Friday, January 20, 2023

FW: SOOS Symposium 2023 - Official Website Launch

Hello everyone,


Two emails from me in one week! Please see below for an announcement of the Southern Ocean Observing System's inaugural symposium "Southern Ocean in a changing world", to take place in Hobart, Tasmania in August.


I hope to see many of you there!


Best wishes,




Dr Sian Henley

Reader in Marine Science

School of GeoSciences

University of Edinburgh


Co-Chair, Southern Ocean Observing System



From: Southern Ocean Observing System <>
Sent: 20 January 2023 01:10
To: Sian Henley <>
Subject: SOOS Symposium 2023 - Official Website Launch


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We are pleased to invite you to this milestone event for the Southern Ocean community and beyond. 

The theme of the inaugural SOOS Symposium, "Southern Ocean in a Changing World", recognizes the important role of the Southern Ocean in the Earth system. The symposium is a forum for assessing our progress in providing observing systems, observations and regional programs that deliver timely and accessible information. This is also an opportunity to discuss the challenges faced in providing long-term observations that address policy and societal issues as well as advancing our scientific understanding. 

In addition to enjoying a stimulating science program, the SOOS Symposium is an opportunity to build networks with colleagues and friends, and enjoy the unique charm of Hobart, Tasmania.





As Australia's hub for the Antarctic, sub-Antarctic and Southern Ocean science, education, research and logistics, Hobart acts as the gateway for not just expeditions transiting through each year but for the 950+ people working on the Southern Ocean across various organisations and industries based in Tasmania.















The SOOS Symposium 2023 is kindly coordinated and managed by Leishman Associates.


Copyright © 2023 Southern Ocean Observing System, All rights reserved. 



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