Monday, August 9, 2021

COP-26 Cryosphere Pavilion Side Event Proposals

Hi All, 

Please find details below/attached for a call for side events at the COP-26 cryosphere pavilion later in the year.



The COP-26 Cryosphere Pavilion will take place in the accredited Blue Zone at the Scottish Event Centre (SEC) in Glasgow from October 31-November 12, 2021.  The International Cryosphere Climate Initiative (ICCI), together with a number of partners from governments, IGOs, academic institutions and civil society is coordinating the Cryosphere Pavilion events.


A large focus of COP-26 is on the need for greater ambition and emissions reductions by 2030.  While all cryosphere science side events are welcome, the Pavilion programme will reflect this science-policy emphasis, and strong preference will be given to side events or exhibit proposals with such an emphasis, especially on the global consequences from cryosphere with overshoot of the Paris goals or benefits of meeting those goals.  Virtual and hybrid proposals are also welcome.  For more information see the Pavilion Concept Note attached here, or contact Heïdi Sevestre


Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), Alfred Wegner Institute (AWI), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) and the AMAP working group of the Arctic Council have joined to co-coordinate the Polar Oceans Days at the Cryosphere pavilion, and we welcome applications for side events about the rapidly changing polar oceans, their ecosystems and implications for society. As described above we are particularly interested in events that emphasise the different consequences for overshoot scenarios compared to benefits of meeting the Paris agreement goals.


Side event proposals will be accepted and evaluated on an ongoing basis, but note that due to accreditation requirements, proposals should be submitted no later than August 31, 2021.  A waitlist will be created after that date. In addition to up to 9 side events a day, we hope to include exhibits; evening cultural events with ties to the Arctic and mountain regions, especially indigenous cultures; and early career scientist Pavilion volunteers.  


More detailed information and the application process, please visit the ICCI website: . Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions once you've had a chance to review these materials.


Best regards, and we hope to see many of you in Glasgow!


Helen Findlay

On behalf of all co-leads.


Maxine Valentina King (She/her)

PhD Candidate at University of Plymouth

Co- President of UK Polar Network

School of Biological and Marine Sciences | Marine Building | James Street | Plymouth | PL4 6EQ

For UK Polar Network enquiries, please 

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