Monday, October 24, 2016

GW4+ DTP Communicate with Confidence course - 15-17 November, Cardiff

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for a communications course run by the NERC DTP Hub.



Do you need to develop your approach to communication within the context of academia and industry?  Discover practical techniques for achieving personal impact in speaking compellingly about what you do?  Deepen how you interact constructively with others?
We are offering a three-day Communicate with Confidence course in Cardiff on 15-17 November split into enhancing confidence whilst delivering material at conferences, how to achieve success when preparing and producing video presentations and to develop skills in talking and listening to diverse audiences.
The cost of the course is £400 which covers all training, lunch and refreshments throughout the day but not travel and accommodation.  Further details of the course can be found at:
Further details of the course can be found at:
If you are interested in participating in this course, please contact and we will provide you with registration and booking details by Friday 28th October.  Please note that if you are not a DTP student then you will be unable to register using the links in the website.

Best Regards

The DTP Hub Team

Dr Andrew Rodrigues
NERC GW4+ DTP Manager
School of Earth Sciences
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ
Tel: 0117 954 5644

Ms Sara Tonge
NERC GW4+ DTP Administrator
School of Earth Sciences
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ
Tel: 0117 331 5297