Friday, May 19, 2017

Research Experience Placement 2017 at British Antarctic Survey

Hello UKPN,

Are you an undergraduate student in a quantitative discipline outside of NERC's scientific remit (e.g. mathematics, statistics, computing, engineering, physics)? 
And would you like to work over the summer as part of a research team at the British Antarctic Survey?

I am looking for someone to work on a lab project to understand better the self-cleansing capacity of the lower atmosphere in polar regions
Deadline for student applications is noon on Friday, 2 June 2017

Please feel free to forward to anyone to whom this may be of interest.


see also below criteria for eligibility:
Dear Students
The NERC funded SPITFIRE Research Experience Placements Scheme is now open for applications from undergraduate students.  Information and how to apply can be found on the SPITFIRE web site at:
Students should submit a REP Student Proforma (attached), a brief CV (no more than 2 pages) and transcripts or tutor statement indicating your mark profile to  Project titles and the REP Student Proforma can be found on the SPITFIRE web site and please note all the criteria below must be met by the student to be eligible:-
·         Studying for a degree in quantitative discipline outside of NERC's scientific remit (eg, mathematics, statistics, computing, engineering, physics, chemistry) – this can be at Southampton or elsewhere in the UK
·         Placement must be in a different department to the student's undergraduate study
·         Must be in the middle of their undergraduate study programme
·         Expected to obtain a minimum upper second class UK honours degree
·         Eligible for subsequent NERC PhD funding (UK, EU or Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK)
The deadline for student applications is noon on Friday, 2 June 2017.  Applicants who wish to submit an application early may update their list of chosen projects and submit a further application prior to the deadline date.

Markus M. Frey, PhD
British Antarctic Survey
High Cross - Madingley Road
CB3 0ET Cambridge, UK

Skype: citlaltepetl2006 
phone: +44 1223 221268

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