Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Physical Oceanography postdoc vacancy at British Antarctic Survey

The British Antarctic Survey is seeking a physical oceanographer to work on an exciting, multi-institute programme investigating the export of dense waters that form around Antarctica. The post holder will work with data from a large array of oceanographic moorings that have been deployed at the northern edge of the Weddell Sea, and will conduct analyses that inform on the throughflow and mixing of these waters as they enter the lower limb of the Atlantic overturning circulation.

This is a 22-month postdoc position, including participation in a Southern Ocean research cruise in March-April 2017, to be conducted from RRS James Clark Ross. The post holder will be based at BAS Cambridge, and the role will involve collaboration with leading scientists from the University of Southampton, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and GFDL Princeton.

Further details can be found at

The deadline for applications is 24 July, with interviews scheduled to take place on the week of 8 Aug; we hope the successful candidate can start on 1 Dec.

Potential candidates are very welcome to contact Povl Abrahamsen ( or Mike Meredith ( with any questions about the role.

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