Monday, April 30, 2012

Masters at Leeds with Scholarships

For those looking for Masters places this year...
For over a decade now we have been running our MRes programme (Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere) here in Leeds.

When originally established, it had the aim to provide a conversion pathway for physical scientists with degrees in maths, physics, chemistry etc...  to atmospheric or earth scientists.

We have recently reviewed the programme and the majority of our students have opted for an atmospheric stream and this has led us to refocus it towards the atmospheric and climate sciences alone.


The programme provides students with a choice from a wide range of topics including atmospheric dynamics and numerical weather forecast modelling, earth observations and climate change adaptation as well as a residential field course in Arran and a significant research based dissertation project (>60%). Participation in research conferences and fieldwork is very much encouraged.


For those who are considering a research career the MResCAS provides the extra training which makes our graduates exceptionally strong PhD candidates, this year all 5 students looking for studentships have been successful with some of them receiving multiple offers.


There are a number of Excellence Scholarships available for 2012 entry including one which is specifically ring fenced for the MResCAS course (


For more information regarding the course please check out - or contact me directly.


Jim McQuaid





Dr Jim McQuaid

Programme Director: MRes - Climate and Atmospheric Science


Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds. LS2 9JT

+44 (0) 113 343 6724/1599/5259 (office/lab/fax)<>

Ella Darlington
President, UK Polar Network

Friday, April 20, 2012

UKPN Webmaster needed!

Hello UKPN
We are looking for a webmaster to help maintain our website. Other associated responsibilities would be to manage the mailing list.
The website is based on the program Joomla, which is an open-source online web development suite. It's easy to use, and we already have a guide written to help you along your way! It only takes a small amount of time, since the main things posted are forthcoming events and write ups after an event. Or, if you're feeling adventurous and already have some web experience there are options for further development fo the site.
It is viewed globally so is a fantastic opportunity to showcase UKPN events. Previous webmasters have been self-taught, so don't be put off if you haven't done anything like this before.
If you're interested, please contact me for more information. I look forward to hearing from you,
Ella Darlington
President, UK Polar Network

Hello from the new UKPN committee!

It is five years since the inception of the UK Polar Network, the UK branch of APECS, in 2007. Our membership continues to grow - you are one of 400 like-minded members! Each year the UKPN have gone from strength to strength, with 2012 to be no exception. This year we have already hosted a successfull workshop in Sheffield, with networking days in Bangor and Loughborough being planned, in addition to education and outreach events at the British Science Festival and Natural Nistory Museum, as well as many schools across the country.
The UKPN committee is formed of about 15 enthusiastic early career scientists, based around the UK. I would like to thank lasts years committee for all their hard work, and welcome our new members for the coming year. If you would like to get involved with organising a networking day, workshop or outreach activity, we'd love to hear from you ( It's worthwhile and looks great on your CV. Also, we are looking for a webmaster - more details to follow.
If you are not already an APECS member, I recommend you join. Or if you want to be more involved, think about joining the APECS Council.  
Reminder of upcoming events:
UKPN/APECS @ EGU Vienna: Monday, 23rd April, 19:30, in Cafe Einstein, Vienna.
APECS/Fram Centre, Tromsø  @ IPY Montreal: Fun-filled networking reception, Wednesday 25th April, 19:00-21:00, Palais des Congrès in room 710A. RSVP at:
I am excited for the coming year with so many events planned, bringing early career scientists together. I look forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting new ones along the way.
Eleanor Darlington
President - UK Polar Network
Loughborough University

Monday, April 16, 2012

networking event at EGU

to whom it may concern, if you can please post this to the ukpn mailing
list, that'd be great. Cheers, Amir Levy, Keele University
A date for your EGU diary: APECS/UKPN networking event during EGU 2012!
Hello fellow scientists of the cold regions! APECS and the UKPN (the UK
APECS branch) are holding an informal networking event during the EGU in
Vienna. This will be held on Monday, 23rd April, in Cafe Einstein,
Vienna. The website for the cafe (including menus) can be found on So, the plan is to get there around 1930
hours, enjoy a good bite to eat, a tasty drink and meet other people who
work in cold regions. Just to clarify, this is just the platform for
the enent; people are responsible to purchase their own food and drink.
For more details, please email Amir Levy or
Oliver Marsh Please email if you back
if you would like to attend.
Hope people can make it and looking forward to seeing you all in Vienna.

Amir Levy
PhD Research student
School of Earth Sciences and Geography
Keele University
Keele, Staffordshire

Tel. (01782) 733698

Friday, April 13, 2012

FW: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - QRA Postgraduate Symposium 2012 - 29-31 August

Dear UKPN members,

The University of Aberdeen will be hosting the Quaternary Research Association Postgraduate Symposium this year. Please see attached message and flyer for details.

Please note that this is the week before the British Science Festival and the IGS-BB meetings also in Aberdeen, where the UKPN will also have a strong presence.

David Ashmore

-----Original Message-----

Dear All,

Please find attached a call for abstract for the QRA Postgraduate Symposium to be held at the University of Aberdeen between 29th and 31st August 2012. We would be most grateful if you could circulate this flyer to the postgraduate researchers in your departments and perhaps advertise on a departmental/school noticeboard.

Important dates to note are:

13th July is the abstract submission deadline.

3rd August is the registration deadline.

Kind regards,

The Organising committee

Paul Ledger
Anke Kuttner
David Ashmore
Ilse Kamerling
James Lea

University of Aberdeen
Department of Geography & Environment
School of Geosciences
St. Mary's Building
Elphinstone Road
AB24 3UF

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ph.D. Position Available

Dear UKPN members, 

Please see attached information regarding a NERC funded PhD vacancy at the University of York. 

Dr Rippin has contacted the UKPN to advertise the position, and has noted that the offer is very competitive and he is looking for someone with a strong background in glaciology. For more information regarding the PhD, please contact Dr Rippin directly, his contact details can be found in the attached document.

Many Thanks, 

Laura Hobbs
| Outreach Co-ordinator, UK Polar Network |

Fwd: PhD advert

PhD Studentship: Predicting the opening of Arctic Sea Routes
Supervisors: Dr. Ed Hawkins (, Prof. Keith
Haines, Dr. Dan Hodson Department of Meteorology, University of Reading

A fully-funded PhD studentship starting in October 2012 is available to
examine the predictability of the opening of the Arctic sea routes – an
important aspect of Arctic climate which is of particular relevance to
industry and decision makers. Arctic sea routes are important to such
stakeholders for several
reasons: (i) passage of ships on shorter routes between the Atlantic and
Pacific, (ii) access to reserves of minerals, oil etc., and (iii) the
potential for conflict over access to, and ownership of, the sea routes.
Although the main focus of the studentship will be on examining the
potential for predictions of the opening of Arctic sea routes a season
or more ahead of time, longer term
climate projections will also be considered.

This project is part of a wider coordinated programme to examine Arctic
predictability, and Arctic
climate more widely. The student will first gain an understanding of
Arctic climate variability and change,
and how these are represented across a wide range of state-of-the-art
global climate models. They will
use and develop a range of tools to analyse complex datasets. The latest
climate model projections
produced for IPCC AR5 will be examined to determine the likely time in
the 21st century of regular
opening of Arctic sea routes in each season, with associated
uncertainties. The project will also examine
the potential for seasonal to inter-annual predictions of the opening of
the Arctic sea routes. This will be
addressed through analysis of climate model simulations to examine
whether reliable predictions of open
sea routes may be possible, and at what forecast lead time. This will be
followed by an assessment of the
operational seasonal predictions of Arctic sea-ice to determine the
prediction ability of current seasonal
prediction systems in forecasting open sea routes at various lead times
from months to seasons. The
predictions will necessarily be probabilistic with a focus on the
reliability of the forecasts, i.e. are the
uncertainties realistic?

This project will require analysis of climate simulations and sea-ice
observations, developing an understanding of physical processes involved
in Arctic climate, and good maths and computing skills. It
will also involve active collaboration with industrial and
policy-related partners.

About the Department of Meteorology, University of Reading:
The PhD programme is a key component of the research within the
Meteorology department with around
50 research students in total. Our research is especially recognised for
its strong grounding in the physical and mathematical sciences. The
student will be supervised by Dr. Ed Hawkins, with additional assistance
from Professor Keith Haines and Dr. Dan Hodson.

The student will be assigned a monitoring committee who will
independently monitor and support their progress every six months. The
student will have their own desk and computer within the department,
access to the department and main university libraries, and a wide range
of online journals. They will be able to attend the wide range of
seminars, talks and research group meetings held within the department
each week. They will have access to the wide ranging courses on
continuing professional development provided by the university, covering
issues such as software packages, writing and speaking skills and time
management. They will have the opportunity to develop their presentation
skills via departmental PhD project presentation days and departmental
seminars. The output of this work is likely to be policy relevant and
the student will be encouraged to apply for a NERC Parliamentary Office
of Science & Technology (POST) internship during their PhD.

Dr Jonathan Day - Research Scientist - NCAS-Climate

TWITTER: @jonny_day

Dept. of Meteorology, Phone: 0118 378 6018
University of Reading, Fax: 0118 378 8316
READING. RG6 6BB. UK. Room: 3L71

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Norwegian Polar Institute seeks MSc Students for Fieldwork, Summer 2012

Norwegian Polar Institute seeks MSc Students

      Summer 2012 Fieldwork

      Spitsbergen, Norway


The Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) seeks applicants for a collaborative fieldwork opportunity is for students at the Master's (MSc) level. The fieldwork will take place in Spitsbergen (Svalbard), Norway.


NPI encourages national and international collaboration with other educational institutes or universities in the field of bedrock geology in Norwegian polar areas. The fieldwork will be conducted in the frame of an international research project entitled "Facies, geochemical signature and environmental variability of Permian strata and the Permian-Triassic boundary on Svalbard." Scientific interest will be focused on the sedimentary strata of the Permian Kapp Starostin Formation and the transitional succession into the Triassic, which are exposed in a number of key localities on Spitsbergen.


Depending on the analytical apparatus at the home institute, the MSc student is expected to accomplish a thesis by applying a combination of techniques in the fields of sedimentology, stratigraphy, palaeontology, and/or geochemistry. A reasonable combination of these methods should be chosen in order to investigate the palaeogeographic, palaeoceanographic, palaeoclimatic, and/or palaeoecologic development during this time span.

Results are expected to be presented at appropriate conferences and meetings and will be published in international journals.


Basic costs for the fieldwork in 2012 will be covered by NPI and the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds. This includes transportation within Spitsbergen, accommodation, food, and provision of equipment during the field campaign. The student will need to cover additional travel expenses to Spitsbergen, analyses, and materials; details will be determined as part of a collaborative agreement.


The student will be partially supervised by NPI geologists and collaborative partners, while a formal supervisor is required at the student's home university or institute for the duration of the thesis starting with the field season in Spitsbergen in summer 2012. During the thesis, it is expected that the student will stay at NPI (in Tromso,

Norway) for a certain time period depending on research topics and applied methods.


Geologic fieldwork on Spitsbergen will be organized and conducted by NPI for several weeks during July/August 2012. During this period, a number of lithostratigraphic sections, which form the basis of the MSc thesis, will be established in different key locations in central Spitsbergen.


Potential candidates should be particularly interested and should possess good previous knowledge in sedimentology, stratigraphy, palaeontology, and/or geochemistry. Candidates must be fluent in English; knowledge of Norwegian is advantageous. The ability to work effectively in a team is also an essential requirement. In respect to fieldwork in Svalbard, candidates should be physically capable and medically fit to work under arctic conditions.


Prospective students, in accordance with a supervisor of their home university or institute, should express their interest immediately.

Preparatory discussions and the utilization of funding will take place as soon as possible.


Application deadline: Tuesday, 1 May 2012.


For applications and further information, please contact:

Dierk Blomeier

Phone: +47 777-50-652







Dr. Amélie Kirchgaessner FRMetS

British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road



United Kingdom

Tel: +44 1223 221359

email :



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Friday, April 6, 2012

SAM did yiou get my email re POLAR CITY RED book?Roommate (female) wanted for IGS Fairbanks conference

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Amber Leeson <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Myself and two other girls have booked a four bed apartment at the IGS fairbanks conference and we're looking for a fourth to make up the numbers.  It's a two bedroom apartment with two single beds in each room.  Split between 4 it would be around $40 each per night and we've booked it from the 21st to the 30th.
> Let me know if you would like to join us!
> Amb
> --------------------------------------------------
> Amber Leeson
> Postgraduate Researcher
> Climate change and Impacts group
> Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science
> School of Earth and Environment
> University of Leeds
> LS2 9JT
> +44 (0) 113 34 31598

TRAILER VIDEO for "POLAR CITY RED '' - sci fi novel by Jim Laughter

POLAR CITY RED info link:

Call for papers: Special Issue of 'Remote Sensing'


This is an initiative the UKPN has been involved in for the past couple years - including a workshope and a summer school. So, if you have something you're interested in publishing, you should consider submitting it!

Allen Pope


Dear Colleagues,

This special issue focuses on innovative technology used in remote sensing of the terrestrial or land surface. The Earth Observation Technology Cluster is an initiative to promote development and communication in this field ( The observation or measurement of some property of the land surface is central to a wide range of scientific investigations conducted in many different disciplines, and in practice there is much consistency in the instruments used for observation and the techniques used to map and model the environmental phenomena of interest. Using remote sensing technology as a unifying theme, this initiative provides an opportunity for presentation of novel developments from, and cross-fertilisation of ideas between, the many and diverse members of the terrestrial remote sensing community. The scope of the special issue covers the full range of remote sensing operation, from new platform and sensor development, through image retrieval and analysis, to data applications and environmental modelling. Example topics include novel remote sensing platforms such as unmanned aerial vehicles; emerging instrumentation such as fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and terrestrial LiDAR; modern image retrieval and storage techniques such as networked data transmission and distributed computing; new image analysis and modelling approaches such as hypertemporal observation; and contemporary and significant application areas such as circumpolar and cryospheric remote sensing. Research papers and innovative review papers are invited on any topic under the broad theme of technological developments in remote sensing of the land surface.

Deadline for submission is 31 May, 2012

To express interest in submitting a paper, please email and

For more on the Call For Papers, please see

For more information of the Earth Observation Technology Cluster, please visit

Roommate (female) wanted for IGS Fairbanks conference

Hi all,

Myself and two other girls have booked a four bed apartment at the IGS fairbanks conference and we're looking for a fourth to make up the numbers. It's a two bedroom apartment with two single beds in each room. Split between 4 it would be around $40 each per night and we've booked it from the 21st to the 30th.

Let me know if you would like to join us!


Amber Leeson
Postgraduate Researcher

Climate change and Impacts group
Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science
School of Earth and Environment
University of Leeds

+44 (0) 113 34 31598

Thursday, April 5, 2012

networking event at EGU 2012

Hi everybody, and hope that this finds you well. Oli Marsh and myself
are planning a networking event during the EGU 2012. The event is aimed
at APECS/UKPN people who're interested in networking during the
conference. At the moment, we aim at holding it on Monday (23 April)
evening. The venue hasn't been confirmed yet, but will be announced when
it's confirmed. So, please put this date in your diaries and let other
APECS/UKPN people know. More specific details will follow soon. Happy
Easter and hope to see you in Vienna.

Amir Levy and Oli Marsh

Amir Levy
PhD Research student
School of Earth Sciences and Geography
Keele University
Keele, Staffordshire

Tel. (01782) 733698

BGS/QMUL Fully-funded PhD Studentship

Might be of interest to some of you,
Fully-funded BGS/QMUL Studentship 2012:

The 3D architecture and structure of a tectonised glacigenic sedimentary sequence in the Dogger Bank area of the southern North Sea

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and the British Geological Survey (BGS)

The School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London and the British Geological Survey are seeking to appoint one student to a fully-funded BGS/QMUL Studentship, commencing September 2012. The project will be co-supervised by Dr Simon Carr (QMUL) and Dr Emrys Phillips, Dr Carol Cotterill and Dayton Dove (BGS Edinburgh). The School of Geography at Queen Mary University of London is internationally recognized as a centre of research excellence and was ranked joint 1st amongst UK Geography departments in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. The British Geological Survey is a part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and is the UK's premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge. The student will spend approximately 50% of the PhD at each institution. 

Project outline
The margins of former ice sheets are often marked by thick sequences of sediments formed through the complex interplay between processes of sedimentation and glacier-induced deformation. Understanding these processes is critical to deciphering the stratigraphic record of Quaternary glaciation, but also provides an important proxy for ice sheet dynamics through the influence of advance/retreat phases on sediment supply and deformation. However, our understanding of the relationships between, and factors controlling sedimentation and deformation at former ice sheet margins, such as the British and Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) is relatively limited. For example, the location of the southern margin of the BIIS within the southern North Sea was, until recently, poorly constrained. The acquisition of previously unavailable high-quality seismic data for the Dogger Bank Round 3 windfarm zone in the Southern North Sea provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable insight into the nature and evolution of this former ice sheet margin. This collaborative project between BGS and QMUL utilises internationally-recognised expertise in the analysis and interpretation of glacially deformed sediments, especially within the context of understanding the evolution of the last ice sheets to encroach on the North Sea Basin. The project will utilise a combination of detailed seismic interpretation, sedimentological and structural analysis and is proposed to erect a reliable lithostratigraphy for the glacial sequence in the Dogger Bank project area, establishing a relative chronology for both the deposition of the main sedimentary units and development of the large-scale glacitectonic deformation structures identified within the seismic profiles. This will provide a glacitectonic and depositional framework from which to model the spatial and temporal changes of the BIIS in Dogger Bank area during the Devensian.

The Award
The studentship will cover university tuition fees and will provide the standard maintenance award (approx. £15,590 per year for 3 years), and a budget for conference attendance and fieldwork expenditure.

Candidate Profile
The studentship is available to UK and EU applicants. Applicants with a wide range of backgrounds are invited to apply and should have a first or upper second class honours degree in Earth Science, Geology, Environmental Science, Geography, or a cognate discipline. 

Application Deadline
The closing date for applications is 4 pm Monday 30 April 2012.  All short-listed applicants will be interviewed (either face-to-face or, in the case of overseas candidates, by telephone). Interviews will take place on Wednesday 16 May 2012.

Further Details and Application Process
For further details about the School, please visit  Further particulars on the studentship, including person specification and details of how to apply, are available at  To further discuss the project, please contact Dr Simon Carr ( or Dr Emrys Phillips (

Dr Simon Carr
School of Geography,
Queen Mary, University of London,
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK.
t: 00 44 (0)20 7882 2780

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Offer of lift to UKPN Annual General Meeting

Good Morning UKPN, 

I will be driving from London to Sheffield and back tomorrow for the AGM, and would like to know if anyone would like a lift?  Not sure if there is anyone who was considering going but worried about transport, and thought a car share would work well!

I'll be leaving from Peckham and returning to Hackney, but more than happy to sort out somewhere to meet if anyone is interested.  I think petrol would be in the area of £15 - £20.

Just let me know if anyone is looking for a lift! 
Laura Hobbs

| Outreach Co-ordinator, UK Polar Network |

Monday, April 2, 2012

FINAL REMINDER: UKPN AGM Wed 4th April, 2pm, University of Sheffield

Hello everyone,

A final reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the UKPN is THIS WEEK:

Wednesday 4th April, 2pm, Geography department (follow signs on
arrival)University of Sheffield.

A free lunch will be provided at 1.15.

Get more involved, learn more about UKPN or just show your support. I
hope to see many of you there!

Best wishes,

Sian Henley
President, UK Polar Network

----- Forwarded message from A.M.Dolan08@LEEDS.AC.UK -----
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 08:23:23 +0100
From: Aisling Dolan <A.M.Dolan08@LEEDS.AC.UK>
Reply-To: Aisling Dolan <A.M.Dolan08@LEEDS.AC.UK>
Subject: REMINDER: UKPN AGM Wed 4th April, 2pm at the University of Sheffield

Hi Everyone,

A quick reminder about the UKPN Annual General Meeting (AGM), which
will be held at 2 pm on Wednesday the 4th April, in the Geography
Department, University of Sheffield - so next week!

If you have been thinking about becoming more involved with UKPN this
is the ideal time to find out more, to take up a position on the
committee, and to bring your own ideas for future events to the table.


* Free lunch provided before the meeting (1.15 pm), which
gives you the opportunity to network or catch up with a few old faces!

* Introduction to UKPN and a quick overview of last year's events

* Update on events currently in the pipeline for 2012

* Introduce those who currently volunteer on the committee and
welcome new committee members

* Open discussion about possible future events (and funding!)
Please bring your ideas and suggestions!

This is a really informal meeting, so please come along, get involved
and meet some of the amazing early career Polar scientists working in
the UK and with UKPN!

Please RSVP if possible (<>)
so we can get an idea of numbers for lunch, but don't be afraid to
just turn up if it's a last minute decision.

Best wishes and looking forward to seeing you,

Aisling Dolan

UKPN secretary<>

Travel information can be found here

The meeting will be following on from the UKPN Modelling in Polar
Sciences Workshop (2nd-4th April, University of Sheffield - email<> for
further details).


Aisling M. Dolan
PhD Student in Palaeoclimatology

School of Earth & Environment
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085

Arctic Science Conference:
UK Polar Network:

----- End forwarded message -----

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.