Wednesday, November 9, 2016

E3 (Edinburgh) DTP PhD projects advertised

Dear UKPN,

PhD projects available through the E3 DTP based at Edinburgh are now
advertised online.

I would draw your attention to two polar projects in particular, which
are supervised by myself and others:

Arctic Ice Retreat and the impact on ocean fluxes
Dr Finlo Cottier (Scottish Association for Marine Science & University
of Tromsø) and Dr Sian Henley (School of Geosciences, University of

The role of climate-forced ice shelf melt in biological production of
the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica
Dr Dan Goldberg, Dr Sian Henley, Prof Raja Ganeshram (School of
GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh), Dr Dan Jones (British Antarctic

However, there are lots of great projects, so I would encourage you to
consider the full exciting range on offer!

Best wishes,
Dr. Sian Henley

NERC Independent Research Fellow
University of Edinburgh, UK

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.