Thursday, March 17, 2016

Antarctic gravity wave science workshop

Dear colleagues,


The abstract deadline for the 3rd ANtarctic Gravity Wave Instrument Network (ANGWIN) science workshop is THIS Friday!  So if you want to attend and want to present your work then please ensure you submit an abstract before then. 


We still have 2 free registration vouchers available for PhD students/early career scientists, please see the website for details on how to apply and register!


Many thanks,

Tracy (Chair of the local organising committee)


3rd International ANtarctic Gravity Wave Instrument Network (ANGWIN) science workshop

Location: Cambridge, U.K.

Dates: 12th-14th April 2016

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: midnight Friday 18th March

Registration open until midnight Friday 25th March

You can register and submit your abstract using the link below.  (If you wish to attend the workshop dinner you have to add it as an item to your registration as you can’t go back and add it later!)



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