Tuesday, May 24, 2016

2016 UK Sea Ice Workshop, UCL 20-21 September

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for an invitation to the annual UK Sea Ice Workshop and meeting, held at UCL on 20-21 (Tuesday - Wednesday) September 2016. Please contact Michel Tsamados <m.tsamdos@ucl.ac.uk> for more information, and for attending/presenting at the workshop.




TJ Young

Co-President (2015 - 2016), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge

We're social! 

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Tsamados, Michel" <m.tsamados@ucl.ac.uk>
Subject: UK Sea ice
Date: 20 May 2016 at 18:47:00 BST
To: "Tsamados, Michel" <m.tsamados@ucl.ac.uk>
Cc: "Stroeve, Julienne" <j.stroeve@ucl.ac.uk>


You are cordially invited to the 2016 UK sea ice workshop which is supported as a special interest group of the challenger society (http://www.challenger-society.org.uk/). The workshop is an informal meeting of those working in the broad subject of sea ice (both hemispheres), and takes the form of short presentations, posters and discussion - an opportunity to meet up with others in the field.

This year's meeting will be held in the Department of Earth Sciences at UCL on Tuesday 20th September (13:00 - 18:00) and Wednesday 21st September (09:00 - 13:00). 

In addition to the usual UK sea ice format we will be hosting a follow on session Wednesday 21st September (14:00 - 18:00) open to the public + media where we invite participants to reflect on the September 2016 sea ice minimum. 

If you wish to attend and/or present at the workshop please email me (m.tsamados@ucl.ac.uk) by August 1st. If presenting please send me a title and a preference for oral/poster (posters should be A0 - portrait style).

Attendees are responsible for booking their own accommodation.

We hope to see you all there,



PS: please circulate this message to anyone you think might be interested in attending
PPS: if you wish to be removed from this list please let me know. 

Dr Michel Tsamados
Room 222, 2nd Floor, Pearson Building
UCL, Dept. of Earth Sciences
Gower Street
London WC1 E 6BT
Tel: 020 7679 3017 , internal 33017
Fax: 020 7679 2433