Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Software Carpentry for Environmental Science

Dear UKPN, 

See below for an unique opportunity to sharpen your coding skills at a workshop at Imperial College, London. 


ICCS is hosting a software carpentry course on 12-13th July 2016 aimed at environmental scientists
Software Carpentry teaches 'basic lab skills for research computing'.
This means coding so that you can reproduce your analyses, be more efficient, share and collaborate easily.
We will teach R, RStudio, and GitHub to script analyses, make compelling visualizations and learn collaborative workflows.
No prior experience is required. 
The workshop will be held on 12-13th July 2016 9:00-16:30
Herbertson Room, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford.
Registration - £15 per person
Snacks and drinks will be provided – BYO lunch
You are required to bring your own laptop
Find out more: http://www.iccs.org.uk/software-carpentry-for-environmental-science-workshop/
Dept of Zoology, University of Oxford