Tuesday, September 7, 2021

infographics 1 day training course for UKPN

Hi everyone,


Since we’re all doing a lot more online now, there’s a real need for us all to be able communicate our research effectively, and clear graphics are an important part of this. To help our UKPN members we’ve organised a 1 day infographics training course with Infohackit on 19th October (10am – 5pm). The course will be run online and cover the following:


  • Introduction to great design - in this lively session we look at the key concepts of composition, type, colour and images that are the foundations for any visual project
  • Essential Affinity Designer training - after a short break you will receive instruction in using Affinity Designer. This is a professional standard software that offers a user-friendly option at an accessible price point.
  • Design skills for infographics - following a well-deserved lunch break, we will continue to work in Affinity Designer and look at techniques that are especially useful for creating infographics, such as illustration
  • Creating your own graphic - utilising the concepts and skills you have acquired throughout the day, you will begin work on your own graphic. This could be based on your own research or a paper you know well.


See attached flyer for the full details.


This course has been funded by the UK Polar Network for early career polar researchers, as part of our role to support the development and training of researchers in the early stages. Places are very limited and so please only sign up if you are definitely able to attend for the whole day.


To register, fill in the form here: https://forms.office.com/r/jmJ15PgG0S

Registration will close on 12th Oct or when capacity is reached.


All the best,




Dr Anna Belcher | Ecological Biogeochemist| British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

Email: annbel@bas.ac.uk |Tel: +44 (0)1223 221598


British Antarctic Survey is a component of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

NERC is part of UK Research and Innovation www.ukri.org  
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