Monday, January 21, 2013

Grant writing workshop and opportunity to get involved with UKPM

Dear UKPN members,

Please note that there is a grant writing workshop (aimed towards students and early post docs) planned for 14th - 15th March to be held in the Biritsh Antarctic Survey in Cambridge. If you are interested in attending this event (no registration required) then please contact Coleen Suckling ( to state your interest. More details for the event and how to apply to attend will follow shortly. You don'thave to be actively involved in polar science to attend this event.

Also if you are interested in getting more involved with the UK Polar Network (even if you're not sure how), the committee are meeting up the afternoon before the workshop in Cambridge (13th March). We will be selecting the new committee. So if you want to boost your CV and get more involved whether it's a committee member (no prior experience necessary!), volunteering in helping organise, run an event or to talk to school children about polar science or even to chat about how you could get involved - then please join us at the meeting - everyone is welcome!

All are welocme to come to either or both events. Please let me know if you are interested in either event.

Best regards


UK Polar Network Secretary