Thursday, September 21, 2017

Re: SCAR conference - DAVOS 2018 - Abstract deadline 1st November


As Anna wrote, please consider submitting your abstracts to POLAR2018 - it's a once in a decade opportunity where research from both poles is presented.

And, remember, if you want to avoid paying the abstract fee, fill out this form before the end of the weekend!


On 21/09/2017 09:58, Belcher, Anna C. wrote:


Just to let the polar gang know about the SCAR conference POLAR2018 being hosted in Davos, Switzerland in June 2018. Abstract deadline in November 1st, and there's a great bunch of polar related sessions. Obviously no bias from me, but this one that I was involved in organising is clearly awesome ;

Session Title

Phytoplankton, productivity and carbon export dynamics
Session Description
The biological fixation of carbon and its export to the deep in the Polar Regions strongly influence the global carbon cycle and the drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Within the Polar Regions, the Southern Ocean accounts for 40% of uptake of anthropogenic CO2 uptake, but its
productivity is impacted by the limitation of the trace metal iron. Complex biological interactions take place in response to low iron (Fe) bioavai
 ability, modulating biodiversity and Fe chemistry. Next to primary productivity, the export of carbon from the surface to the deep ocean (biological carbon pump) regulates atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The degree to which this carbon is exported to the ocean
interior is strongly regulated by the interaction of many different processes including: mineral ballast effects, biogeochemical factors, and ecosystem structure. Zooplankton behavior may channel this carbon through a number of routes (vertical migration, faecal pellet production). In the Polar Regions,
determination of whether the ocean is a sink or source of CO2 is strongly dependent on the dynamics of particulate organic and inorganic carbon export. This session aims to:
1-Explores the multiple impacts that iron limitation impose on phytoplankton productivity, ecosystem functioning and biogeochemistry across the Southern Ocean.
2-Disentangle the main drivers controlling the magnitude and transfer efficiency of carbon to the mesopelagic and deep ocean in both Polar Regions.

So submit : )


Dr Anna Belcher
Ecological Biogeochemist

British Antarctic Survey


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