Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fwd: RGS-IBG Field Technologies Mapping Party, Friday 18 March 2016 - Tickets still available!

On behalf of Ant Sahota:













Friday 18 March 2016, RGS-IBG, London, 6.30pm – 9.30pm

Don't forget to book your ticket for our Field Technologies mapping party this Friday! We are collaborating with King's College London for an evening of short TED-talk style presentations on cutting-edge, cheap and accessible fieldwork monitoring and mapping technologies. There will be opportunity to network and share ideas at the bar afterwards. Please do spread the word to friends, peers and colleagues, everyone is welcome!

The line-up is as follows:

  • Google's field technology | Ed Parsons, Geospatial Technologist, Google
  • OpenStreetMap, Missing Maps and humanitarian applications | Joanna Wilkin, University of Southampton
  • Low-cost field research drones and tethered remote sensing platforms | Martin Wooster, KCL 
  • Using Arduino micro-controllers in the field | Thomas Smith, KCL
  • Mobile Apps for fieldwork | James Millington, KCL

One-minute talks will include:

  • Field mapping Apps | Faith Taylor, KCL
  • Camera Trapping | Emma Tebbs, KCL
  • Using OpenStreetMap Overpass API to obtain field site data | Michele Ferretti, KCL
  • FreeStation: cutting the cost of field monitoring by 99% | Mark Mulligan, KCL
  • Free satellite Earth Observation data | Dr Richard Teeuw, Portsmouth University
  • Mapping to assist refugees displaced by conflict | Naomi Morris, Portsmouth University

Tickets: £6.50 | Free for KCL Students – email (all tickets incl. complimentary drink)
Venue: Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), London, SW7 2AR
Timings: 6.30pm – 9.00pm. Doors open 6.00pm.
To Book: Book online at or email Geography Outdoors.

For further information please visit or email Geography Outdoors.

We look forward to seeing you at the Society on Friday!

Best Wishes,

Ant Sahota
Geography Outdoors
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) | 1 Kensington Gore | London | SW7 2AR 
Tel: +44 (0)20 7591 3032 
E:    W:
Geography Outdoors: 
the centre supporting field research, exploration and outdoor learning
To book:  T 020 7591 3030     E   W

Upcoming events

Thursday 17 & Friday 18 March – Participatory Field Techniques for Sustainable Development
Friday 18 March – Field technologies: mapping & monitoring party 
Wednesday 30 & Thursday 31 March – Land Rover Driver Training

For more information on all of these courses please visit:


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