Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Call for UK Polar Network Committee positions 2018/19

Dear all, 

The UKPN Committee consists of volunteers based across the UK and is one of the national committees of APECS. Members organise workshop and networking events in addition to keeping members up to date with funding and job opportunities via the mailing list and website. Committee members have the opportunity to represent the UKPN at national and international meetings.

Traditionally, the majority of the committee are PhD students, but post-docs, Masters students, and non-academics are always very welcome. 

Below you can find a list of the positions and attached a short description of the roles and responsibilities available for 2018/19. 

This is a great opportunity for early career researchers to get involved in education/outreach opportunities, learn new skills and broaden your horizons! 

Roles are:

1. Secretaries
2. Treasurers
3. Education & Outreach (Head)
4. E & O (School visits)
5. E & O (Antarctica Day Flags)
6. E & O (To work on UKPN-UK Antarctic Heritage Trust collaboration for development of new outreach projects)
7. E & O (UK-Russia projects)
8. E & O (Participate/organise in Edinburgh and Leeds science festivals)
9. Social media
10. Members-at-large

Please contact president@polarnetwork.org if you are interested in any of the roles, or have further questions. 

Best Regards,


Archana Dayal,
PhD Candidate,
Department of Geography,
University of Sheffield.
UK Polar Network President: http://polarnetwork.org/ukpn-committee/

Twitter: @snowecology

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