Friday, December 9, 2022


Hi all, 

A few opportunities which I've come across lately which may be of interest to you:

We (the UKPN) are looking for a training officer to join the committee. The role would really be to help us develop (usually in collaboration) in-person and online training for polar ECRs. In the past this has ranged from fieldcourses in Russia to online infographic creation training. You certainly don't have to deliver it all yourself, the role is to support coordination and facilitate training! If you're interested, please reach out to me directly or email

Survey: 65% of ECR cost of living survey respondents so far say their income is not enough, or just about enough to cover their living costs - what about you? - Please consider filling in this survey:

And if you have a few minutes, this undergrad research survey might be of interest to you:


Chloe Nunn
Consultant - Marine Environment UK, NIRAS: 

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UK Polar Network Co-President (2022-2023): //
Constructive Visions Book:
SEARCH Co-Production of Arctic Environmental Change Knowledge, Human Wellbeing Team: 

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