Friday, September 15, 2023

Grant writing experience survey

Dear UKPN members, 

UKPN will be running an event aimed at new/early Polar postgraduate research (PGR) students, generally Masters by research and PhD's, who have never had to write grants to cover fieldwork costs before due to COVID-19. This meant there was not the opportunity for students to develop those skills earlier on in their careers and to go on independent fieldwork. As this is an important part of an academic career and can be useful for a non-academic career UKPN felt it was important to share structured guidance about this rather than having individuals rely on ad hoc advice from supervisors of varying quality. I will be sending out more details about this event and sign up's in the near future!

I am looking for Early Career Researcher's (ECR's) who have been on fieldwork for their Polar PhD within the last 5 years and fundraised to cover either the whole or part of their costs to do this. It would be really useful to understand what particular things you think might have helped you to get those grants and any particular recommendations you feel might be useful when applying for those grants. Any experience with any funders are welcome as I recognise that money can come from a variety of sources and more than one pot of money can be used to fund a piece of fieldwork!

All responses will be anonymised and your PhD institution is being collected just to ensure there are a wide range of responses across all universities in the UK.

Please answer as much as you can and it should take no more than 10 minutes total to fill out the survey.



EDI Officer 2023/24

UK Polar Network (
