Monday, September 25, 2023

EDI Event on navigating fieldwork and funding at Durham University

Dear UKPN members, 

UKPN has been very kindly awarded an EDI Fund grant from Durham University to hold a session for Early Career Researcher's on funding fieldwork and navigating interpersonal relationships whilst on fieldwork! Below is the link to sign up:

It was felt across the board it was very important to bring together underrepresented researchers in the North East to network together and discuss the issues that affect us going to do Polar fieldwork in any capacity. This is especially key post-COVID-19 as many of us were not able to conduct much if any fieldwork over our undergraduate degrees or masters/first year of PhD. This means we may not have had the chance to develop those fieldwork planning skills, understand the timelines involved in UK-based grants, and know how to write or have access to previous examples of winning applications. The North East Universities have also become major players within UK Polar Science such as the hosting of CPOM at Northumbria, Durham's and Newcastle's strong presence within Arctic and Antarctic research, and the presence of several NERC DTP's where many undertake Polar related research.

This event is aimed at LGBTQ+ and ethnic minority researchers in the North East with 50 funded places for individuals fulfilling those criteria available. There is £30 available per person for travel so that cost will not prevent those who can benefit from this attending. Allies are welcome to join the workshop on grant funding but they will not be funded for attending. If you are unsure about whether your university is in the North East please contact to discuss this further. 

The event will take place on Saturday 14th October between 9am and 12:30pm. 

Firstly, there will be a workshop on first the process of finding funding to writing grants and everything in between open to everyone.

Next, Dr Julian Martin from the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) will join us virtually to provide a comprehensive overview of the RGS grants programme for PhD research and to answer any questions attendee's might have. All are welcome to this session.

Finally, the panel discussion will be a closed session so we would ask anyone who is an ally to respect the private nature of this session and not attend. This will centre on navigating fieldwork and understanding what considerations should be taken into account when encountering different situations out in the field specifically for LGBTQ+ and ethnic minority researchers to ask questions/discuss issues in a welcoming environment.

Afterwards there is an optional lunch social in the Manley Room with the opportunity to get to know other Polar researchers. Please bring along food for this if you would like to come!



EDI Officer 2023/24
UK Polar Network (