Monday, January 4, 2021

Reminder! Please fill out the SIOS Survey: Assessing impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on Svalbard science community

Hello UK Polar Science Network!


A reminder that SIOS-KC and RSWG have prepared a survey to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on the Svalbard science community during 2020. This survey will be used to develop a strategy for the upcoming (2021) field season in Svalbard.


We encourage all those who are associated with the Svalbard science community including researchers/scientists, research management staff, logistics operators, academics including students (PhD/Masters/Bachelors), and research station/facility/infrastructure staff, to respond to this survey. You will find more information here:


Deadline: Thursday 7th January 2021


It will take ~15 mins to complete the survey and consists almost entirely of tick boxes. We will present the initial findings of this survey during the SIOS Polar Night Week (11-15 January 2021)


On behalf of SIOS, we look forward to receiving your responses!




William D. Harcourt

PhD Student in Physics

ECR Observer to the SIOS RSWG (

School of Physics and Astronomy

Room 161

Telephone: +44 (0) 1334 463155

University of St Andrews

KY16 9SS


Twitter: @will_harcourt




PhD Title: ‘The application of millimetre wave radar to the study of the cryosphere’

New Paper: Subglacial Controls on dynamic thinning at Trinity-Wykeham Glacier, Prince of Wales Ice Field, Canadian Arctic.

New Blog Post: