Monday, June 29, 2020

Doctoral student position on Arctic benthic biodiversity and functioning

Hi All, 

I forward this PhD opportunities as it might be of interest for some of you.

Dear Colleague (sorry for any cross postings),


We have announced a new doctoral student position on "Impact of multiple drivers on Arctic benthic biodiversity and functioning" at Environmental and Marine Biology and Åbo Akademi University.


The aim of this PhD project is to examine potential ecosystem tipping cascades linked to the seafloor and benthic invertebrate communities. The focus is to i) identify large-scale spatiotemporal taxonomic and functional changes in Arctic benthic communities, and to ii) examine the drivers, mechanisms and effects of these changes, with focus on carbon export to the seafloor and food web transfer. The work will involve assessment of community shifts due to multiple stressors through analysis of existing spatiotemporal sets of zoobenthic data as well as empirical zoobenthic sampling. The project will particularly apply and develop the trait-based approach for Arctic benthic organisms and functioning.


The PhD study is part of the recently launched H2020 ECOTIP project that will investigate ecosystem tipping points and their cascading effects in the Arctic. The doctoral student will be joining a dynamic and vibrant team of researchers and PhD students at Environmental and Marine Biology, which is a key part of ÅAUs strategic and interdisciplinary research profile The Sea.


For more information about the doctoral position and how to apply, please see the add:


We greatly appreciate any help in distributing this position in your networks!


Kind regards, 
Anna, Marie and Erik


Anna Törnroos, Asst. Prof. (tenure-track)
The Sea (
Environmental and Marine Biology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Åbo Akademi University
Tel: +358 46 920 1610
Twitter: @annatornroos
All the best, 


Dr Lucie Cassarino | Research Associate
UK Polar Network secretary and UKAHT liaison

School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road 
Bristol BS8 1RJ

+44 (0) 117 951 5219