For those of you looking for PhD spots...


PS If you're looking for jobs/PhD's/postdocs and don't check up on, then you should!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Smith, Andy <>
Date: 2011/2/14
Subject: [CRYOLIST] Ph.D. in Microseismicity of Ice Streams at the British Antarctic Survey and the University of Cambridge
To: "" <>

Dear Colleagues,

We seek to appoint a Ph.D. student at the British Antarctic Survey, with the degree awarded by our project partners at the University of Cambridge.  The student will work on passive seismic data from Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica.  Full details are at:

Please bring this opportunity to the attention of any talented individuals that might be interested in the post.  Candidates must satisfy UK residency conditions to be eligible for the full studentship.  The closing date for applications is 1st March 2011, though I'm very happy to answer informal enquiries about the post before then.


Dr A M Smith
IceSheets Programme Co-ordinator
British Antarctic Survey
Natural Environment Research Council
High Cross
Madingley Road
Cambridge CB3 0ET
Tel: +44 (0)1223 221481

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

UKPN AGM 18th March 2011

Hi Everyone,

An important date for your diaries: The UKPN AGM will be held at 2pm on Friday the 18th March, in the Geography Department, University of Sheffield.
If you have been thinking about becoming more involved with UKPN this is the ideal time to find out more, to take up a position on the committee, and to bring your own ideas for future events to the table.

Introduction to UKPN & roundup of last years events.
Update on events currently in the pipeline for this year
Introduce those who currently volunteer on the committee who are continuing on, and welcome new committee members.
Open discussion about possible future events (and funding!) Please bring your ideas & suggestions.

Travel information can be found here

Please RSVP if possible so I can get an idea of numbers for refreshments, but don't be afraid to just turn up if its a last min decision.

Best wishes, and looking forward to seeing you,

Jennifer Hall

UKPN secretary

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES XI)

Dear All,

A date for your diaries and a fantastic conference in which to get involved!!

Event: International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES) 2011
Where: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
When: 10th ? 16th July 2011

The International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES)
promises to be one of the major events in the polar science calendar
of 2011, and APECS and the UK Polar Network will be there in force!

As well as reduced conference registration fees, funding support is
also available for Early Career Researchers thanks to ISAES and
supported by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) to
part-cover travel and accommodation expenses. This will be allocated
using the Funding Support Application Form on the ISAES website, so
make sure you download and fill this in and email it to when you submit your abstract. To be eligible
for this funding support, you must be a PhD student or a post-doc or
academic staff still within three years of PhD completion. Full
instructions are given on the ISAES 2011 web pages under the title
?Early Career Scientists?.

There are a host of APECS/UK Polar Network events lined up for those
of you planning to attend ISAES. An early career evening event will
comprise an open-floor mentoring panel session focusing on "Succeeding
in Polar Science". All Early Career Researchers are invited to ask
questions and seek the advice of senior mentors with the expertise to
help you make a great start to your polar science career! Drinks will
be provided at the Mentoring Session and then the evening will
continue with informal networking in the conference centre bar.

A full programme of public engagement and outreach activities is also
planned during ISAES and APECS/UKPN volunteers will play a major role!
Plans are still to be finalised, but there will be many outreach
opportunities for us to get involved in engaging the general public
about the huge importance of polar science and inspiring the next
generation of polar scientists!

So put the date in your diary now and start submitting your abstracts
to avoid missing out on a great event for APECS, the UK Polar Network
and Polar Science as a whole! Abstract submission and early bird
(cheap!) registration close on the 31st March, so get in early and
make sure you don?t miss out on this fantastic opportunity!

For more information, check out the ISAES XI website at

And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at

I hope to see you in Edinburgh in the summer!

Sian Henley
On behalf of the Organising Committee, ISAES 2011, Edinburgh
PhD Student
Edinburgh University
Diatom Ecology and Biogeochemistry of the Antarctic sea ice zone
Supervisor: Dr Raja Ganeshram

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.