Thursday, May 22, 2014

FW: Call for Abstracts - 5th Early Career Scientists Conference for Marine & Climate Research


Dear all,
we cordially invite you all to the 5th Early Career Scientists 
Conference for Marine and Climate Research (ECC 2014) which will take 
place at the University of Bremen, Germany, 21-24 September 2014.
ECC 2014 aims at bringing together and promoting exchange of ideas 
between early career scientists in the fields of Marine and Climate 
Research. The conference is organised by and for early career scientists 
and continues the Early Career Scientists Conference series initiated by 
the three German Marine and Climate Science Clusters of Excellence in 
Bremen (MARUM), Hamburg (CliSAP) and Kiel (Future Ocean). ECC 2014 is an 
interdisciplinary and international conference which, this year, focuses 
on the Natural and Social Aspects of the Earth System.
All early career scientists working in any field of marine and climate 
sciences are therefore invited to join us in Bremen to present and 
discuss research in an interactive and innovative way.
The registration and abstract submission deadline is 1 July. There is no 
conference fee! Please visit our website for more info and to submit 
your abstract:
We are looking forward to meet you in Bremen!
Please feel free to forward this call to all who might be interested.
ECC 2014 Organising Committee (Bremen)
Lotta Clara Kluger
PhD candidate
Dept. of Ecological Modelling / WG Resource Management
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT)
Fahrenheitstrasse 6
28359 Bremen
Tel. +49(0)421/238 00 136
Fax +49(0)421/238 00 30
Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Marine Tropenoekologie (ZMT) GmbH
Fahrenheitstraße 6
28359 Bremen
Tel. +49(0)421 238 00-0
Fax +49(0)421 238 00-30
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bremen
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bremen
Handelsregister Nr. HRB 25746 HB
Steuer-Nr. 71/607/12036
USt.-IdNr. DE 266278207
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:
Dr. Walter Doerhage
Prof. Dr. Hildegard Westphal