Monday, November 19, 2012

International Polar Foundation E&O Training Opportunity- Free

The International Polar Foundation are bringing their innovative E&O workshops to science centres around the UK. The UKPN has been working with the IPF to form a collaboration so we can join them in running these hands on workshops.
The first planned training session is for the Midlands and Derbyshire regions:
Wednesday 28 Nov 2012: 2pm-4pm      Kedleston Road Training Centre, Derby
There is more information attached. To book your free place please contact Helen at: and let her know you are from UKPN
The workshop training event will focus on demonstrating the resources, and will cover practicalities (eg transportation/assembly of items, preparations required), opportunity to book the workshop for own venues, and answer any questions.
This is a great opportunity to get involved with outreach, and to find out about how you can be involved with their science centre events. They're even looking to use the Olympic Park!
I hope to see you there,
Ella Darlington
President, UK Polar Network