Sunday, January 27, 2013

UKPN Grant writing workshop & AGM – March 2013

Dear Young Researcher,
The UK Polar Network (UKPN; is running a 'Grant Writing Workshop' hosted by the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, across two days (Thursday 14th and Friday 15th March 2013). The event is free to attend. There will be presentations offering advice on grant writing as well as a comprehensive overview of available funding from a range of well-respected organisations including NERC (Natural Environment Research Council), SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research), the British Ecological Society, the Antarctic Science Bursary and more. Travel grants, small and large research grants will be covered during the workshop.
There will be two grant application exercises during the workshop. All participants will be asked in advance of the workshop to submit a short travel grant application and a one-page small research grant application based on mock criteria. These criteria will be sent to applicants well in advance of the workshop and will be based on a mix of criteria currently set by various funding bodies. Applications will be made anonymously and distributed amongst the participants who will score applications based on scoring criteria (constructed in a similar manner to current funding bodies) and provide constructive feedback. Samples of applications will also be assessed by representatives from funding bodies who will also provide feedback.
Recycled grant applications or ones intended for future applications are welcome for submission to this workshop. We do ask that they can be submitted with the mock criteria in mind in order to make the most of this opportunity to receive feedback.
The UKPN AGM will be held the afternoon before the event (1300 onwards, Wednesday 13th March, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge) when the new Committee will be elected. If you wish to find out more about the UKPN, join the Committee, get more involved or to find out how you can get involved – then please join us at the AGM.
Who can attend?
All young researchers who have an interest in polar science. If the event is oversubscribed then priority will allocated to those who are actively involved in polar research. Those wishing to attend the AGM please note that spaces are limited.
How to apply:
Send an email to Coleen Suckling (; Deadline is 11th FEBRUARY) stating the following:
1.       1. Your name
2.       2. Your current position (e.g. Third year Undergraduate student / 2nd year PhD student)
3.      3.  Your broad research area (e.g. marine biology; geology)
4.      4.  Institute
5.      5. State which of the following you wish to attend: 'Grant writing workshop', 'AGM' or 'Both'.
6.      6. Workshop application: One short paragraph stating why you would like to attend this workshop.
7. AGM applications: State your intent of the meeting as a basic description (e.g. general interest/join Committee/get more involved).
You will be informed by email very shortly after the deadline on whether you have secured a place in this workshop/AGM and will also be provided with details for your mock applications.
Those who have already emailed me stating their interest to attend these events are also asked to apply following the details above.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Coleen Suckling

UK Polar Network Secretaty (