Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Outreach: UKPN School Visit Requests

Hi all,

Please see below the list of schools currently wanting a visit- if you are able to offer any. 
My school was lucky enough to have Holly visit today and the students loved it- so please don't underestimate how much of a difference a visit can make to students!

SCOTLAND: Chapell Hall Primnary SchoolML6 8XW, Year 5, (request for Arctic specifically)
CORNWALL: Biscovey Academy, PL24 2DB, Year 6
LONDON: Abacus Belsize Primary School, Year 1 and Year 2
HAMPSHIRE: Wyvern College, Eastleigh, Y9 and 10 (preferably between 2-7th March)
CUMBRIA: Houghton C of E Primary School, Carlisle, Year 5 

SOUTH LONDON: Burntwood School, Year 7 and 8 
SURREY: Farnham End Heath School, Year 8
LEICESTERSHIRE, Hinckley: Hastings High School, Year 7 and 8 

SOUTHPORT: Greenbank High School, Year 8
GATESHEAD: Year 4Kells Lane Primary School
SHEFFIELD: Wharncliffe Side Primary School, Year 1&2 

Thanks in advance,
UKPN Education Team 

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