Wednesday, May 18, 2022

UK undergraduate and postgraduate marine studies students - survey on the role of fieldwork for a marine science career

Dear UKPN members who are working towards a career in marine science,


We are looking for undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in marine science degrees at UK institutions to participate in a research study running from February to September 2022.  The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions of fieldwork as a requirement for entry into a career in marine sciences and raise awareness as digital twinning as an alternative entryway into the career. We aim to gather the views of both people entering the career as well as those currently working in the career with the goal of understanding what can be done to increase diversity and inclusivity within this discipline and will produce a short course highlighting examples of job profiles and career paths to support entry into it. 


If you are interested, please visit to complete the questionnaire, which should take approximately 15 minutes. At the end of the questionnaire, you will be given the opportunity to participate in an optional focus group.  All focus group participants will receive a gift voucher for their participation.


Please do circulate this survey via your networks and students.


Apologies for any cross-posting.


Many thanks,

Chelsey A Baker (she/her) | Ocean Biogeochemical Model Analyst | Marine Systems Modelling

National Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH

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