Saturday, April 23, 2016

Hilda Canter-Lund Annual Photography Award in Phycology

Dear UKPN,

We are looking for your images of microalgae and seaweeds! The British Phycological Society extended the deadline into May for the annual Hilda Canter-Lund Photography Competition: Shortlisted photographs will be shown on the BPS website and the winning image will be awarded with £250.

This award was established by the British Phycological Society in recognition of Hilda Canter-Lund, whose stunning photographs will be known to many members. Her photomicrographs of freshwater algae combined high technical and aesthetic qualities whilst still capturing the quintessence of the organisms she was studying. The BPS Council offers an annual award (presently £250) for a photograph on a phycological theme that best combines these informative, technical and aesthetic qualities. It can be of a micro- or macroalga, marine, freshwater or terrestrial, taken using any photographic medium. The competition is open to all (not just BPS members). Shortlisted photographs will be placed on the BPS website after the closing date, and the winner will be announced at the Annual Meeting of the BPS, on the BPS website and on ALGAE-L.

Best wishes,

Dr. Anne D. Jungblut
Research Scientist
Life Sciences Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5285