Thursday, December 19, 2019

PhD position in Arctic ecology

PhD position open at SLU, Uppsala, Sweden:

Biotic interactions in a rapidly warming Arctic (see attached)


Rapid climate change across the Arctic affects interactions among species, and ecosystem functions driven by these interactions. We use both time series and space-for-time substitution approaches to expose climatic impacts on species interaction structure and on functioning. As focal interactions we use plant–pollinator, plant–fungus and plant–bacteria networks. Among ecosystem functions, we focus on the transport of pollen; the type of association (positive or negative); and plant biomass.


The PhD-student will apply versatile tools to reconstruct Arctic interaction networks. The project combines time series analysis, detailed studies within a region in Northeast Greenland and large-scale surveys across the Arctic, in collaboration with tens of research stations. Overall, data analysis and lab work will dominate over field work in this PhD project, although obtaining hands-on experience with some of the Arctic focal sites will be required.


The successful candidate will enter a research team (; and with thorough experience on Arctic ecology, set in a strong international network of researchers on climate and Arctic biodiversity. Much of our work is based on using molecular tools to describe communities and ecological interaction networks. By the end of the project, the candidate will have gained extensive experience in high-throughput molecular and advanced statistical methods


The online versions can be found here:

In English:  








Holly Jenkins

PhD candidate, SPITFIRE DTP & Changing Arctic Ocean (NERC)

UK Polar Network President


National Oceanography Centre Southampton

University of Southampton Waterfront Campus


Room: 344/35

Phone: 02380598724 (ext. 28724)


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