Friday, October 7, 2011

Re: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic

may i participte re POLAR CITIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE ideas?

or is this too radical for your project to consider?


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Ilan Kelman <> wrote:
> Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic
> I am involved in a project "Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change
> in the Arctic" continuing the work from 2008
> The intention is to identify and
> collect specific suggestions for policy and action regarding climate change
> vulnerability and adaptation in the Arctic. The project is funded by the
> Norwegian Ministries of Environment and Foreign Affairs, with the audience
> being the Norwegian government to advise them on what they could do
> regarding vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Arctic at
> local, national, and regional levels. We are seeking input from everywhere
> around the Arctic to ensure that wide perspectives and contexts are
> considered.
> If you would wish to be involved, with opinions being most welcome, then
> options are:
> 1. Please reply to some or all of the questions below via email to me
> directly.
> 2. Please comment to this list.
> 3. Please let me know if you wish to chat via skype or me phoning you.
> The questions are also available in Russian and Norwegian. Any answers might
> be reported in the public domain but you can choose whether or not to
> remain anonymous (if no indication is given, we assume that you prefer to be
> anonymous). We are seeking feedback by the end of October.
> Thank you very much for any input,
> Ilan
> ---
> Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic
> Core questions
> 1. What would you suggest about specific policies and actions for
> vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Arctic?
> (a) What is the policy or action?
> (b) Who will implement the policy or action? Who is affected by it? Are
> local, national, and regional levels covered?
> (c) On what timeframe should the policy or action be implemented? To what
> timeframe does it apply?
> (d) What resources (time, money) are needed for those involved?
> (e) Is your advice based on your own opinion (which is most welcome) or
> would you wish to provide supporting documentation?
> 2. Out of the policies and actions that you mentioned, which are really
> needed, being essential to survival of Arctic communities and peoples under
> climate change? Which are hoped for?
> ---
> Demographic data (optional)
> 3. Do you wish to remain anonymous?
> 4. If not, then what data could you provide:
> (a) Name
> (b) Nationality/cultural background
> (c) Contact information for follow ups (e-mail and telephone number)
> (d) Place where living
> (e) Place where working/position
> (f) Interest in the Arctic (research? livelihood? personal experience?)
> ---
> If you wish to provide more information (optional)
> 5. What is your interest in and knowledge about Norway's Arctic policies
> and actions focused on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change?
> 6. Do you have any specific geographic interests in the Arctic (examples
> could be regions, countries, islands, towns, districts, counties, or however
> else you wish to describe you place-based interests).
> 7. Do you have any specific sectoral interests in the Arctic?
> 8. Within the specific geographic and sectoral interests you have mentioned,
> what are, the greatest climate change challenges and opportunities?
