Monday, June 27, 2016

UKPN at the UK Antarctic Science Conference

Dear UKPN, 

We are holding a meeting of Early Career Researchers on 4-5 July 2016 at UEA in Norwich, immediately preceding the 2016 Antarctic Sciences Conference on 5-7 July 2016. 

For more information, please email Cecilia Liszka ( The full agenda can be seen in the attached document. Please note, registration for the main conference has now closed.

Please do join us and meet fellow early career scientists before the conference. 

Laura Hobbs. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Fwd: four positions in Tromsoe on Arctic marine ecology

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for details of PhD and Postdoc posts available at Tromsø in Arctic marine ecology. Apologies for any cross-posting. 

Laura Hobbs. 


From: Gradinger Rolf <>

Subject: four positions in Tromsoe on Arctic marine ecology

Date: 24 Jun 2016 10:13:56 CEST


Dear colleagues, 


Our new seasonal sea ice zone project Arctic SIZE just posted the opportunity for four early career scientists (two PhD, two Post Docs) to be part of our team focusing on Arctic marine ecological process in a broad context. We look for excellent candidates interested in biological processes in the boundary layers between ice and water and water and sea floor.  Studies could include field going research, experimental work and also modeling.


A short summary is attached.


We will post the positions on APECS, ArcticInfo and ASLO.



PhD positions:


Post Docs:


Please spread the news within your networks.

thank you

kind regards



Rolf Gradinger
UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet
Postboks 6050 Langnes
N-9037 Tromsø

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Dear UKPN, 

Please see below for a NERC funded course in UAVs and RPA. 




SAMS hosts NERC advanced training course for RPA in environemntal sciences was again funded


The application site is now live


w/c 5th September, 2016

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Software Carpentry for Environmental Science

Dear UKPN, 

See below for an unique opportunity to sharpen your coding skills at a workshop at Imperial College, London. 


ICCS is hosting a software carpentry course on 12-13th July 2016 aimed at environmental scientists
Software Carpentry teaches 'basic lab skills for research computing'.
This means coding so that you can reproduce your analyses, be more efficient, share and collaborate easily.
We will teach R, RStudio, and GitHub to script analyses, make compelling visualizations and learn collaborative workflows.
No prior experience is required. 
The workshop will be held on 12-13th July 2016 9:00-16:30
Herbertson Room, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford.
Registration - £15 per person
Snacks and drinks will be provided – BYO lunch
You are required to bring your own laptop
Find out more:
Dept of Zoology, University of Oxford

Fwd: Research Data Visualisation Workshop


Allen Pope (UKPN President, 2011-2012) wanted to share an opportunity with us: the event is being hosted by the Software Sustainability Institute which has had quite a few polar fellows in past years.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Raniere Silva <>
Subject: [fellows-all] Research Data Visualisation Workshop

Dear Software Sustainability Institute Fellows,

We are pleased to announce the Research Data Visualisation Workshop, it will take place on July 28th, 2016 at the University of Manchester. There will be some presentations on the state of data visualisation in different domains (social science, medical informatics, geographic information system) during the morning. There will be time for networking during breaks and hands-on sessions in the afternoon. In the hands-on session attendees will have the opportunity to create their own visualisations using their own data on a platform of their choice (Python, R, MATLAB and Javascript).

For further details, please visit

To attend, please register at

Please, also promote this event to your network.

Thank you,
Raniere Silva
Community Officer
Software Sustainability Institute

Friday, June 17, 2016

Student Travel Grants Available - AGU Fall Meeting 2016

Dear UKPN,

If you are going to AGU, please note the deadlines below for Student Travel Grants. 

Hope to see some of you there!



The American Geophysical Union (AGU) announces that applications are now available for student travel grants for assistance in attending the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting which will be held from 12-16 December 2016 in San Fransisco, California.

The AGU Fall Meeting General Student Travel Grant provides some funds to assist with travel costs. Awardees traveling from the U.S. and Canada will receive a $500 award, and awardees traveling from outside the U.S.
and Canada will receive $1000 in funds. Funds are delivered after Fall Meeting and are not meant to reimburse specific travel costs (i.e.
airfare, hotel, etc.), rather they are meant to help recoup costs of traveling to Fall Meeting.

To be eligible to apply for a student travel grant, the applicant must meet the following requirements:
-Current student member of AGU;
-Be either a high school student, 2 and 4 year undergraduate student, or a graduate student; -Successfully-submitted abstract prior to filling out travel grant application (abstract reference number will be required on the application); and -First author presenting a paper or poster.

Preference will be given to applicants from demographic groups who underrepresented in the sciences. After students are rated for diversity, students who meet the following criteria will be selected:
-Students with sufficient additional funding resources to cover the remainder of the meeting registration and travel expenses; -Students whose abstracts show strong scientific merit to application reviewers in their respective Sections/Focus Groups; and -Students who thoroughly answer the short essay questions.

Application Deadline: 10 August 2016.

For more information, including specific instructions on how to apply, go to:

For more information on the AGU Fall Meeting 2016, go to:

For questions, please contact:
Pranoti Asher

Friday, June 10, 2016

Fwd: NBAF-Birmingham - Introduction to Metabolomics for the Environmental Scientist; 11-12 July 2016

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for a NERC-funded course on metabolomics. Thanks as always to Ali Teague for forwarding the information to us!



TJ Young

Co-President (2015 - 2016), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge

We're social! 

We welcome you to attend our NERC-funded Advanced Training Short Course, an Introduction to Metabolomics for the Environmental Scientist, to be held on 11-12 July 2016 at the University of Birmingham, UK. This training course is being run by NBAF-Birmingham in partnership with the Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre. 
Priority will be given to NERC funded scientists, including NERC PhD students, NERC PDRAs, NERC Fellows, principal and co-investigators who currently hold NERC funding. For these applicants, bursaries are available to cover the full cost of the course, one night of accommodation and up to £100 towards travel costs.
Please note the deadline to apply for a bursary to attend the course is the 13th June 2016.
You can register for the course at

Further details are available at

Please direct any questions to Dr Cate Winder (

Dr Catherine Winder
Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre
School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK.
Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre twitter: @BirmMetTrain

Anyone with Antarctica-related kit/resources for outreach event in Bristol?

Hi All,

Apologies for the mass e-mail, but this is a shameless plea for advice/assistance! 

I'm running an 'Antarctica' themed evening with a group of Rainbows (the 5-7 year-old Section of GirlGuiding) on the 23rd June, in the hope of inspiring a new generation of polar explorers and scientists... Although I've been to Antarctica myself and have lots of the obligatory penguin photos to show them, I'm hoping to lay my hands on some more interactive activities that they could get involved in. Does any one in the Bristol-area have any kit or resources that I could borrow for the evening? I'm looking for things along the lines of polar clothing or basic equipment, but ideas are also more than welcome!

Thank you very much!
Kim Pyle

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

FW: Arctic School in Russian Arctic



This may be particularly relevant to those with an interest in the Russian Arctic.

And as usual, apologies for cross posting.





From: Alexander Baklanov []
Sent: 04 June 2016 22:48
To: Thomas Jung; David Carlson; Paolo Ruti; Oksana Tarasova; Terblanche Deon;
Subject: Arctic School in Russian Arctic


Dear Thomas, David, Julia and all,


please, distribute this invitation to the Arctic Climate & Environment Young Scientists School in Russian Arctic, Apatity, Kola Peninsula (attached) in relevant PCP/PPP/YOPP/YESS Networks.

The deadline for applications is extended until July.


What about to send 1-2 young scientists from the PCP/PPP/YOPP teams or from the YESS community?


Best regards, Alexander


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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

DEADLINE 17th JUNE: UKPN & Antarctic Science Conference 4th-7th July


Dear Students,


The deadline for the 2016 ASC & UKPN meeting, hosted at the University of East Anglia, is fast approaching. Registrations close on 17th June 2016.


NERC are subsidising registration costs for PhD students attending the conference, up to the full cost of registration (depending on final numbers). To be eligible for reimbursement, bring along your proof of payment and submit this at the conference registration desk.


The UKPN event is free for anyone attending the ASC 2016. It will include the following workshops and social events:

·         Interactive workshop on ‘Getting the most out of conferences: building confidence and networks’ led by ECR career development experts

·         Outreach for Education workshop

·         ‘Getting Your Work Published’ session led by leading publishers and academics

·         Tours of UEA Sea Ice Chamber

·         Information about BAS logistics and fieldwork opportunities

·         Networking drinks reception

·         Social dinner in the historic city of Norwich


Conference registration includes refreshments and a conference BBQ. B&B accommodation on campus may be booked on the website at £40 per night or you may wish to make your own arrangements.


The website for registering, accommodation and abstract submission is:


For students wishing to lower their travel footprint, you are also encouraged to join a team of cyclists making their way to the conference by bicycle! You can join anywhere along the route. For information, please contact Anna:


We look forward to welcoming you to Norwich in July!


Thank you!

The UKPN and Antarctic Science Conference Committee



Cecilia Liszka

PhD Student

British Antarctic Survey (University of East Anglia)

Room: 333c

Tel: 01223 22 1551  


This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Fwd: Textbook on Periglacial Geomorphology


See below for a request for photographs of periglacial features.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Textbook on Periglacial Geomorphology
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2016 17:12:41 +0000
From: PYRN <>
Reply-To: PYRN <>
To: Ruth Hindshaw <>

Dear Permafrost Young Researchers,

Prof. Colin Ballantyne, Emeritus Professor in Physical Geography at the University of St Andrews (Scotland, UK) is currently writing a textbook entitled Periglacial Geomorphology, which should be completed this summer and published by Wiley-Blackwell in 2017.

For the book he would like to include good images of representative periglacial landforms, sediments and structures. All images reproduced in the book will of course be credited to the owner in the image caption, so this would be a good opportunity for you all to get some photographs into print and to receive credit as the originator.

If you are interested check out the attached information and contact Prof. Colin Ballantyne directly (

Your PYRN Executive Committee

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Fwd: Evaluation of the UK Polar Data Centre - UKPN views requested

Dear UKPN,

NERC is currently evaluating its data centres and the request below seeks views from the user community through a short online questionnaire. Of most relevance to UKPN is the UK Polar Data Centre (hosted at BAS) though there may be other datasets that you might use. Please see more information below. 

The online questionnaire can be found at and note the short deadline (10th June).




Request for views on the service provided by NERC's Data Centres by 10th June 2016

We are writing to ask for your views on the services provided by Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC's) data centres.  We would be grateful if you could complete a short questionnaire (, which should only take a few minutes.   The data centres are listed below.

Your views are an important part of an evaluation of the quality of the service provided by the data centres, which we are doing in preparation for commissioning our ongoing data services. The evaluation will be conducted by an independent expert panel chaired by a member of NERC's Science Board.

Following the evaluation we will be conducting a forward-looking assessment of strategic need for the data centre services.   Your views on needs and priorities for the data centre services will also be important at this stage, and we will invite responses again in the autumn.   The assessment of strategic need, together with the evaluation report, will inform the specification of the ongoing data services.

We look forward to receiving your survey response by 10th June, thank you very much in advance. Please contact Emily Flowers ( if you have any queries.

NERC Environmental Data Centres
British Oceanography Data Centre (BODC)
Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA)*
Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC)**
National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC)***
Polar Data Centre (PDC)

* CEDA includes the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC), the NERC Earth Observation Data Centre (NEODC) and the UK Solar Systems Data Centre (UKSSDC)
**EIDC includes data for the Biological Records Centre (BRC); Environmental Change Network (ECN); and National River Flow Archive (NRFA)
***Based at the British Geological Survey


TJ Young

Co-President (2015 - 2016), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge

We're social!