Monday, June 5, 2023

Deadline Extension (9th June) Fieldwork Training Opportunity

Hi all, 

The UK Polar Network has extended the deadline to apply for the free training course for polar early career researchers! Find more details on the project here:

The course is aimed at individuals who have no or little experience working in remote places. It will be an in person course situated in Dartmoor taking place over the first week of August 2023. The content will range from practical physical skills and basic safety, to science communication and research planning. 

For details on how to apply, including eligibility criteria and course content, visit our webpage: (Please note that we have had some issues with the webpage - if it is appearing blank, try again later/if you have already read the information and just need to submit an application, please email us)

Please email if you have any questions about the course or application process. 

We would also encourage you to circulate this opportunity to other members of your networks!

Many thanks, 
Chloe, on behalf of the UKPN training team and presidents

Chloe Nunn
Consultant - Marine Environment UK, NIRAS: 

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UK Polar Network Co-President (2022-2023): //
Constructive Visions Book:
SEARCH Co-Production of Arctic Environmental Change Knowledge, Human Wellbeing Team: 

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