Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fwd: [ncas_education_news] 3 Items - Introduction to Unified Model, Atmospheric Measurement Summer School, 3rd E2SCMS

Dear UKPN climatologists,

See below for 3 courses on climate modelling (originally shared by NCAS).



1.     Introduction to Unified Model Course Applications Now Open
Deadline: Tuesday 5 April 2016
2.     Atmospheric Measurement Summer School 2016 Deadline Extended
Deadline: Extended, last few places remaining. Apply Now!
3.     Third European Earth System and Climate Modelling School Application Deadline Next Week
Deadline: 1100 UTC Monday 21 March 2016

 1.    Introduction to Unified Model Course Applications Now Open
Dates: Wednesday 13 to Friday 15 April 2016
Deadline: Tuesday 5 April 2016
More Info: 
Applications are now open for the next NCAS Unified Model course at Reading, and the deadline for applications is Tuesday 5 April 2016.

This course introduces new users to the Met Office Unified Model systems and provides practical experience of setting up and running experiments. UM software management system, file formats, utilities, and configurations are discussed. Users will be led through a series of exercises designed to encourage best practice in scientific exploitation and HPC resource management of the UM.

The Met Office Unified Model is the model used for weather and climate prediction at the Met Office and also at other forecasting centres worldwide.

This course will take place 13-15 April 2016 at the University of Reading.
Further details and booking available on the webpage
Any questions please email
2.    Atmospheric Measurement Summer School 2016 Deadline Extended - Last Few Places Remaining! 
Dates: Tuesday 10 to Friday 20 May 2016
Deadline: Extended, last few places remaining. Apply Now!
Apply Here:

The 11th Atmospheric Measurement Summer School will take place on the Isle of Arran from Tuesday 10 to Friday 20 May 2016. This 10 day practical course is aimed at first and second year PhD students and Early Career Researchers who are new to atmospheric field work.
The course is delivered by expert atmospheric scientists from across the UK and is based around an intensive field measurement programme involving activities such as:

- Practical weather forecasting using synoptic charts and other data.
- Profiling the atmosphere using radiosondes and surface measurements on a mountain.Data logging and working with field instruments
- Investigation of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols.

There is a charge to attend the Atmospheric Measurement Summer School. This charge contributes towards the cost of teaching, accommodation, food, equipment, and all activities. Students are responsible for arranging and covering the cost of their own travel. For more information about the course and costs, please visit

Prior Knowledge
We strongly recommend that you will have attended the NCAS Introduction to Atmospheric Science course (or equivalent) prior to attending the Atmospheric Measurement Summer School. Students who have not attended this course will be required to complete some pre-course self-study before attending. 

Applications for the Atmospheric Measurement Summer School are still open with a small number of places remaining. The application process requires the submission of a completed application form; within this you will be asked to provide details of why you would be a suitable candidate to attend the school and details of a referee who will support your application. Following submission of your application you will also be asked to provide a current academic CV.

For more information about the course and to apply, please visit
3.    Third European Earth System and Climate Modelling School Application Deadline Next Week
Dates: Thursday 9 to Tuesday 21 June 2016
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Deadline: 1100 UTC on Monday 21 March 2016
More Info:
The National Centre for Atmospheric Science are delighted to announce the launch of the 3rd European Earth System and Climate Modelling School (3rd E2SCMS) which will take place in Helsinki, Finland, from Thursday 9 June to Tuesday 21 June 2016.

Applications are being accepted and the deadline for applications is 1100 UTC on Monday 21 March 2016.

For more information about the school and to apply, please go to
Initiated by the European Network for Earth System modelling (ENES) with support of the FP7 project IS-ENES2, the school is organised jointly between NCAS, the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the E2SCMS Earth System and Climate Modelling Summer School. It is open to early career scientists (advanced PhD candidates, postdoctoral scientists, and scientific programmers) who are affiliated with European research institutions.

Hosted this year by the University of Helsinki, with the support of the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Finnish Supercomputing Centre, the course is delivered by international experts in Earth system and climate modelling ensuring an advanced and stimulating learning environment.

The course begins with a series of lectures, which are followed by practical sessions where participants apply what they have learnt by analysing the results of their own Earth system simulations. In this part of the course three well established Earth System Models will be used: HAD-GEM (FAMOUS), MPI-ESM, and EC-Earth, which will be run at international supercomputing centres remotely from the course.

Registration for the school is free and students are asked only to cover the cost of travel and accommodation (some accommodation and boarding grants are also available).

For more information about the school and to apply, please go to
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to