Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Earth System Science Spring School (ES4) 2013

Dear all,

The Earth System Science Spring School (ES4) 2013 will take place in Edinburgh between the 8th and 19th April.  The School is a 2 week residential course designed for PhD students studying in the field of earth system science. The deadline for registration to attend has been extended by two weeks to the 15th of February 2013.

ES4 provides PhD students and early-career researchers with a broad foundation in earth system science and its applications. The school is managed by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and is a collaboration between several major UK research institutes. The collaboration allows students to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of world-renowned scientists over a wide range of subjects.

ES4 delivers an intensive programme that includes earth, marine, terrestrial, atmospheric and polar science. The lecture programme covers these topics allowing aspects of each area to be investigated in detail. In previous years the lectures have received excellent feedback, "The lectures were first class, and it was a privilege to have had the opportunity to receive talks as well as to be able to interact with so many experts in their fields." (A student from the 2012 School)

This year's Earth System Science Summer School is being held in the ancient city of Edinburgh. The course includes 2 field work activities, organised and taught by lecturers from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) where participants will apply knowledge from the class room to examples and experiments in and around Edinburgh.

As well as lectures the syllabus includes debates, practical activities and two fieldwork sessions. The varied format allows knowledge to be applied and experimented with. Debates encourage lively discussion on a topic that is interesting and sometimes controversial. Learning in such an environment is dynamic and extremely rewarding.

ES4 provides participants with an in-depth foundation to earth system science and introduces a wide range of topics and their applications. The school also gives participants to present their own science, interact with their peers, experience fieldwork and learn from world leading scientists.

Visit http://www.ncas.ac.uk/es4 to learn more about the school. To register for a place, complete the online application form that is available on the web page. 

Extended deadline for applications -15th of February 2013

Dates of the summer school - 8th and 19th April 2013

Contact - ncasadmin@leeds.ac.uk

Website – http://www.ncas.ac.uk/es4