Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bangor Polar Symposium - Deadline coming up!

Dear UKPN Members,

The deadline is fast approaching for the upcoming Bangor Polar Symposium (see below) and we have had high interest. I recommend that you apply soon! We hope to see you at this event!

Bangor Polar Symposium
Saturday 8th December 2012
School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University (North Wales)

Are you an early career scientist (undergraduate up to late Post-Doc) who is interested in or involved in polar science?

If yes then this could the event for you!

Bangor University's School of Ocean Sciences are hosting a one day informal 'Bangor Polar Symposium' which will allow early career scientists to network,
gain advice on polar careers and present their research to a friendly audience.

Organized by the UK Polar Network and Bangor University's Endeavor Society this day follows a conference style providing those early in their career the experience of a conference format.
For those selected to present their research, there will be a presentation and poster competition where winners will receive a small prize.

Keynote speakers, such as Dr Stephanie Wilson (Bangor University) and Mr Nick Hughes (Norwegian Sea Ice Service and Edinburgh University - Sea Ice) have been invited to present their work and
form part of a mentor panel to help answer any questions you might have regarding "How to get yourself into polar science and general research".
The mentor panel will be followed by a wine reception poster session and finally a buffet dinner in the local pub.

If you would like to attend this exciting event then please contact us indicating your interest by 10th November.
We do recommend that you do this earlier as interest is anticipated to be high.
We are asking for all participants to register with a £10 fee. This fee will secure your place and help cover costs for food and drinks (tea/coffees, lunch and dinner).

Those who would like to present their work (or only attend) are asked to submit<> a 250 word abstract before the 10th November, please note that presentation slots are limited.
We will ensure a rapid communication on the outcome so that you can make travel arrangements well in advance of the event.
All participants must also be members of the UKPN <> (to join for free enter your name and address at the link below in order to kept up to date with polar news, science, funding, jobs and study opportunities).

We hope that you can join us for this exciting event!

For further information and to submit your application please refer to the following website:<>

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