Wednesday, April 27, 2016

NERC funded short course in freshwater taxonomic and field work skills

Dear UKPN,

The Natural History Museum will be offering a NERC-funded short course in freshwater taxonomic and field skills from 4-8 July 2106.

The course will deliver training in taxonomic skills and field techniques for freshwater sciences, ecology and water quality with training in practical identification skills tailored to the requirements of the participants. The course is delivered by NHM experts in freshwater biology (aquatic invertebrates, algae, lichens, ciliates) and biodiversity research. The course will entail two days of lectures, a one-day field excursion to the New Forest and two days of extensive hands-on practical sessions of microscopy,lab-based and herbaria work. Please see attached flyer for more information.

Eligibility: The course is available to all environmental sciences students, postgraduate researchers and early-career scientists. Priority will be given to those with NERC funding or whose PhD award was NERC funded. There is a maximum of 15 places available. The course is sponsored by NERC, all course costs, travel and accommodation costs are covered.

How to apply: please return application form and a CV by the 17 June 2016.

Please feel free to circulate and email me if you have further questions.

Kind regards,


Dr. Anne D. Jungblut
Research Scientist
Life Sciences Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5285--